2006 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Semicoercive Hemivariational Inequalities, Regularization Methods, Applications on Mechanics
verfasst von : Zdzisław Naniewicz
Erschienen in: Nonsmooth Mechanics of Solids
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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An approach to semicoercive variational-hemivariational or hemivariational inequalities based on a recession technique introduced in (
Naniewicz 2003
), is developed. First, problems defined on vector-valued function spaces are considered under unilateral growth conditions imposed on nonlinear parts by making use of the Galerkin method. Second, a minimax method relying on Chang’s version of Mountain Pass Theorem for locally Lipschitz functionals (
Chang 1981
) is applied to study semicoercive hemivariational inequalities on vector valued function spaces. Third, the resonant problem governed by the
-Laplacian involving the unilateral growth condition is discussed. Some mechanical problems as exemplifications of the presented approach are shown.