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1997 | Buch

Software Metrics

Research and Practice in Software Measurement

herausgegeben von: Professor Dr. Franz Lehner, Reiner Dumke, Alain Abran

Verlag: Deutscher Universitätsverlag

Buchreihe : Information Engineering und IV-Controlling




Quality and Measurement of Object-Oriented Software

Quality and Productivity Improvement in Object-Oriented Software Development
The quality movement in the last years has a dramatic impact on all industrial sectors, reaching recently the systems and software industry. Reuse of products, processes and experiences originating from the system life-cycle is seen today as a feasible solution to the problem of developing higher quality systems at a lower cost. Managers and developers have to decide among different approaches to improve productivity and software quality. This paper relates the experiences in introducing., establishing and validating a goal-oriented approach to measurement and control of the quality and productivity in an industrial environment. Firstly, we will describe the basic quality methods applied like QIP and software metrics, then the main characteristics of the environment at the Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG (DASA) in Ulm. Finally, we present the experiences gained with the improvement of the industrial object-oriented systems development.
Roland Hubig, Ivan Morschel
Automatic Extraction of Object-Oriented Software Metrics
XOOM, a tool framework to support language independent experimentation with metrics measuring object-oriented product attributes on source-code level is presented. The framework consists of three layers: The frontend is responsible for parsing different object-oriented languages, establishing a repository of program structure information which represents the core layer. The backend of the tool consists of an extensible set of measurement routines operating on the repository.
Martin Hitz, Sabine Stiller
Really Object-Oriented Software Metrics
The efficiency in the software development can only be keept by quantification of the software development components (of the software product and the software process itself). The quantification as software measurement needs a unified strategy, methodology or approach to guarantee the goals of quality assurance, improvement and controlled software management. Presently, plenty of methods such as measurement frameworks, maturity models, goal-directed paradigms, process languages etc. exist to support this idea.
This paper gives an overview about the measurement framework methodologies and describes an object-oriented approach of a software measurement framework. The presented framework was applied to the object-oriented software metrics area and leads to really object-oriented software metrics. The usability of this approach was described in some object-oriented software development examples.
Reiner R. Dumke
Mapping the OO-Jacobson Approach to Function Point Analysis
The Function Point software measure does not require the use of a particular development technique. However, the high-level concepts of object-oriented development methods cannot be mapped directly to the concepts of Function Point Analysis. In order to apply this software measure early in the development process, the object-oriented concepts corresponding to transactional and data function types have to be determined.
Object-oriented methods differ, especially in their early development phases. The Object-Oriented Software Engineering method of Jacobson et al. is based on so-called use cases. The viewpoint of this method is similar to Function Point Analysis in the sense that it concentrates on the application’s functionality from the user’s perspective.
The OO-Jacobson approach identifies the functionality of an application with the requirements use case model. Data types are described with a domain or analysis object model on the requirements level. Our work proposes rules to map these models to the Function Point counting procedures. With the proposed rules, it is possible to count software developed with the OO-Jacobson method. Experimental counts have been conducted for three industry projects.
Thomas Fetcke, Alain Abran, Tho-Hau Nguyen

Internet and World Wide Web

Efficiency and Maintainability of JAVA Applications
In order to apply the software metrics for the JAVA software development we use a general metrics classification of the University of Magdeburg in our Software Measurement Laboratory [DuFo96].
A. Winkler, R. Dumke, R. Koeppe, G. Kompf
Design of a Measure to Assess Compliance of Internet Web Sites with Privacy Laws
In the current trend towards the globalization of markets and the evolution of information and communication technologies, there is an inherent problem of privacy protection: it can be said that at the present there is a growing social preoccupation with the protection of privacy.-particularly with respect to personal data collection. The results of a recent study ([Wes95]) on consumers and privacy show that “three quarters (76%) of Canadians worry a lot over intrusions into their privacy.” Scepticism and fear with respect to technology explain this preoccupation, with 43% of Canadians thinking that technology is out of control. It is not surprising to learn, therefore that a great majority of Canadians (more than 70%) say that they will consider a company’s policies towards privacy and personal data protection before doing business with that company. From results of this study it should be expected that this preoccupation also exists in the United States and Europe.
Bernard Duhamel, Gilles St-Amant, Alain Abran

Software Metrics and Measurement

Measuring the Size of Small Functional Enhancements to Software
A requirement for productivity models and productivity analysis is to know the size of the product, or the output, of a work process. In software engineering, the product is the software itself. Function Points Analysis (FPA) has been designed to measure the functional size of software applications from a user’s perspective. While it is being used extensively to measure either medium or large software development or enhancement projects, it has not been used to measure very small functional enhancements: its current measurement structure does not allow it to discriminate small size increments. This paper describes an extended version of FPA which is proposed to address this measurement issue of lack of sensitivity to small size changes. It also presents the design and the results of an empirical study carried out using this extended version.
Marcela Maya, Alain Abran, Pierre Bourque
The Use of Factor Analysis in the Area of Software Metrics
Our Paper deals with the application of linear factor analytic models on software metrics. The model statement is interesting because it delivers an essential contribution for the discussion about the complexity of program systems from our view point. We show, that it is important, to consider the degrees of freedom of the transformability allowed for factor loading matrices in interpreting correlations. Moreover we suppose that investigations with the principal component model are too roughly designed for a better utilization of factor analysis in this field of applica­tion.
Dirk Schmelz, Margitta Schmelz
On a Neural-Fuzzy Technique with GA-Optimization for Software Quality Models
Managing software development and maintenance projects requires early knowledge about quality and effort needed for achieving this quality level. Effort estimations and staffing decisions are often based on productivity knowledge of the software development process. Quality-based productivity management is introduced as one approach for achieving and using such process knowledge. Fuzzy rules are used as a basis for constructing quality models that can identify outlying software components that might cause potential quality problems. This provides us with a fuzzy expert system tailored to the corresponding development environment. The value of any knowledge-based system is determined by the accuracy and cost of such predictions which are used to improve life-cycle productivity. Using the self-learning capability of neural networks, prestructured with genetic algorithms, the fuzzy rules can be automatically generated from example data to reduce the cost and improve the accuracy. The premises of the found rules consist of metrics drawing conclusions on the desired quality factors. The generated quality model - with respect to changes 2D provides both quality of fit (according to past data) and predictive accuracy (according to ongoing projects).
Ekkehard Baisch, Christoph Ebert
The Software Measure Information System ZD-MIS
ZD-MIS stands for Zuse/Drabe Measure-Information-System. In order to give people of industry and academics guidelines to quantify software quality attributes, in 1994 the development of the System ZD-MIS has been started. The major goal of ZD-MIS is to provide people with a comprehensive framework of software measurement. Among others, ZD-MIS presents the theory of (software) measurement and the models of complexity, readability, maintainability, cost estimation, etc. behind measures. It also contains a database of more than 1500 software measures which are characterized by many software quality attributes and measurement theoretic assumption. A database for literature with more than 1500 entries and a glossary of terms with ca. 500 entries shall help to give students, scientists and practitioners an overview of the literature in the software measurement area. The major goal of ZD-MIS is to provide scientists, students and practitioners with the necessary knowledge for software measurement.
Horst Zuse

Quality Improvement and Validation Process

Software Quality Improvement by using an Experience Factory
Systematic learning in the own domain and reusing this experience is a promising way in order to achieve higher quality and productivity. An organizational approach for building competencies and supplying them to software projects is provided by the Experience Factory. An important role within the Experience Factory plays the task of packaging information into experience packages. The structure of these experience packages must support identification of potential information and the task of reuse.
In this paper we identify main problems in packaging experience — insufficient structure, unsuitable classification and missing technical support — and introduce an approach in order to overcome these deficits. Main characteristic of this approach is a reprocessing of information beyond a problem-solution strategy. Other elements are classification schemes and a technical support by an experience base. An example and a conclusion complete this paper.
Frank Houdek
Validation Process in Software Engineering: An example with Function Point
Benchmarking1 studies based on actual data supplied by many industrial sites require two types of validation: validation of the collection process as well as validation of the data supplied to the researchers. The former validation will be referred to as a priori validation and the later one as a posteriori validation. The a priori validation will review all the steps and procedures of the data collection process within benchmarking data. The a posteriori validation will establish the degree of quality of the data collected and, wherever required, will eliminate from the comparative studies the data deemed not reliable. Both types of validation are required to ensure the quality and the integrity of the data for meaningful benchmarking studies in software engineering due the current immaturity of both software metrics and software engineering processes at industrial sites as assessed the maturity model developed by the Software Engineering Institute (USA).
Jean-Marc Desharnais, Pam Morris
Applying Knowledge-Based Techniques to Software Quality Management
Managing software development and maintenance projects requires predictions about components of the software system that are likely to have a high error rate or that need high development effort. Fuzzy knowledge-based techniques are introduced as a basis for constructing ruelbased quality models that can identify outlying software components that might cause potential quality problems. The suggested approach and ist advantages towards common classification and decision techniques is illustrated with experimental results. A module quality model — with respect to changes — provides both quality of fit (according to past data) and predictive accuracy (according to ongoing projects). Its portability is showed by applying it to industrial real-time projects.
Christof Ebert
Implementation of a Measurement Plan in an Industrial Environment
As a flat steel producer situated in Linz/Upper Austria our core business does not include software development. Software is only produced inhouse for business processes where competitive advantages can be realized. That is the reason why in the past the software development process was not so well tuned as the steel production and order entry processes. Consequently we decided to introduce process improvement in software development. Beginning to migrate part of our organisation from traditional to object-oriented development style was the chance to show the benefits of a measurement program. We expected to overcome problems with the new OO technology at a very early stage of the project.
Angelika Mittelmann
Software Metrics
herausgegeben von
Professor Dr. Franz Lehner
Reiner Dumke
Alain Abran
Deutscher Universitätsverlag
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