2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Promoting Digital Skills and Critical Awareness through Online Search and Personal Knowledge Management: A Case Study
verfasst von : Maria Cinque, Maria Bortoluzzi
Erschienen in: 2nd International Workshop on Evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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In the knowledge society the processes of learning and knowledge management take place, very often, online and in social online environments, thus creating issues of complexity and sustainability related to cognitive processes of learning that students - even at university level - are not always able to recognize and cope with. In this paper we present a research case study carried out at the University of Udine with a group of first year students of Multimedia Communication and Technology during the course of English language (
Englishes and Media Communication in a World Context
). The aim of the research was to determine whether specific activities can enhance the development of skills for lifelong learning, such as the ability to search the Internet and use online resources to promote continuous education and learning to learn. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered within a framework of Personal Knowledge Management and the results are guidelines potentially useful both for teachers and learners.