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2023 | Buch

Analytical Methods and Instruments for Micro- and Nanomaterials

verfasst von: Henry H. Radamson, Anders Hallén, Ilya Sychugov, Alexander Azarov

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Buchreihe : Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology


Über dieses Buch

This book describes analytical instruments widely used to characterize the nanostructured materials. It provides information about how to assess material quality, defects, the state of surfaces and interfaces, element distributions, strain, lattice distortion, and electro-optical properties of materials and devices. The information provided by this book can be used as a back-up for material processing, material design and debugging of device performance. The basic principles and methodology of each analysis technique is described in separate chapters, adding historic perspectives and recent developments. The data analysis, from simple to advanced level, is introduced by numerous examples, mostly taken from the authors' fields of research; semiconductor materials, metals and oxides.

The book serves as a valuable guide for scientists and students working in materials science, physics, and engineering, who wish to become acquainted with the most important analytical techniques for nanomaterials.



Material Characterization Using Photons and Electrons

Chapter 1. X-Ray Techniques
X-ray techniques are non-destructive material analysis methods to provide information about lattice constant, strain, material composition, layer thickness, defect density, interface quality, grain size, texture, etc. This chapter begins with the basic definitions in crystallography and crystal defects, x-ray diffraction, and then the discussion extend to the x-ray applications for material analysis ranging from powder diffraction, and grazing-angle reflectivity measurements to high-resolution measurements. The content gives also examples for how to apply x-ray diffraction to study the nano-scale materials and devices.
Henry H. Radamson
Chapter 2. Micro-photoluminescence (µ-PL)
Photoluminescence is a form of light emission from a material which is initiated by the excitation of the electronic system of the material by incident photons. New photons can then be emitted, as the excited electrons relaxes back to their ground states and the emitted photons can reveal important information of the electronic system of the material. Micro-photoluminescence, described in this chapter, is a versatile technique for characterization and studies of material optical properties on a smaller length scale. Basic principles and instrumentation are described and relevant examples are provided for heterostructures and nanostructured semiconductor materials with the focus on analysis of fundamental properties relevant for today’s applications.
Ilya Sychugov
Chapter 3. Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
This chapter presents the principles and applications of Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques. These methods are other important varieties of using incident photons to study electronic and vibrational properties of materials, in addition to photoluminescence, described in Chap. 2. The discussion in this chapter covers the scientific and technical issues while several experimental examples highlight the significance and applications of each characterization technique in the fields of microelectronics engineering and material science.
Henry H. Radamson
Chapter 4. Electron Microscopy
The chapter presents the fundaments of electron and optical microscopes. It begins with an overview of microscopy and then continues to how the technique of electron spectroscopy developed to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for material analysis. A focus is made on electron diffraction and chemical analysis methods e.g. energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) techniques. The chapter covers also high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) and low-angle annular dark-field (LAADF) techniques and their applications. Later, the discussions extend also to scanning Moiré fringe (SMF) imaging technique and how to determine the lattice plane direction and crystal quality. Finally, different examples of applications of electron microscopes for nano-scale materials and devices are presented.
Henry H. Radamson

Material Characterization Using Ions

Chapter 5. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry
The origin of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) constitutes one of a handful of paradigm breaking physics experiments done in the early twentieth century that paved the way to modern physics and our conception of matter. From fundamental research in nuclear physics, RBS developed into a very useful material characterization technique for investigation of thin film composition, depth profiling of impurities, and thickness measurement in the nanometer range. This chapter introduces the foundation for the technique and how it is applied in modern materials analysis.
Anders Hallén
Chapter 6. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Among other characterization techniques, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is of particular interest due to its unprecedented sensitivity and ability for detection of low concentrations of practically any element of the periodic table with large spatial resolution. At present time SIMS is a primary tool used in both industry and research areas and also highly relevant for analysis of nano-scaled materials. However, SIMS is a quite complicated technique, where deep understanding the physical processes involved is vitally required for a correct interpretation of the results obtained. Therefore, in the present chapter special attention is paid to the basic principles of SIMS as well as complicating factors affecting the measurements. In the first part of the chapter, devoted to the basics of SIMS, two fundamental processes (sputtering and ionization) are described in some detail. After that the main types of modern SIMS instruments are reviewed, describing the different primary ion sources and the variety of mass spectrometers for detecting secondary ions. Finally, the main operation modes of SIMS instruments are described in conjunction with examples of SIMS applications with complicating factors and practical problems that are encountered.
Alexander Azarov

Electrical Measurement Techniques

Chapter 7. Electrical Characterization of Semiconductors: I–V, C–V and Hall Measurements
This chapter presents characterization techniques to study the electrical properties of semiconductors. For electrical measurements, a good metal–semiconductor contact is typically required. Therefore, in the beginning a short introduction to the physics of metal–semiconductor contacts is done, where special attention is paid to the difference and physical properties of Schottky and Ohmic contacts. Then follows the basics of resistivity and Hall effect measurements, after which capacitance–voltage characteristics are described, including deep level transient spectroscopy, which reveals very low concentration of defects and impurities at interfaces and in semiconductor layers. The chapter takes also into consideration the advantages, or disadvantages, with different electrical characterization techniques, as well as limitations for each characterization technique when applying electrical techniques for analysis of nanoscale materials and devices.
Alexander Azarov, Anders Hallén, Henry H. Radamson

Scanning Probe Techniques

Chapter 8. Scanning Probe Microscopies (SPMs)
Part I: Atom Force microscope (AFM)
Part I: Atom Force Microscope (AFM) belongs to the family of scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) where a very sharp probe scans the surface in a full- or non-contact modes. In contrast to SEM, AFM provides very accurate and direct surface topography measurements, down to atomic resolution. Apart from sensing the surface roughness, SPM allows for analyzing for instance optical, electric, or magnetic interactions down to the atomic scale and the technique has opened up new “window” to study materials in the nano- and sub-nanometer range. This chapter introduces the AFM technique and the basics of other SPM techniques. One particularly important SPM techniques is scanning near field optical microscopy (SNOM), which provide information about optical properties of nanomaterials. The final part of this chapter focuses on SNOM technique and its applications.
Part II: Crossing the resolution threshold set by the diffraction limit, allows near-field based techniques to obtain sample information with a high spatial resolution. In this chapter basic principles, operation modes, and standard equipment for this method are discussed. Examples of applications to the nano- and micro-scale materials illustrate how structural and compositional properties can be revealed with the help of scanning near-field optical microscopes.
Henry H. Radamson, Ilja Sychugov
Analytical Methods and Instruments for Micro- and Nanomaterials
verfasst von
Henry H. Radamson
Anders Hallén
Ilya Sychugov
Alexander Azarov
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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