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2019 | Buch

Beyond Capitalism

Machines, Work and Property


Über dieses Buch

This book offers a new perspective on the financialisation of the economy and its profound technological transformation in an increasingly interdependent and globalised world. A deterioration of capitalist property has led to the reactivation of pre-capitalist social phenomena such as slavery. Meanwhile secular deflation and international destruction of the social state have wrought havoc with all familiar modern welfare infrastructure. Yet, Sapelli argues, there is still hope in the form of the gradual evolution of a community-based socialism based on diverse forms of ownership, co-operative living and working, and sustainable capitalist property. Sapelli presents a severe and dramatic look at the present world, where there is still a light at the end of the tunnel.


1. The Global Crisis Caused by Deflation
A deep-seated global transformation has come about in the composition of capital: in percentage terms, capital expenditure for setting up mighty large-scale manufacturing industries has increasingly given way to a different type of capital expenditure to build a new service industry with lower fixed capital intensity and lower transaction costs.
Giulio Sapelli
2. Financialised, High-tech Capitalism Based on Modern Slavery
There is a widespread, almost sickening belief that a new socioeconomic order (albeit still capitalist) is emerging from the global economic crisis.
Giulio Sapelli
3. Is a Non-capitalist Economy Possible?
The general message we can take from the previous sections about this specific juncture in human history is that we cannot resign ourselves to a future determined by absence of work and growing inequality.
Giulio Sapelli
4. Freedom and Diversity: The Anticapitalist Revolution
Nowadays the debate on the fate of the world economy increasingly includes a discussion of “natural rights to property”: the unwritten law embodied in history through the life experiences of communities that were once described as “primitive”. They have been gradually surrounded, more than incorporated, by the capitalist market and by societies such as the one in which we live.
Giulio Sapelli
5. Against Rhetoric, Back to Theory and Struggle
If this is the theoretical context we must inhabit to change the current capitalist society from technologies to values, what is going on in society, in the living world?
Giulio Sapelli
6. Blowing into the Bottle
In a world that ignores historical memoirs, lacking a culture of community where men and women can relate to one another through association with all their personal quirks, words are very often used inappropriately and men such as Adriano Olivetti are mentioned without knowing anything about their true thoughts.
Giulio Sapelli
Beyond Capitalism
verfasst von
Prof. Giulio Sapelli
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