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Open Access 2023 | Open Access | Buch


The Fundamentals of People Analytics

With Applications in R


Über dieses Buch

This open access book prepares current and aspiring analytics professionals to effectively address this need by curating key concepts spanning the entire analytics lifecycle, along with step-by-step instructions for their applications to real-world problems, using ubiquitous and freely available open-source software. This book does not assume prior knowledge of statistics, how to query databases, or how to write performant code; early chapters include an introduction to R and SQL as well as an overview of statistical foundations.

Human capital is an organization’s most important asset. Without the knowledge and skills of people, an organization can accomplish nothing. The acquisition, development, and retention of critical talent has become increasingly more complex and challenging, and organizations are making significant investments to gain a deeper, data-informed understanding of organizational phenomena impacting the bottom line.

By the end of this book, readers will be able to:
• Design and conduct empirical research
• Query and wrangle data using SQL
• Profile, clean, and analyze data using R
• Apply appropriate statistical and ML models to a range of people analytics use cases
• Package and present analyses to communicate impactful insights to stakeholders



Open Access

Getting Started
This chapter outlines guiding principles and a framework to support the success of people analytics projects. In addition, analytics tooling and data sets utilized in this book are discussed.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Introduction to R
This chapter covers the basics of R, including how to install the software and packages, load libraries and data, and work with various types of objects and functions.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Introduction to SQL
This chapter covers the basics of SQL and how to implement SQL statements within the R environment. Concepts and examples span SQL clauses, aggregate functions, joins, subqueries, virtual tables, window functions, and common table expressions (CTEs).
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Research Design
This chapter provides an overview of the elements of research, including research questions, hypotheses, methods, and designs. Factors influencing internal and external validity are also discussed.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Measurement and Sampling
This chapter surveys variable types and measurement scales as well as probability and non-probability sampling methods. In addition, topics in sampling and nonsampling error and scale reliability and validity are covered.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Data Preparation
This chapter explains data architecture concepts needed to properly integrate and extract data from analytics platforms as well as methods of screening and cleaning data (e.g., missingness, outliers, data binning, one-hot encoding, feature engineering).
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Descriptive Statistics
This chapter reviews types of univariate analyses (e.g., measures of central tendency and spread) and bivariate analyses (e.g., covariance and correlation).
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Statistical Inference
This chapter covers the fundamentals of statistical inference. Topics include discrete and continuous probability distributions, conditional probability, Central Limit Theorem (CLT), confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, multiple testing, and statistical power.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Analysis of Differences
This chapter examines parametric tests and nonparametric alternatives for testing whether statistical differences are observed in data measured on discrete and continuous scales. Methods of quantifying the magnitude of observed differences are also reviewed.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Linear Regression
This chapter covers one of the most valuable tools for people analytics professionals: linear regression. Concepts, assumptions, and step-by-step implementations are presented for both simple and multiple linear regression as well as methods for testing more complex moderated and mediated relationships.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Linear Model Extensions
This chapter covers methods of extending the linear regression model for mixed effects, non-linear relationships, and use cases that involve examining changes to variable and model-level performance with stepwise variable selection procedures. Comparing and interpreting coefficients across multiple models is also discussed.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Logistic Regression
This chapter covers a type of generalized linear model, logistic regression, that is applied to settings in which the outcome variable is not measured on a continuous scale. Binomial, multinomial, and ordinal logistic regression models are covered.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Predictive Modeling
This chapter progresses from explanatory to predictive models. Topics include cross-validation, model performance metrics, prediction intervals, bias–variance tradeoff, tree-based algorithms, and various types of models with utility in classification and forecasting applications.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Unsupervised Learning
This chapter covers dimension reduction techniques that have utility in exploring and confirming the factor structure of psychological instrumentation; techniques include exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and principal components analysis (PCA). K-means and hierarchical clustering methods are examined for surfacing patterns and insights in unsupervised settings in which there is no outcome variable.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Data Visualization
This chapter provides best practices for visualizing data and discusses common types of data visualizations and their respective applications in people analytics contexts. Types of data visualizations include tables, heatmaps, scatterplots, line graphs, slopegraphs, bar charts, combination charts, waterfall charts, waffle charts, Sankey diagrams, and pie charts.
Craig Starbuck

Open Access

Data Storytelling
This chapter provides best practices for effectively communicating to stakeholders with data. Topics include knowing the audience, implementing a status taxonomy for analysis documents, and various structural elements of analysis presentations (e.g., TL;DR, purpose, methodology, results, limitations, next steps, appendix).
Craig Starbuck
The Fundamentals of People Analytics
verfasst von
Craig Starbuck
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