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2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Representation, Analysis and Processing of Student Counseling Cases

verfasst von : Naotaka Oda, Aya Nishimura, Takuya Seko, Atsuko Mutoh, Nobuhiro Inuzuka

Erschienen in: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Student counseling becomes an important roles in University.Many colleges have been paying effort for the task. The field of student counseling has not introduced computational technique. The paper challenges a new approached to contribute the field by giving a representation of counseling records. By giving a representation effective analysis and processing of cases are possible. First, we give a formal representation of counseling cases based on our observation that persons and their network and changes of the network are important structure of cases. Second, we try to capture characteristics of cases by giving attributes and transitions of relations that compose networks. Third, a similarity measure is defined for cases based on the formal representation and attributes. These proposal are examined by counseling cases, which are prepared by rearranging real cases.

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Representation, Analysis and Processing of Student Counseling Cases
verfasst von
Naotaka Oda
Aya Nishimura
Takuya Seko
Atsuko Mutoh
Nobuhiro Inuzuka
Springer International Publishing