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1989 | Buch

Rank Tests with Estimated Scores and Their Application

verfasst von: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Konrad Behnen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Neuhaus

Verlag: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag

Buchreihe : Teubner Skripten zur Mathematischen Stochastik




Motivation and Applications

Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation
Since the monograph of Hájek and Šidák (1967) it’s indisputable that linear rank tests form an attractive alternative to the classical tests based on normality assumptions, cf. Hollander and Wolfe (1973), Lehmann (1975), Conover (1980), and others. But meanwhile it has been demonstrated that the asymptotic optimality of linear rank tests for special types of alternatives is connected with rather low power for other types of alternatives. Therefore there have been some attempts to increase the power for certain classes of alternatives by adaptation, e.g. Randies and Hogg (1973) and others.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Chapter 2. Applications
In the introduction and motivation of Chapter 1 we’ve discussed the merits and the shortcomings of linear rank tests by means of the two-sample problem. Similar arguments apply to other testing problems, too. Tests based on linear rank statistics S N (b) have turned out to be optimal only for alternatives determined by the score function b. Since the alternative and thus the optimal 6 are unknown in reality, we suggest the following heuristic adaptation procedure: Instead of using a linear rank statistic S N (b) with fixed score function b, we’ll estimate the optimal score function by some estimator b ̂ N based on ranks, and use the nonlinear rank statistic S N (b ̂ N ) as the new test statistic.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus

Mathematical Foundation

Chapter 3. Two samples differing in location
In this chapter we’ll develop the mathematical foundation and the asymptotic properties of suitable rank tests with estimated scores for the two-sample problem. We restrict the discussion to the two-sample model in order to present the basic ideas in the simplest form. The corresponding k -sample model will be treated in Section 4.2.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Chapter 4. Randomness versus related alternatives
In Chapter 1 we have motivated the need of new testing procedures in the case of two treatments differing in location. In Chapter 3 the corresponding mathematical foundation and the local asymptotic properties of the proposed testing statistics have been given. In this chapter we will discuss related problems. Therefore the basic parts of the motivation and the exposition are quite similar to those of Chapter 1 and Chapter 3.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Chapter 5. The hypothesis of symmetry
As in Chapter 3 the basic problem is the comparison of a new treatment with a standard, but in contrast to Chapter 3 we don’t have two independent samples. Usually we have paired observations (Y i , Z i ), i = 1,..., n, where the Y-components are the measurements under the standard treatment whereas the Z -components are the measurements under the new treatment. It’s assumed that the design of the experiment allows the pairs (Y 1, Z 1),..., (Y n , Z n ) to be independent random variables with values in ℝ2. It’s not realistic to assume the stochastic independence of the components Y i and Z i , since the Y i -measurement and the Z i -measurement are usually taken at matched pairs or even at the same experimental unit, e.g. left-right treatments or pre-post treatments, but we assume the differences Z 1 - Y 1,..., Z n - Y n to be i.i.d. random variables.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Chapter 6. The hypothesis of independence
In this chapter we assume i.i.d. ℝ2 -valued random variables X 1,..., X n with unknown (continuous) 2-dimensional distribution function F. Throughout the chapter we’ll use the following conventions and notations: If X i is a ℝ2 -valued random variable, then the components of X i will be denoted by Y i and Z i , i.e. X i = (Y i , Z i ).
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Chapter 7. Appendix
The Appendix will contain some results and proofs which don’t fit into the main body of the text and where it’s difficult to find a suitable reference of the result used in the present setting.
Konrad Behnen, Georg Neuhaus
Rank Tests with Estimated Scores and Their Application
verfasst von
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Konrad Behnen
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Neuhaus
Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
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