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1998 | Buch

The Book of GENESIS

Exploring Realistic Neural Models with the GEneral NEural SImulation System

verfasst von: James M. Bower, David Beeman

Verlag: Springer New York


Über dieses Buch

This is the second edition of a step-by -step tutorial for professionals, researchers and students working in the area of neuroscience in general, and computational neuroscience in particular. It can also be used as an interactive self-study guide to understanding biological neuronal and network structure for those working in the area of artificial neural networks and the cognitive sciences. The tutorials are based upon the GENESIS neural simulation system, which is now being used for teaching and research in at least 26 countries. The following chapters consist of a combination of edited contributions from researchers in computational neuroscience and current users of the system, as well as several chapters that we have written ourselves. This book, and the tutorial simulations on which it is based, grew out of a simulation laboratory accompanying the annual Methods in Computational Neuroscience course taught at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA from 1988 to 1992. Since that time, the tutorials have been further developed and refined while being used in courses taught at Caltech and several other institutions, including the Crete course in Computational Neuroscience. For this second edition, we have made many revisions and additions based on comments, suggestions and corrections from members of the GENESIS Users Group, BABEL, and from students and teachers who have used this book.



Neurobiological Tutorials with GENESIS

Chapter 1. Introduction
The last several years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of neurobiologists building or using computer-based models as a regular part of their efforts to understand how different neural systems function (Eeckman and Bower 1993, Bower 1992). As experimental data continue to be amassed, it is increasingly clear that detailed physiological and anatomical data alone are not enough to infer how neural circuits work. Experimentalists appear to be recognizing the need for the quantitative approach to exploring the functional consequences of particular neuronal features that is provided by modeling. This combination of modeling and experimental work has led to the creation of the new discipline of computational neuroscience (Eeckman and Bower 1993).
James M. Bower, David Beeman
Chapter 2. Compartmental Modeling
Before beginning to explore the tutorials, it is important to understand something about the assumptions and the mathematical models that underlie these simulations. Thus, although the first section of the book describes what are essentially “point and click” tutorials, it is important not to use these tutorials blindly. Their effective use requires some understanding of the basics of neural modeling, as well as the concepts in neuroscience that are introduced along with the tutorials. Entire books have been written on this subject, so obviously we can only highlight the issues here. However, throughout the text we have referenced other sources of information. If you are seriously considering building models yourself, we would strongly recommend that you consult these references.
James M. Bower, David Beeman
Chapter 3. Neural Modeling with GENESIS
Now that we have briefly described the numerical basis for the tutorials included in the first part of this book, we are ready to get started with running the tutorials. The tutorials included in this manual are all constructed using GENESIS, the General NEural SImulation System that has been under development in our laboratory at Caltech since 1985. This chapter is intended to introduce each of the tutorials, as well as provide a demonstration as to how to use the GENESIS graphical interface. First, however, we provide some basic information about the GENESIS system on which the tutorials are based.
James M. Bower, David Beeman
Chapter 4. The Hodgkin—Huxley Model
Our present day understanding and methods of modeling neural excitability have been significantly influenced by the landmark work of Hodgkin and Huxley. In a series of five articles published in 1952 (Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz 1952, Hodgkin and Huxley 1952a-d) these investigators (together with Bernard Katz, who was a coauthor of the lead paper and a collaborator in several of the related studies) unveiled the key properties of the ionic conductances underlying the nerve action potential. For this outstanding achievement, Hodgkin and Huxley were awarded the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (shared with John Eccles, for his work on potentials and conductances at motoneuron synapses). The first four papers in the series summarize an experimental tour de force in which Hodgkin and Huxley brought to bear new experimental techniques for characterizing membrane properties. The final paper in the series places the experimental data into a comprehensive theoretical framework that forms the basis of our modern views of neural excitability. For a discussion and review of these seminal papers, see Rinzel (1990).
Mark Nelson, John Rinzel
Chapter 5. Cable and Compartmental Models of Dendritic Trees
In the previous chapter, we used a single compartment model to study the mechanisms for the activation of voltage-activated channels, which produce neuron firing. Next, we need to understand how inputs to the neuron affect the potential in the soma and other regions that contain these channels. The following chapter deals with the response of the neuron to synaptic inputs to produce postsynaptic potentials (PSPs). In this chapter, we concentrate on modeling the spread of the PSP through the dendritic tree.
Idan Segev
Chapter 6. Temporal Interactions Between Postsynaptic Potentials
The previous two chapters have introduced two of the essential ingredients for the description of neuronal behavior. Chapter 5 has discussed the passive propagation of synaptic inputs through the dendritic tree to the soma and the initial axon segment. Here, voltage-activated channels (Chapter 4) respond to produce the action potentials that are conducted along the axon, resulting in a release of neurotransmitters at the presynaptic terminals. The present chapter deals with the response of the postsynaptic region to this input — namely, with the development of the postsynaptic potential (PSP).
Idan Segev
Chapter 7. Ion Channels in Bursting Neurons
The simple neuron model that we have built up over the past three chapters is what Llinás (1988) has referred to as the “Platonic Neuron.” In this idealized model, postsynaptic potentials in the dendrites (Chapter 6) propagate passively through the dendritic “cable” (Chapter 5) to the soma. Here, near the axon hillock, the summed and attenuated PSPs may activate voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels that are very much like those found in the squid giant axon (Chapter 4). Although it was once assumed that this simplified description applied to most neurons, we now know that the situation can be much more complex.
James M. Bower, David Beeman
Chapter 8. Central Pattern Generators
Many organisms exhibit repetitive or oscillatory patterns of muscle activity that produce rhythmic movements such as locomotion, breathing, chewing and scratching. Examples include the escape swimming of the mollusc Tritonia diomedia, the digestive rhythms of the lobster, the undulatory swimming movements of the fish or the lamprey, the stepping movements of the cockroach, the rapid wing motion of the locust during flight, and the more complicated locomotion of a quadruped mammal such as the domestic cat. The neuronal circuits that give rise to the patterns of muscle contractions which produce these movements are referred to as central pattern generators, or CPGs. Various experimental preparations in which the CPG is isolated from external influence demonstrate that these circuits require no external control for the generation of temporal sequences of rhythmic activity. However, these animals move through the world in an adaptive manner where the same motorneurons are involved in the production of a variety of rhythmic behaviors. Thus, many CPGs are capable of producing multiple patterns of activity in the intact behaving animal (Getting 1989). The ability to switch between different motor behaviors and blend different rhythms relies on feedback from proprioceptors and influence from higher centers of the nervous system; therefore, it is most appropriate to view every CPG as one piece of a distributed control system (Cohen 1992).
Sharon Crook, Avis Cohen
Chapter 9. Dynamics of Cerebral Cortical Networks
Previous chapters in this volume have considered detailed models of single cells and small networks of cells. In this chapter we consider a large scale multicellular model of the mammalian olfactory cortex. The simulation consists of three distinct neuronal populations of 135 cells each for a total of 405 interconnected neurons. With this simulation, we will explore the possible physiological basis for experimentally recorded electroencephalographic patterns in this cortex.
Alexander Protopapas, James M. Bower
Chapter 10. The Network Within: Signaling Pathways
In the preceding chapters, we have taken the building blocks for neuronal models in the form of ion channels, membrane compartments and synapses (Chapters 4, 5 and 6) and put them together to form neurons, small neural circuits, and then networks (Chapters 7, 8 and 9). We conclude this section of the book by opening the lid on the building blocks, and seeing what happens inside them. There used to be a view of the atom as a tiny solar system, which led to exotic visions of an infinite series of ever-decreasing worlds as one examined matter at finer and finer scales. Neurobiology now has to face a similar unsettling concept: that hidden within “atomic” compartments and under all the ion channels, there exists a whole new universe of subcellular networks. These networks, of course, are the multitudes of interacting biochemical signaling pathways. They profoundly affect everything from the properties of single channels to the morphology of neurons and the wiring of the brain itself. Recent work on biochemical signaling reactions has emphasized the sheer complexity of these networks. There are dozens of known major signaling pathways, each having at least five to ten enzyme isoforms, each of which communicates with a different subset of other messengers and pathways. As with neuronal networks themselves, these biochemical networks cannot be analyzed in isolation. Neuronal signaling events from above, and nuclear and metabolic events from below, provide a barrage of signals that this network must process.
Upinder S. Bhalla

Creating Simulations with GENESIS

Chapter 11. Constructing New Models
You have now explored several tutorials intended to both provide some insights into fundamental concepts in neurobiology and to introduce you to the use of neural simulations. The remainder of this book is intended to guide you in the creation of your own simulations. In general, we have found that the most efficient way to develop new simulations is to modify one that already exists and that you understand well. We would encourage you to consider starting with a tutorial most similar to the simulation you would like to build, after having learned a few basics of GENESIS programming from the following chapters.
James M. Bower
Chapter 12. Introduction to GENESIS Programming
Part I of this book has used several existing GENESIS simulations to introduce some of the theory underlying neural modeling. In Part II, we will build upon this background, using the GENESIS script language to create our own simulations. We will begin by simulating a simple neural compartment like that described in the first two sections of Chapter 2. Before proceeding with this tutorial, you may find it useful to review that material.
David Beeman, Matthew A. Wilson
Chapter 13. Simulating a Neuron Soma
In the previous chapter, we modeled the simple passive compartment shown in Fig. 12.1. The membrane resistance R m is in series with a leakage battery E rest , and is in parallel with a membrane capacitance C m and a current source I inject . Assembled into a script, the commands used would look something like the listing shown in Fig. 13.1. Note the use of “//” for comments. Multi-line comments may be entered by bracketing the commented lines with “/*” and “*/”, as in C. This script also illustrates the use of the backslash character, “\”, in order to continue a statement (the second addmsg command) to another line. This will be useful when entering lengthy setfield commands.
David Beeman
Chapter 14. Adding Voltage-Activated Channels
In the previous tutorial, we created a neuron soma compartment having the same physiological properties as those of the squid giant axon studied by Hodgkin and Huxley (1952d). In this tutorial, we will add voltage activated sodium and potassium channels to the soma by modifying a copy of the script that you produced in the previous tutorial. Before continuing with this tutorial, you may wish to review the discussion of the Hodgkin—Huxley channel models in Chapter 4. In other tutorials, we will build upon this to produce multi-compartmental models of neurons and networks of these neurons. Your script from the previous tutorial should look something like the listing of tutorial2.g in Appendix B.
David Beeman
Chapter 15. Adding Dendrites and Synapses
In the previous chapter’s tutorial, we created a single soma compartment with Hodgkin—Huxley sodium and potassium channels. Your script for this simulation should look something like the one given in the listing of tutorial3.g in Appendix B. In this simulation, we will build upon this script in order to construct a multi-compartmental neuron with a dendrite compartment containing a synaptically activated channel, an active soma, and an axon.
David Beeman
Chapter 16. Automating Cell Construction with the Cell Reader
In the previous chapter, we created a simple multi-compartmental neuron with a dendrite compartment, a soma, and an axon. The dendrite contained a synaptically activated channel and the soma contained voltage-activated Hodgkin—Huxley sodium and potassium channels. The script tutorial4.g, listed in Appendix B, contains the function definitions and commands used to construct this neuron, provide synaptic input to the cell, and plot the results of the simulation. In this tutorial, we will modify the script in order to construct the same neuron from a data file, using the GENESIS cell reader. The cell reader, which is implemented in the readcell command, allows one to build multi-compartmental neurons by reading cell parameters from a cell descriptor file. This file contains the names and dimensions of the compartments that will be used in the cell, along with the names of the channels and other elements that are contained within each compartment. The cell reader then uses this information to put together a cell and to establish the necessary messages between the various elements. This can significantly reduce the effort needed to construct a complex cell with many compartments and channels.
David Beeman
Chapter 17. Building a Cell with Neurokit
In the first four GENESIS programming tutorials, we covered the features of the GENESIS/XODUS script language needed to construct a simple model neuron. This neuron contains a dendrite compartment with a synaptically activated excitatory channel and a soma with Hodgkin—Huxley sodium and potassium channels. A source of randomly distributed spikes is used to excite the synapse. Action potentials produced in the soma trigger a spike generator that may be used to provide input to a synapse on another cell. In our model, we used a feedback connection to the cell’s own synapse that can be toggled on and off. Enough details of XODUS were introduced to create graphs for the membrane potential and channel conductance, along with buttons, toggles and dialog boxes for controlling the simulation.
David Beeman
Chapter 18. Constructing Neural Circuits and Networks
In this chapter, we demonstrate how to use GENESIS to set up a simple network of biologically realistic neurons. This will not be a “neural network” in the usual sense of a network of highly abstract units with no direct connection to biological neurons (such as a backpropagation network). Rather, the approach we take is to simulate a group of biological neurons at a moderate level of detail and then connect them in a network. In the process we discuss a number of GENESIS functions that are used for this purpose, as well as a few script commands that have not been described earlier in this book. Our examples are taken from a tutorial simulation called Orient_tut, which is a simplified model of orientation selectivity originally written by Upinder S. Bhalla. This tutorial contains several script files, of which about half deal with setting up the XODUS graphical user interface. We do not discuss these scripts in this chapter; the GENESIS commands used to set up the interface are described in Chapter 22, “Advanced XODUS Techniques.” The emphasis in this chapter is on showing you how to use GENESIS commands whose primary purpose relates to simulation of networks of neurons. Commands that have been discussed in detail in other chapters are mentioned only briefly here. Another example of a large network simulation in GENESIS is provided in Chapter 9, on the piriform cortex simulation.
Michael Vanier, David Beeman
Chapter 19. Implementing Other Types of Channels
So far, we have been using “squid-like” Hodgkin—Huxley channels for our voltage-dependent channels. In Chapter 7, you were introduced to a much wider variety of ionic conductances. There are scripts that contain functions for creating these and many other channel models in the Scripts/neurokit/prototypes directory. If you are constructing a realistic cell model and are lucky, you will find a function to create the channel you need in one of these scripts. Sometimes you may need to write your own function or, at least, modify a function that is similar to the one you need.
David Beeman
Chapter 20. Speeding Up GENESIS Simulations
As your GENESIS simulations grow in complexity, either through increased level of detail in multi-compartmental cell models, or through increased size of network models, you will eventually begin to look for ways to increase the speed of your simulations. In the following section, we present some general hints, methods and “tricks” that you can use to make your simulations run faster. For models that contain many compartments, you can obtain large speedups by using a more efficient numerical method for the integration of the compartmental equations. In fact, as we will see in Sec. 20.3.4, the default integration method that is used in GENESIS is much better suited to simple cell models with few compartments. The rest of this chapter describes how you may implement these improved methods, with emphasis on the fast implicit methods that are associated with the GENESIS hsolve object.
Erik De Schutter, David Beeman
Chapter 21. Large-Scale Simulation Using Parallel GENESIS
PGENESIS is a parallel form of GENESIS that enables simulation of very large models. Simulation models are critical for integration of behavioral data with anatomical and physiological data. Although explanations of behavioral data are possible without resort to neural simulation models (Chomsky 1957, e.g.), those integrative accounts that make contact with the anatomical and physiological data require large-scale simulation models at the neural level. The scale of the models required can be seen in theories about the function of the hippocampus in learning and memory (McClelland and Goddard 1996, Levy 1996). These theories assert that statistical properties of firing rates, synaptic transmission efficiencies, and connection structures are crucial in explaining information processing in the hippocampus. The validity of these statistical properties is conditioned on sufficient sample sizes that cannot hold if the model scales down the real system by more than one or two orders of magnitude. Even scaling down by two orders of magnitude leaves us with very large models that, as we shall see, go beyond the capabilities of existing simulation environments.
Nigel H. Goddard, Greg Hood
Chapter 22. Advanced XODUS Techniques: Simulation Visualization
One of the biggest hazards in developing a simulation is the pressure to make it user-friendly. If you ever make the mistake of making a simulation easy for people to play with and understand, they will suddenly discover gaping holes in your model design, and start to think up all sorts of “improvements” for you to make An even more unpleasant situation can arise when you have sent off the final page proofs of your simulation paper, and decide that now is a good time to provide it with a colorful display so that people reading your paper can run the simulation themselves. Inevitably, the display will reveal a fundamental bug in the simulation that no one (least of all yourself) would ever have noticed in all the hundreds of lines of simulation code. The prudent builder of simulations will avoid any compromises when it comes to obfuscation. This chapter, then, is for the reckless, since its stated goal is to reveal all, to shine the bright light of day on the hidden crannies of simulations where bugs lurk, and to display the gory details using the rainbow colorscale in an animated three-dimensional draw widget.
Upinder S. Bhalla
The Book of GENESIS
verfasst von
James M. Bower
David Beeman
Springer New York
Electronic ISBN
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