2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Semantic Specialization in Graph-Based Data Model
verfasst von : Teruhisa Hochin, Hiroki Nomiya
Erschienen in: Computer and Information Science
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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This paper proposes the semantic specialization. This specialization makes it possible for a shape graph, which corresponds to a relation schema in the relational data model, to have elements and edges which are different from those of the original shape graphs, but are semantically related to them. Viewpoints (relationship lattices, respectively) are introduced as lattices of concepts for elements (edges) of shape graphs. The specialized elements (edges) are specified as common descendants of original elements (edges) in viewpoints (relationship lattices). The semantic specialization is informally and formally described. It is shown that the conventional specialization is a special case of the semantic specialization. By defining shape graphs through the semantic specialization, the semantically related elements could be handled as if these were of the original shape graphs while the elements have their own appropriate names.