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2019 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. Relevant Changes from MiFID I

verfasst von : Mario Comana, Daniele Previtali, Luca Bellardini

Erschienen in: The MiFID II Framework

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The chapter highlights how MiFID II differs from MiFID I, with regard to trading venues, instruments and entities affected by the new legislation, as well as the changes to the supervisory architecture. This is done by describing the legislative path undertaken and explaining the three-pillar content addressed by the Package (product governance, product intervention, rules governing the interaction between intermediaries and clients). We investigate how said EU legislation deals with specific issues, highlighting which rules are applicable to certain recipients and which are not, with a view to the issues of practical enforcement. In particular, the latter is addressed by explaining the rationale of including certain rules into the Directive rather than the Regulation, or vice versa. Moreover, we focus on the provisions entailing a close cooperation between different supervisory authorities. Finally, we discuss corporate governance and risk management issues, as well as those dealing with investor protection and transparency toward clients, which are highly significant in order to ensure an efficient implementation of the principles inspiring the Package.

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Zurück zum Zitat Bank for International Settlements. (2017, January). The sterling ‘flash event’ of 7 October 2016. Bank for International Settlements. (2017, January). The sterling ‘flash event’ of 7 October 2016.
Zurück zum Zitat Di Noia, C. (2017, June 15). Hearing at the Finance Committee of the Italian House of Deputies, Rome. Di Noia, C. (2017, June 15). Hearing at the Finance Committee of the Italian House of Deputies, Rome.
Zurück zum Zitat Lucantoni, P. (2017). Il mercato dei derivati: note preliminari ad uno studio sistematico. Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito: rivista di dottrina e giurisprudenza, 70(2), 182–206. Lucantoni, P. (2017). Il mercato dei derivati: note preliminari ad uno studio sistematico. Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito: rivista di dottrina e giurisprudenza, 70(2), 182–206.
Zurück zum Zitat Siclari, D. (2016). European Capital Markets Union e ordinamento nazionale. Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito: rivista di dottrina e giurisprudenza, 69(4), 481–505. Siclari, D. (2016). European Capital Markets Union e ordinamento nazionale. Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito: rivista di dottrina e giurisprudenza, 69(4), 481–505.
Zurück zum Zitat Securities and Exchange Commission. (2010). Findings Regarding the Market Events of May 6, 2010. Washington, D.C. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2010). Findings Regarding the Market Events of May 6, 2010. Washington, D.C.
Relevant Changes from MiFID I
verfasst von
Mario Comana
Daniele Previtali
Luca Bellardini

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