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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Preparing for the New Reality

verfasst von : Daniel Fasnacht

Erschienen in: Open Innovation Ecosystems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Radical, incremental, and disruptive changes represent innovations and must be understood to develop a sustainable strategy. You will learn the differences and dynamics between various types of innovations. We illustrate them in a three-dimensional cube and explain how they interact with each other. Banks rose to the largest firms of the world, and at the same time, they are facing pressure from clients, policy-makers, society, and competitors as never before in history. Large banks imply systemic risks; however, herewith one may see the justification that banks remain necessary in contrast to the prediction made 20 years ago. Living in a globalized service economy driven by increasing digitalization, we rather argue that banking is necessary and banks as we know them today are diminishing in favour of online services. The banking, wealth, and asset management industry used to be paralysed over the last 10 years because of the burden of regulatory requirements caused by the financial crisis. Many incumbents missed to adapt their business models to the new reality and are recently threatened by fintech firms and new market entrants from outside the financial industry, mainly from emerging growth regions in Asia. As clients are expecting more digital, personalized, and seamless services than ever before, incumbents must not only understand the new reality and transform; the more they must embrace open innovation and collaborate with challenger firms in an ecosystem.

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Tushman, M. L. and Romanelli, E. (1985). “Organizational evolution: A metamorphosis model of convergence and reorientation.” In Staw, B.L. and Cummings, L.L. (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 171–222.
For the concept of exploitation and exploration, see the seminal work of March, J.G. (1991) “Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning”, Organization Science, 2(1), 71–87.
Christensen, C.M. and Raynor, M.E. (1997) The innovator’s dilemma. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. Also see their follow-on book (2003) The innovator’s solution. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
Christensen, C.M. and Raynor, M.E. (2015) “What is Disruptive Innovation” Harvard Business Review, December (pp. 44–53).
One of the most influential books of modern philosophy of science in which Kuhn argues that scientist works within and against the background of an unquestioned theory or set of believes that he characterized as “paradigm”. See Kuhn, T. (1970) The structure of scientific revolution, 2nd ed. Chicago University Press, Chicago.
Schumpeter, J.A. (1975) [orig. pub. 1942] Capitalism, socialism and democracy. Harper, New York.
According to the European Banking Federation [online 15 January 2018] http://​www.​ebf.​eu/​about-us/​united-kingdom. For further information about innovation, competition, and efficiency in the UK banking industry, we recommend the report by Daniel Cruickshank, which is regarded as the most accepted report about UK banking since the Macmillan Report of 1931 by John Maynard Keynes. Cruickshank, D. (2000) Competition in UK banking: A report to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. March (ISBN 0115600752). Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, UK.
See the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) [online 15 January 2018] http://​www.​longfinance.​net/​global-financial-centre-index-19/​976-gfci-19-the-overall-rankings.​html. The GFCI is quoted as a relevant source for a quantitative ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres from organizations such as the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Economist Intelligence Unit. The first index was published in March 2007 and is jointly published twice a year by Z/Yen Group in London and the China Development Institute in Shenzhen since 2015.
Calculations based on the MSCI World [online 15 January 2018] https://​www.​msci.​com/​world
Chesbrough, H. (2003) Open Innovation. The New Imperative from Creating and Profiting from Technology. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Fasnacht, D. (2009) Open Innovation in the Financial Services. Growing Through Openness, Flexibility and Customer Integration. Springer, Berlin.
Where the gross domestic product (GDP) is an integral part of a country’s national accounts and provides a measure of the total economic activity, the gross value added (GVA) measures the sum of the value added created through the production of goods and services within the economy. The GVA refers to the production or output of an economy and can be used to show how much different industries contribute within the economy.
OECD (2003) Science, technology and industry scoreboard 2003 – Towards a knowledge-based economy. OECD, Paris.
Accenture (2015) Mortgage Lending Shaped by the Customer. 2015 North America Consumer Digital Banking Survey for Lenders.
Forbes (2017) The World’s Biggest Public Companies [online 5 January 2018] https://​www.​forbes.​com/​global2000/​list/​ . We like the Forbes Global 2000 ranking as it provides a pragmatic overview. Accordingly, Chinese banks are among the largest firms. Banks and insurance companies as such dominate the list with 579 out of 2000: (1) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, (2) China Construction Bank, (3) JPMorgan Chase, (4) Berkshire Hathaway, (5) Agricultural Bank of China, (6) Bank of America, (7) Wells Fargo, (8) Apple, (9) Bank of China, (10) Ping An Insurance Group. The list features public companies from 60 countries that together account for US$39.1 trillion in revenue, US$3.2 trillion in profit, and US$189 trillion of assets, and have a combined market value of US$56.8 trillion.
Gates, B. (1995) Information at your Fingertips, a prediction to 2005. Keynote at Comdex, November 1995. To those who are interested at very visionary thoughts about the possibilities and disruptive power of information technology, see https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=​o0O0Xjpjvfc. Watching this 1-hour original speech shows that many of his predictions became reality with Facebook, Google, and Netflix applications.
Nocera, J. (1998) Banking is necessary – Banks are not, Fortune, 11 May Vol. 137, Issue 9, p. 84.
Ibid 18.
Fasnacht, D. (2018) “How WealthTech is re-inventing the customer experience by linking open innovation and technology”, in: Schueffel, P. and Antenen, M. (eds), WealthTech: Wealth and Asset Management in the Fintech Age. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte.
Gapgemini, Linkedin, and Efma (2018) World Fintech Report 2018. February 2018.
KPMG (2017) The Pulse of Fintech Q2 2017. Global analysis of investment in fintech. 1 August 2017.
Preparing for the New Reality
verfasst von
Daniel Fasnacht

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