2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
A Novel Data-Mining Platform to Monitor the Outcomes of Erlontinib (Tarceva) Using Social Media
verfasst von : A. Akay, A. Dragomir, B. E. Erlandsson
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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A novel data-mining method was developed to gauge the experiences of the oncology drug Tarceva. Self-organizing maps were used to analyze forum posts numerically to infer user opinion of drug Tarceva. The result is a word list compilation correlating positive and negative word cluster groups and a web of influential users on Tarceva. The implica-tions could open new research avenues into rapid data collec-tion, feedback, and analysis that would enable improved solu-tions for public health.