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Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

28th International Conference, TACAS 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2–7, 2022, Proceedings, Part I


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This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022.

The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report.

TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems.





Open Access

HOLL: Program Synthesis for Higher Order Logic Locking

Logic locking “hides” the functionality of a digital circuit to protect it from counterfeiting, piracy, and malicious design modifications. The original design is transformed into a “locked” design such that the circuit reveals its correct functionality only when it is “unlocked” with a secret sequence of bits—the key bit-string. However, strong attacks, especially the SAT attack that uses a SAT solver to recover the key bit-string, have been profoundly effective at breaking the locked circuit and recovering the circuit functionality.We lift logic locking to Higher Order Logic Locking (HOLL) by hiding a higher-order relation, instead of a key of independent values, challenging the attacker to discover this key relation to recreate the circuit functionality. Our technique uses program synthesis to construct the locked design and synthesize a corresponding key relation. HOLL has low overhead and existing attacks for logic locking do not apply as the entity to be recovered is no more a value. To evaluate our proposal, we propose a new attack (SynthAttack) that uses an inductive synthesis algorithm guided by an operational circuit as an input-output oracle to recover the hidden functionality. SynthAttack is inspired by the SAT attack, and similar to the SAT attack, it is verifiably correct, i.e., if the correct functionality is revealed, a verification check guarantees the same. Our empirical analysis shows that SynthAttack can break HOLL for small circuits and small key relations, but it is ineffective for real-life designs.

Gourav Takhar, Ramesh Karri, Christian Pilato, Subhajit Roy

Open Access

The Complexity of LTL Rational Synthesis

In rational synthesis, we automatically construct a reactive system that satisfies its specification in all rational environments, namely environments that have objectives and act to fulfill them. We complete the study of the complexity of LTL rational synthesis. Our contribution is threefold. First, we tighten the known upper bounds for settings that were left open in earlier work. Second, our complexity analysis is parametric, and we describe tight upper and lower bounds in each of the problem parameters: the game graph, the objectives of the system components, and the objectives of the environment components. Third, we generalize the definition of rational synthesis, combining the cooperative and non-cooperative approaches studied in earlier work, and extend our complexity analysis to the general definition.

Orna Kupferman, Noam Shenwald

Open Access

Synthesis of Compact Strategies for Coordination Programs

In multi-agent settings, such as IoT and robotics, it is necessary to coordinate the actions of independent agents in order to achieve a joint behavior. While it is often easy to specify the desired joint behavior, programming the necessary coordination can be difficult. In this work, we develop theory and methods to synthesize coordination strategies that are guaranteed not to initiate unnecessary actions. We refer to such strategies as being “compact.” We formalize the intuitive notion of compactness; show that existing methods do not guarantee compactness; and propose a solution. The solution transforms a given temporal logic specification, using automata-theoretic constructions, to incorporate a notion of minimality. The central result is that the winning strategies for the transformed specification are precisely the compact strategies for the original. One can therefore apply known synthesis methods to produce compact strategies. We report on prototype implementations that synthesize compact strategies for temporal logic specifications and for specifications of multi-robot coordination.

Kedar S. Namjoshi, Nisarg Patel

Open Access

ZDD Boolean Synthesis

Motivated by applications in boolean-circuit design, boolean synthesis is the process of synthesizing a boolean function with multiple outputs, given a relation between its inputs and outputs. Previous work has attempted to solve boolean functional synthesis by converting a specification formula into a Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) and quantifying existentially the output variables. We make use of the fact that the specification is usually given in the form of a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) formula, and we can perform resolution on a symbolic representation of a CNF formula in the form of a Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagram (ZDD). We adapt the realizability test to the context of CNF and ZDD, and show that the Cross operation defined in earlier work can be used for witness construction. Experiments show that our approach is complementary to BDD-based Boolean synthesis.

Yi Lin, Lucas M. Tabajara, Moshe Y. Vardi



Open Access

Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems

Digital mathematical libraries assemble the knowledge of years of mathematical research. Numerous disciplines (e.g., physics, engineering, pure and applied mathematics) rely heavily on compendia gathered findings. Likewise, modern research applications rely more and more on computational solutions, which are often calculated and verified by computer algebra systems. Hence, the correctness, accuracy, and reliability of both digital mathematical libraries and computer algebra systems is a crucial attribute for modern research. In this paper, we present a novel approach to verify a digital mathematical library and two computer algebra systems with one another by converting mathematical expressions from one system to the other. We use our previously developed conversion tool (referred to as ) to translate formulae from the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions to the computer algebra systems Maple and Mathematica. The contributions of our presented work are as follows: (1) we present the most comprehensive verification of computer algebra systems and digital mathematical libraries with one another; (2) we significantly enhance the performance of the underlying translator in terms of coverage and accuracy; and (3) we provide open access to translations for Maple and Mathematica of the formulae in the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.

André Greiner-Petter, Howard S. Cohl, Abdou Youssef, Moritz Schubotz, Avi Trost, Rajen Dey, Akiko Aizawa, Bela Gipp

Open Access

Verifying Fortran Programs with CIVL

Fortran is widely used in computational science, engineering, and high performance computing. This paper presents an extension to the CIVL verification framework to check correctness properties of Fortran programs. Unlike previous work that translates Fortran to C, LLVM IR, or other intermediate formats before verification, our work allows CIVL to directly consume Fortran source files. We extended the parsing, translation, and analysis phases to support Fortran-specific features such as array slicing and reshaping, and to find program violations that are specific to Fortran, such as argument aliasing rule violations, invalid use of variable and function attributes, or defects due to Fortran’s unspecified expression evaluation order. We demonstrate the usefulness of our tool on a verification benchmark suite and kernels extracted from a real world application.

Wenhao Wu, Jan Hückelheim, Paul D. Hovland, Stephen F. Siegel

Open Access

NORMA: a tool for the analysis of Relay-based Railway Interlocking Systems

We present Norma, a tool for the modeling and analysis of Relay-based Railways Interlocking Systems (RRIS). Norma is the result of a research project funded by the Italian Railway Network, to support the reverse engineering and migration to computer-based technology of legacy RRIS. The frontend fully supports the graphical modeling of Italian RRIS, with a palette of over two hundred basic components, stubs to abstract RRIS subcircuits, and requirements in terms of formal properties. The internal component based representation is translated into highly optimized Timed nuXmv models, and supports various syntactic and semantic checks based on formal verification, simulation and test case generation. Norma is experimentally evaluated, demonstrating the practical support for the modelers, and the effectiveness of the underlying optimizations.

Arturo Amendola, Anna Becchi, Roberto Cavada, Alessandro Cimatti, Andrea Ferrando, Lorenzo Pilati, Giuseppe Scaglione, Alberto Tacchella, Marco Zamboni

Open Access

Efficient Neural Network Analysis with Sum-of-Infeasibilities

Inspired by sum-of-infeasibilities methods in convex optimization, we propose a novel procedure for analyzing verification queries on neural networks with piecewise-linear activation functions. Given a convex relaxation which over-approximates the non-convex activation functions, we encode the violations of activation functions as a cost function and optimize it with respect to the convex relaxation. The cost function, referred to as the Sum-of-Infeasibilities (SoI), is designed so that its minimum is zero and achieved only if all the activation functions are satisfied. We propose a stochastic procedure, DeepSoI, to efficiently minimize the SoI. An extension to a canonical case-analysis-based complete search procedure can be achieved by replacing the convex procedure executed at each search state with DeepSoI. Extending the complete search with DeepSoI achieves multiple simultaneous goals: 1) it guides the search towards a counter-example; 2) it enables more informed branching decisions; and 3) it creates additional opportunities for bound derivation. An extensive evaluation across different benchmarks and solvers demonstrates the benefit of the proposed techniques. In particular, we demonstrate that SoI significantly improves the performance of an existing complete search procedure. Moreover, the SoI-based implementation outperforms other state-of-the-art complete verifiers. We also show that our technique can efficiently improve upon the perturbation bound derived by a recent adversarial attack algorithm.

Haoze Wu, Aleksandar Zeljić, Guy Katz, Clark Barrett



Open Access

Formal Verification of the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain

We report our experience in the formal verification of the reference implementation of the Beacon Chain. The Beacon Chain is the backbone component of the new Proof-of-Stake Ethereum 2.0 network: it is in charge of tracking information about the validators, their stakes, their attestations (votes) and if some validators are found to be dishonest, to slash them (they lose some of their stakes). The Beacon Chain is mission-critical and any bug in it could compromise the whole network. The Beacon Chain reference implementation developed by the Ethereum Foundation is written in Python, and provides a detailed operational description of the state machine each Beacon Chain’s network participant (node) must implement. We have formally specified and verified the absence of runtime errors in (a large and critical part of) the Beacon Chain reference implementation using the verification-friendly language Dafny. During the course of this work, we have uncovered several issues, proposed verified fixes. We have also synthesised functional correctness specifications that enable us to provide guarantees beyond runtime errors. Our software artefact with the code and proofs in Dafny is available at .

Franck Cassez, Joanne Fuller, Aditya Asgaonkar

Open Access

Fast and Reliable Formal Verification of Smart Contracts with the Move Prover

The Move Prover (MVP) is a formal verifier for smart contracts written in the Move programming language. MVP has an expressive specification language, and is fast and reliable enough that it can be run routinely by developers and in integration testing. Besides the simplicity of smart contracts and the Move language, three implementation approaches are responsible for the practicality of MVP: (1) an alias-free memory model, (2) fine-grained invariant checking, and (3) monomorphization. The entirety of the Move code for the Diem blockchain has been extensively specified and can be completely verified by MVP in a few minutes. Changes in the Diem framework must be successfully verified before being integrated into the open source repository on GitHub.

David Dill, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Junkil Park, Shaz Qadeer, Meng Xu, Emma Zhong

Open Access

A Max-SMT Superoptimizer for EVM handling Memory and Storage

Superoptimization is a compilation technique that searches for the optimal sequence of instructions semantically equivalent to a given (loop-free) initial sequence. With the advent of SMT solvers, it has been successfully applied to LLVM code (to reduce the number of instructions) and to Ethereum EVM bytecode (to reduce its gas consumption). Both applications, when proven practical, have left out memory operations and thus missed important optimization opportunities. A main challenge to superoptimization today is handling memory operations while remaining scalable. We present $$\textsf {GASOL}^{v2}$$ GASOL v 2 , a gas and bytes-size superoptimization tool for Ethereum smart contracts, that leverages a previous Max-SMT approach for only stack optimization to optimize also wrt. memory and storage. $$\textsf {GASOL}^{v2}$$ GASOL v 2 can be used to optimize the size in bytes, aligned with the optimization criterion used by the Solidity compiler solc, and it can also be used to optimize gas consumption. Our experiments on 12,378 blocks from 30 randomly selected real contracts achieve gains of 16.42% in gas wrt. the previous version of the optimizer without memory handling, and gains of 3.28% in bytes-size over code already optimized by solc.

Elvira Albert, Pablo Gordillo, Alejandro Hernández-Cerezo, Albert Rubio

Grammatical Inference


Open Access

A New Approach for Active Automata Learning Based on Apartness

We present $$L^{\#}$$ L # , a new and simple approach to active automata learning. Instead of focusing on equivalence of observations, like the $$L^{*}$$ L ∗ algorithm and its descendants, $$L^{\#}$$ L # takes a different perspective: it tries to establish apartness, a constructive form of inequality. $$L^{\#}$$ L # does not require auxiliary notions such as observation tables or discrimination trees, but operates directly on tree-shaped automata. $$L^{\#}$$ L # has the same asymptotic query and symbol complexities as the best existing learning algorithms, but we show that adaptive distinguishing sequences can be naturally integrated to boost the performance of $$L^{\#}$$ L # in practice. Experiments with a prototype implementation, written in Rust, suggest that $$L^{\#}$$ L # is competitive with existing algorithms.

Frits Vaandrager, Bharat Garhewal, Jurriaan Rot, Thorsten Wißmann

Open Access

Learning Realtime One-Counter Automata

We present a new learning algorithm for realtime one-counter automata. Our algorithm uses membership and equivalence queries as in Angluin’s $${L}^*$$ L ∗ algorithm, as well as counter value queries and partial equivalence queries. In a partial equivalence query, we ask the teacher whether the language of a given finite-state automaton coincides with a counter-bounded subset of the target language. We evaluate an implementation of our algorithm on a number of random benchmarks and on a use case regarding efficient JSON-stream validation.

Véronique Bruyère, Guillermo A. Pérez, Gaëtan Staquet

Open Access

Scalable Anytime Algorithms for Learning Fragments of Linear Temporal Logic

Linear temporal logic (LTL) is a specification language for finite sequences (called traces) widely used in program verification, motion planning in robotics, process mining, and many other areas. We consider the problem of learning formulas in fragments of LTL without the $$\mathbf {U}$$ U -operator for classifying traces; despite a growing interest of the research community, existing solutions suffer from two limitations: they do not scale beyond small formulas, and they may exhaust computational resources without returning any result. We introduce a new algorithm addressing both issues: our algorithm is able to construct formulas an order of magnitude larger than previous methods, and it is anytime, meaning that it in most cases successfully outputs a formula, albeit possibly not of minimal size. We evaluate the performances of our algorithm using an open source implementation against publicly available benchmarks.

Ritam Raha, Rajarshi Roy, Nathanaël Fijalkow, Daniel Neider

Open Access

Learning Model Checking and the Kernel Trick for Signal Temporal Logic on Stochastic Processes

We introduce a similarity function on formulae of signal temporal logic (STL). It comes in the form of a kernel function, well known in machine learning as a conceptually and computationally efficient tool. The corresponding kernel trick allows us to circumvent the complicated process of feature extraction, i.e. the (typically manual) effort to identify the decisive properties of formulae so that learning can be applied. We demonstrate this consequence and its advantages on the task of predicting (quantitative) satisfaction of STL formulae on stochastic processes: Using our kernel and the kernel trick, we learn (i) computationally efficiently (ii) a practically precise predictor of satisfaction, (iii) avoiding the difficult task of finding a way to explicitly turn formulae into vectors of numbers in a sensible way. We back the high precision we have achieved in the experiments by a theoretically sound PAC guarantee, ensuring our procedure efficiently delivers a close-to-optimal predictor.

Luca Bortolussi, Giuseppe Maria Gallo, Jan Křetínský, Laura Nenzi

Verification Inference


Open Access

Inferring Interval-Valued Floating-Point Preconditions

Aggregated roundoff errors caused by floating-point arithmetic can make numerical code highly unreliable. Verified postconditions for floating-point functions can guarantee the accuracy of their results under specific preconditions on the function inputs, but how to systematically find an adequate precondition for a desired error bound has not been explored so far. We present two novel techniques for automatically synthesizing preconditions for floating-point functions that guarantee that user-provided accuracy requirements are satisfied. Our evaluation on a standard benchmark set shows that our approaches are complementary and able to find accurate preconditions in reasonable time.

Jonas Krämer, Lionel Blatter, Eva Darulova, Mattias Ulbrich

Open Access

NeuReach: Learning Reachability Functions from Simulations

We present NeuReach, a tool that uses neural networks for predicting reachable sets from executions of a dynamical system. Unlike existing reachability tools, NeuReach computes a reachability function that outputs an accurate over-approximation of the reachable set for any initial set in a parameterized family. Such reachability functions are useful for online monitoring, verification, and safe planning. NeuReach implements empirical risk minimization for learning reachability functions. We discuss the design rationale behind the optimization problem and establish that the computed output is probably approximately correct. Our experimental evaluations over a variety of systems show promise. NeuReach can learn accurate reachability functions for complex nonlinear systems, including some that are beyond existing methods. From a learned reachability function, arbitrary reachtubes can be computed in milliseconds. NeuReach is available at .

Dawei Sun, Sayan Mitra

Open Access

Inferring Invariants with Quantifier Alternations: Taming the Search Space Explosion

We present a PDR/IC3 algorithm for finding inductive invariants with quantifier alternations. We tackle scalability issues that arise due to the large search space of quantified invariants by combining a breadth-first search strategy and a new syntactic form for quantifier-free bodies. The breadth-first strategy prevents inductive generalization from getting stuck in regions of the search space that are expensive to search and focuses instead on lemmas that are easy to discover. The new syntactic form is well-suited to lemmas with quantifier alternations by allowing both limited conjunction and disjunction in the quantifier-free body, while carefully controlling the size of the search space. Combining the breadth-first strategy with the new syntactic form results in useful inductive bias by prioritizing lemmas according to: (i) well-defined syntactic metrics for simple quantifier structures and quantifier-free bodies, and (ii) the empirically useful heuristic of preferring lemmas that are fast to discover. On a benchmark suite of primarily distributed protocols and complex Paxos variants, we demonstrate that our algorithm can solve more of the most complicated examples than state-of-the-art techniques.

Jason R. Koenig, Oded Padon, Sharon Shoham, Alex Aiken

Open Access

LinSyn: Synthesizing Tight Linear Bounds for Arbitrary Neural Network Activation Functions

The most scalable approaches to certifying neural network robustness depend on computing sound linear lower and upper bounds for the network’s activation functions. Current approaches are limited in that the linear bounds must be handcrafted by an expert, and can be sub-optimal, especially when the network’s architecture composes operations using, for example, multiplication such as in LSTMs and the recently popular Swish activation. The dependence on an expert prevents the application of robustness certification to developments in the state-of-the-art of activation functions, and furthermore the lack of tightness guarantees may give a false sense of insecurity about a particular model. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to consider the problem of automatically synthesizing tight linear bounds for arbitrary n-dimensional activation functions. We propose the first fully automated method that achieves tight linear bounds while only leveraging the mathematical definition of the activation function itself. Our method leverages an efficient heuristic technique to synthesize bounds that are tight and usually sound, and then verifies the soundness (and adjusts the bounds if necessary) using the highly optimized branch-and-bound SMT solver, dReal. Even though our method depends on an SMT solver, we show that the runtime is reasonable in practice, and, compared with state of the art, our method often achieves 2-5X tighter final output bounds and more than quadruple certified robustness.

Brandon Paulsen, Chao Wang

Short papers


Open Access

Kmclib: Automated Inference and Verification of Session Types from OCaml Programs

Theories and tools based on multiparty session types offer correctness guarantees for concurrent programs that communicate using message-passing. These guarantees usually come at the cost of an intrinsically top-down approach, which requires the communication behaviour of the entire program to be specified as a global type.This paper introduces kmclib: an OCaml library that supports the development of correct message-passing programs without having to write any types. The library utilises the meta-programming facilities of OCaml to automatically infer the session types of concurrent programs and verify their compatibility (k-MC [15]). Well-typed programs, written with kmclib, do not lead to communication errors and cannot get stuck.

Keigo Imai, Julien Lange, Rumyana Neykova

Open Access

Automated Translation of Natural Language Requirements to Runtime Monitors

Runtime verification (RV) enables monitoring systems at runtime, to detect property violations early and limit their potential consequences. This paper presents an end-to-end framework to capture requirements in structured natural language and generate monitors that capture their semantics faithfully. We leverage NASA’s Formal Requirement Elicitation Tool (fret), and the RV system Copilot. We extend fret with mechanisms to capture additional information needed to generate monitors, and introduce Ogma, a new tool to bridge the gap between fret and Copilot. With this framework, users can write requirements in an intuitive format and obtain real-time C monitors suitable for use in embedded systems. Our toolchain is available as open source.

Ivan Perez, Anastasia Mavridou, Tom Pressburger, Alwyn Goodloe, Dimitra Giannakopoulou

Open Access

MaskD: A Tool for Measuring Masking Fault-Tolerance

We present MaskD, an automated tool designed to measure the level of fault-tolerance provided by software components. The tool focuses on measuring masking fault-tolerance, that is, the kind of fault-tolerance that allows systems to mask faults in such a way that they cannot be observed by the users. The tool takes as input a nominal model (which serves as a specification) and its fault-tolerant implementation, described by means of a guarded-command language, and automatically computes the masking distance between them. This value can be understood as the level of fault-tolerance provided by the implementation. The tool is based on a sound and complete framework we have introduced in previous work. We present the ideas behind the tool by means of a simple example and report experiments realized on more complex case studies.

Luciano Putruele, Ramiro Demasi, Pablo F. Castro, Pedro R. D’Argenio

Open Access

Better Counterexamples for Dafny

Dafny is a verification-aware programming language used at Amazon Web Services to develop critical components of their access management, storage, and cryptography infrastructures. The Dafny toolchain provides a verifier that can prove an implementation of a method satisfies its specification. When the underlying SMT solver cannot establish a proof, it generates a counterexample. These counterexamples are hard to understand and their interpretation is often a bottleneck in the proof debugging process. In this paper, we introduce an open-source tool that transforms counterexamples generated by the SMT solver to a more user-friendly format that maps to the Dafny syntax and is suitable for further processing. This new tool allows the Dafny developers to quickly identify the root cause of a problem with their proof, thereby speeding up the development of Dafny projects.

Aleksandar Chakarov, Aleksandr Fedchin, Zvonimir Rakamarić, Neha Rungta

Constraint Solving


Open Access

cvc5: A Versatile and Industrial-Strength SMT Solver

cvc5 is the latest SMT solver in the cooperating validity checker series and builds on the successful code base of CVC4. This paper serves as a comprehensive system description of cvc5 ’s architectural design and highlights the major features and components introduced since CVC4 1.8. We evaluate cvc5 ’s performance on all benchmarks in SMT-LIB and provide a comparison against CVC4 and Z3.

Haniel Barbosa, Clark Barrett, Martin Brain, Gereon Kremer, Hanna Lachnitt, Makai Mann, Abdalrhman Mohamed, Mudathir Mohamed, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Alex Ozdemir, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Ying Sheng, Cesare Tinelli, Yoni Zohar

Open Access

Clausal Proofs for Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning

When augmented with a Pseudo-Boolean (PB) solver, a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver can apply apply powerful reasoning methods to determine when a set of parity or cardinality constraints, extracted from the clauses of the input formula, has no solution. By converting the intermediate constraints generated by the PB solver into ordered binary decision diagrams (BDDs), a proof-generating, BDD-based SAT solver can then produce a clausal proof that the input formula is unsatisfiable. Working together, the two solvers can generate proofs of unsatisfiability for problems that are intractable for other proof-generating SAT solvers. The PB solver can, at times, detect that the proof can exploit modular arithmetic to give smaller BDD representations and therefore shorter proofs.

Randal E. Bryant, Armin Biere, Marijn J. H. Heule

Open Access

Moving Definition Variables in Quantified Boolean Formulas

Augmenting problem variables in a quantified Boolean formula with definition variables enables a compact representation in clausal form. Generally these definition variables are placed in the innermost quantifier level. To restore some structural information, we introduce a preprocessing technique that moves definition variables to the quantifier level closest to the variables that define them. We express the movement in the QRAT proof system to allow verification by independent proof checkers. We evaluated definition variable movement on the QBFEVAL’20 competition benchmarks. Movement significantly improved performance for the competition’s top solvers. Combining variable movement with the preprocessor Bloqqer improves solver performance compared to using Bloqqer alone.

Joseph E. Reeves, Marijn J. H. Heule, Randal E. Bryant

Open Access

A Sorted Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic

In a previous paper, we have shown that clause sets belonging to the Horn Bernays-Schönfinkel fragment over simple linear real arithmetic (HBS(SLR)) can be translated into HBS clause sets over a finite set of first-order constants. The translation preserves validity and satisfiability and it is still applicable if we extend our input with positive universally or existentially quantified verification conditions (conjectures). We call this translation a Datalog hammer. The combination of its implementation in SPASS-SPL with the Datalog reasoner VLog establishes an effective way of deciding verification conditions in the Horn fragment. We verify supervisor code for two examples: a lane change assistant in a car and an electronic control unit of a supercharged combustion engine.In this paper, we improve our Datalog hammer in several ways: we generalize it to mixed real-integer arithmetic and finite first-order sorts; we extend the class of acceptable inequalities beyond variable bounds and positively grounded inequalities; and we significantly reduce the size of the hammer output by a soft typing discipline. We call the result the sorted Datalog hammer. It not only allows us to handle more complex supervisor code and to model already considered supervisor code more concisely, but it also improves our performance on real world benchmark examples. Finally, we replace the before file-based interface between SPASS-SPL and VLog by a close coupling resulting in a single executable binary.

Martin Bromberger, Irina Dragoste, Rasha Faqeh, Christof Fetzer, Larry González, Markus Krötzsch, Maximilian Marx, Harish K Murali, Christoph Weidenbach

Model Checking and Verification


Open Access

Property Directed Reachability for Generalized Petri Nets

We propose a semi-decision procedure for checking generalized reachability properties, on generalized Petri nets, that is based on the Property Directed Reachability (PDR) method. We actually define three different versions, that vary depending on the method used for abstracting possible witnesses, and that are able to handle problems of increasing difficulty. We have implemented our methods in a model-checker called SMPT and give empirical evidences that our approach can handle problems that are difficult or impossible to check with current state of the art tools.

Nicolas Amat, Silvano Dal Zilio, Thomas Hujsa

Open Access

Transition Power Abstractions for Deep Counterexample Detection

While model checking safety of infinite-state systems by inferring state invariants has steadily improved recently, most verification tools still rely on a technique based on bounded model checking to detect safety violations. In particular, the current techniques typically analyze executions by unfolding transitions one step at a time, and the slow growth of execution length prevents detection of deep counterexamples before the tool reaches its limits on computations. We propose a novel model-checking algorithm that is capable of both proving unbounded safety and finding long counterexamples. The idea is to use Craig interpolation to guide the creation of symbolic abstractions of exponentially longer sequences of transitions. Our experimental analysis shows that on unsafe benchmarks with deep counterexamples our implementation can detect faulty executions that are at least an order of magnitude longer than those detectable by the state-of-the-art tools.

Martin Blicha, Grigory Fedyukovich, Antti E. J. Hyvärinen, Natasha Sharygina

Open Access

Searching for Ribbon-Shaped Paths in Fair Transition Systems

Diagnosability is a fundamental problem of partial observable systems in safety-critical design. Diagnosability verification checks if the observable part of system is sufficient to detect some faults. A counterexample to diagnosability may consist of infinitely many indistinguishable traces that differ in the occurrence of the fault. When the system under analysis is modeled as a Büchi automaton or finite-state Fair Transition System, this problem reduces to look for ribbon-shaped paths, i.e., fair paths with a loop in the middle.In this paper, we propose to solve the problem by extending the liveness-to-safety approach to look for lasso-shaped paths. The algorithm can be applied to various diagnosability conditions in a uniform way by changing the conditions on the loops. We implemented and evaluated the approach on various diagnosability benchmarks.

Marco Bozzano, Alessandro Cimatti, Stefano Tonetta, Viktoria Vozarova

Open Access

CoVeriTeam: On-Demand Composition of Cooperative Verification Systems

There is no silver bullet for software verification: Different techniques have different strengths. Thus, it is imperative to combine the strengths of verification tools via combinations and cooperation. CoVeriTeam is a language and tool for on-demand composition of cooperative approaches. It provides a systematic and modular way to combine existing tools (without changing them) in order to leverage their full potential. The idea of cooperative verification is that different tools help each other to achieve the goal of correctly solving verification tasks.The language is based on verification artifacts (programs, specifications, witnesses) as basic objects and verification actors (verifiers, validators, testers) as basic operations. We define composition operators that make it possible to easily describe new compositions. Verification artifacts are the interface between the different verification actors. CoVeriTeam consists of a language for composition of verification actors, and its interpreter.As a result of viewing tools as components, we can now create powerful verification engines that are beyond the possibilities of single tools, avoiding to develop certain components repeatedly. We illustrate the abilities of CoVeriTeam on a few case studies. We expect that CoVeriTeam will help verification researchers and practitioners to easily experiment with new tools, and assist them in rapid prototyping of tool combinations.

Dirk Beyer, Sudeep Kanav
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
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Dr. Dana Fisman
Grigore Rosu
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