This book presents an in-depth and provoking analysis of the current global landscape and the challenges it presents for development. Offering a unique approach examining the implications of strategic uncertainty on strategies for development, it …
‘Industry 5.0’ was first described in 2020 by the European Commission to describe the next wave of technologies, including Virtual Simulation and Automated Robots, to impact businesses and individuals. It recognizes how these technologies can no …
This book offers a new interpretation of the origins of the contemporary global order - the set of institutions and international practices created by the USA and its allies after the Second World War. Previous interpretations have argued that the …
This book sets out to develop a policy design process that is more inclusive by creating space for emotions and feelings. Rather than focus solely on expert knowledge, it places the fears and hopes of citizens at the heart of policy design, to …
This book offers an accessible framework for macroeconomic modelling rooted in the capital theory of Austrian Economics. By distinguishing between the goods and monetary sides of the economy and exploring their interaction, the book provides a …
This open access book focuses on the geopolitical competition in the South China Sea, an area with highly concentrated choke points in the Indo-Pacific, presenting ideas and recommendations to manage this competition and foster cooperation to …
This edited volume will take an expansive view of the “publicness” of both the policies and the effects related to migration, immigration, and refugees. It will include examinations of international systemic factors and local economic factors.
Unlock the secrets of advertising success with this comprehensive guide! Dive into practical insights and real-world data to enhance your campaigns. Explore the Super Bowl as a live advertising lab, dissecting branding strategies, creative …
This book provides a comprehensive exploration of semiconductor supply chain localization, offering insights into the formulation of effective strategies and ways to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of semiconductor manufacturers …
Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für das Zustandekommen und die langfristige Stabilität von Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen ist, dass alle Beteiligten in angemessenem Umfang von der Zusammenarbeit profitieren und sich kein Unternehmen …
Seven out of ten start-ups fail. The reasons for failure are well-known. Yet founders often fail to approach the topic of failure with the seriousness and commitment it deserves. This book aims to change that and offers a new approach for founders …
Economic systems driven by monetary interests have enabled individuals, international institutions, and governments to prioritize financial gain and budget constraints over people. This has placed global dominance above human rights. This edited …
Das Buch zeigt, wie Führungskräfte durch gesunde Führung die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten fördern können. Denn Studien belegen, dass Führung einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten hat. Nach einer Einführung in die …
Dieser Ratgeber ermutigt und befähigt Menschen, auf eine verbale Attacke souverän zu reagieren und mit einer strukturierten Methode eine Konfrontation in Kollaboration zu verwandeln – realistisch, wirksam und direkt umsetzbar.
Der Band leistet einen Beitrag zu der zunehmend fragmentierten Debatte zum Verhältnis von Wirtschaft und sozialer Ungleichheit. Die Untersuchung des Verhältnisses zwischen Wirtschaft und sozialer Ungleichheit ist eine der ältesten Fragen, mit …
In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, welchen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für öffentliche Verwaltungen und staatliche Institutionen unterliegt und welche Gestaltungsoptionen sich daraus ergeben. Christian Eggers vermittelt die …
This book is one of the first edited volumes on the current Israel/Palestine conflict—the Gaza Nakba 2023–24. It contains contributions from both young post-doctoral researchers and more seasoned scholars from Japan. These authors, with their rich …
This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the struggles of youth in India, Myanmar, and Thailand towards the creation of a freer, more inclusive, plural, and equal society. Chapter contributions in the book include analytical …
This book examines the development of internet policymaking over the last forty years. Drawing on evidence from France and elsewhere, it adopts a sociohistorical perspective to offer insights into the ways democratic states regulate the internet …
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) represents a monumental shift in the global power landscape. Through ambitious infrastructure projects and strategic economic investments, China has emerged as a formidable challenger to U.S. dominance in the …
Der Wohlstand auf der Welt war schon immer ungleich verteilt: Während vor allem die reichen Industrieländer in der Vergangenheit überproportional von der Globalisierung profitierten, leben auch heute noch Millionen von Menschen im globalen Süden …
This open access book studies disability inclusion in humanitarian crises. It addresses the challenges of recognizing and including persons with disabilities and indicates the degree to which disability is being mainstreamed in international law …
The book analyzes in depth selected contemporary U.S., Canadian and European landmark and other cases illustrating the nature and impact of the legal regime that undermines child human rights empowerment in many Westerm democracies. The objectives …
In an era where the digital realm is evolving at an unprecedented pace, the legal framework must adapt accordingly to ensure effective governance and control. This open access book explores the intricate web of regulations governing new digital …
This book explores masculinities of Tajik men and offers insights on how migrant and non-migrant men maintain their gender identity and adjust their gender practices in the context of transnational labor migration from Tajikistan to Russia. Being …
Since the mid-1960s, citizens' rights in the United States have improved across many areas, including race, gender, sexuality, physical disabilities, age, consumption of goods, voting, and more. During this time, there has also been a degradation …
This book proposes an economic theory of gender and population change by integrating neoclassical and new economic theories. Modern economies are characterized by complicated dynamic interdependence between many variables such as population …
This book examines the changing dynamics of political parties in Nigeria's Fourth Republic. It is a comprehensively study of these parties' development, character and systems in relation to everything from ideology, funding and crises to …
Although the dial-a-ride problem currently plays a crucial role in providing transportation services to specific demographics such as the elderly, those with serious illnesses, or individuals with limited mobility due to disabilities, its …
This handbook comprehensively covers topics in international relations, with a specific focus on China-Europe-Africa relations. This triangular relationship brings substantial contribution for the formation of an emergent new international order.
This book explores the evolving dynamics of market competition in an age defined by rapid technological advancements and globalization. Drawing from interdisciplinary research across evolutionary theory, economics, computer science, and biology …
This book delves into the dynamic intersection of optimization and discrete mathematics, offering a comprehensive exploration of their applications in data sciences. Through a collection of high-quality papers, readers will gain insights into …
This book explores sustainable development from the perspective of the post-communist experience of Eastern Europe. Taking into account the specific characteristics of different countries within Eastern Europe, the contrast between economic theory …
This edited volume celebrates the profound legacy of Peter Schmidt, an eminent figure in econometric research. Originally featured as a Special Issue in Empirical Economics in 2023, this book gathers esteemed econometricians to honor Schmidt's …
This edited collection of studies brings together a number of internationally distinguished scholars to provide a comprehensive and detailed examination of the usage and function of quotations and citations in political rhetoric in a variety of …
The world is in crisis at every level: the planet, humanity, and all kinds of human communities, including working communities. The result is likely to be violence and chaos. And yet, man lives and can only live with others. Relationships in all …
In an era where technology is evolving at breakneck speed and populist movements are reshaping political landscapes, the regulation of market participants stands at a critical crossroads. The future of antitrust — once a relatively stable domain …
This book examines the projection of soft and sharp powers through the Turkish civilizational populist TV series "Resurrection: Ertugrul" and its reception in Pakistan. By analyzing the content of the series, elite responses, interviews with …
The book is an exhaustive assessment of the innovative farmer producer companies or co-operative companies in India based on 23 case studies of such companies, including all-women member PCs, across four states of India. It not only assesses the …
This book asks why the current IR paradigm has outlasted its utility and argues that despite changes to world politics, the paradigm of IR remains far more preoccupied with the dynamics of war and almost silent, when it comes to commenting on the …
This book takes a comparative law and economics approach to explore the role of public and private actors in regulating generative artificial intelligence. The book provides an introduction and context for the creation of new generative AI …
Dieses Buch beleuchtet das Werk von Werner Sombart, einem wichtigen Zeitgenossen von Max Weber, und zeigt, wie sein Denken die Grundlagen für Konzepte des modernen Kapitalismus legte.
Obwohl der Begriff des „Geistes“ des modernen Kapitalismus am …
Führungskräfte, Mitarbeitende, Studierende und Forschende, welche die strategische Ausgangslage eines Unternehmens systematisch, zielgerichtet und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven heraus analysieren wollen, finden in diesem Buch wirkungsvolle …
This book examines how fiction films and novels represent the communist-led national democratic (NatDem) revolution in the Philippines. Produced aboveground decades after the Philippines’ historic transition from dictatorship to elite democracy …
This book weaves theoretical-empirical threads beyond pragmatic philosophy, quantum cosmology and world affairs. It offers a “quantum-social” approach to inquire solidarity configurations among transnational movements. The first part of the book …
In 1997, the smooth handover of Hong Kong between China and the United Kingdom defied pessimistic predictions about Hong Kong's future. The successful resolution of the Hong Kong issue was the result of 18 years of diplomatic exchanges between …
This open access book consolidates a collection of scholarly papers presented at the academic conference titled "Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in OECD Case Law: Actors, Issues, Responsibilities, and Remedies", held on 4 and 5 May 2023. The …
This volume is a collection of 14 conference papers discussing India's development story around the three themes of sustainable development goals (SDGs), agricultural productivity and sustainability, and climate change - mitigation and adaptation.
Thomas Bindel schlägt Ihnen vor, mit welchen Worten Sie in schwierigen Situationen richtig reagieren. Er verrät Ihnen, mit welcher Systematik Sie Gespräche und Verhandlungen perfekt vorbereiten. Und er zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Menschen vertieft …
This open access volume discusses the core values and decision-making for sustainable business in general, and includes research findings and country cases on addressing challenges. It emphasizes the importance of adapting products or services to …
This book provides the first comprehensive and systematic account of the multi-level governance system adopted by China in realizing the Dual-Carbon transition. This governance system encompasses the participation of the government, the market …
Nicht nur die Corona-Pandemie hat die Zuschauerzahlen im Esports beflügelt. Weltweit zählt das Publikum inzwischen rund 532 Millionen Menschen, und die Esports-Branche ist zu einer bedeutenden, profitablen Industrie herangewachsen. Im Mittelpunkt …
This machine-generated volume, with chapter introductions by the human expert, showcases how digital technologies are having deep transformative impacts on geographies and temporalities of social, political, economic, and personal lives. They are …
Durch die Verbreitung von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) werden die Auswirkungen von Digitalisierung im Beschaffungsumfeld immer greifbarer. In diesem essential wird – nun in der 3. Auflage – die digitale Transformation des Einkaufs strukturiert …
Dieses Buch untersucht die aktuellen Kommunikationsprozesse in Unternehmen und leitet daraus praktische Empfehlungen ab. Eine strategische Kommunikation, schlüssig auf die jeweiligen Zielgruppen ausgerichtet, spielt eine zentrale Rolle in …
Dieses Buch entwickelt die relevanten Facetten von Wertschätzung und zeigt die Verbindung zu Wertschöpfung in Zeiten von Industrie 4.0, der Digitalisierung und des Klimawandels auf. Dabei wird deutlich, dass Wertschätzung sowohl für den Einzelnen …
This book deals with the role and the protection of third parties in criminal proceedings. Starting from a comparative-law definition of formal parties in criminal proceedings based on seven domestic jurisdictions, this research focuses on the …
This book provides graduate students and new entrepreneurs with a variety of organizational effectiveness factors that contribute to an organization’s competitive advantage, as well as its present and future success and survival. It offers leaders …
This open access book argues that Japan-ROK security relations were formed in the process of adjusting the threat perception gap and policy conflict between the two countries. Conventional analyses using a “cooperation or conflict” dichotomy are …
This book is the first comprehensive study of the history, nature, and purposes of peace museums, comprising twenty-one essays by a leading authority in the field. It presents a powerful argument for the need for this new kind of museum that …
This book explores the crucial role of “remembering” the fundamental purpose of firms’ existence especially in today’s context: Meeting individuals’ and societal needs. Through seven chapters, the book shed light on the issue of the integration of …
This edited book provides new insights for traditional paradigms, approaches, and methods, as well as more recent developments in research methodology on emotional intelligence, job satisfaction and firm performance. Particularly, the book …
This book comprehensively explores the foundational principles of power, influence, and organizational politics, presenting actionable approaches for both employees and management to skillfully navigate these intricacies without succumbing to …
This book chiefly focuses on the IPMA® competence baseline (ICB) version 3.0, closely intertwined with project management standards like the PMBOK guide (official ANSI Norm) and DIN. It explores various facets of project management, including …
Dieses Buch gibt Pionieren fortschrittswirksamer und gesellschaftsorientierter Innovationen aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Technik und Politik eine Plattform. Die Beitragsautoren wollen nicht nur über das aktuelle Innovationsparadigma und dessen …
Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Einblick, wie sich die globale Logistik im Zeitalter des globalen Miteinanders verändert. Es wird allgemeine Managementaufgabe, entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette Umweltschutz, soziale Normen und …
This book addresses the overarching theme of promoting inclusive and sustainable development through twelve contributions that discuss perspectives from emerging economies and policies for a better world. The contributions are divided into four …
Never in history have crises surrounding free speech raged with greater ferocity than we are witnessing today. This is the world’s first book to gather detailed, country-by-country studies devoted entirely to the problem of hate speech, spanning …
Das Lehrbuch stellt psycho-ökonomische Ansätze und Verhaltensmodelle in den Mittelpunkt des People Managements. Diese in der bisherigen Theorie und Praxis zu wenig berücksichtigte Perspektive bietet neuartige Analysegrundlagen für die Beschreibung …
This book examines how new flows of foreign direct investments from autocracies are framed, their effects, and the policy responses to them, within the context of challenges to the international liberal order. Chapters address thematic and …
This book engages contemporary research in the neurobiology of consciousness, specifically how Integrated Information Theory (IIT) understands and models consciousness as an emergent phenomenon. In a thorough yet accessible discussion of IIT, the …
This classic text, first published in 1990, is designed to introduce law students, law teachers, practitioners, and judges to the basic ideas of mathematical probability and statistics as they have been applied in the law. The fourth edition …
Die gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen an unternehmerisches Handeln und Verantwortungsbewusstsein steigen. Eine Stakeholder-orientierte Unternehmensführung ist unerlässlich geworden. Es ist auch vermehrt festzustellen, dass Stakeholder andere …
In dem Buch werden Beiträge von Hochschullehrer*innen und promovierten Praktikern veröffentlicht, die sich mit wichtigen und aktuellen produktionswirtschaftlichen Problemstellungen oder Wirtschaftsinformatik-Fragestellungen beschäftigen.
This proceedings volume contains selected papers from the 33rd International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference, held from July 8-11, 2024, in Porto, Portugal. It is the second volume of a three-volume set of conference …
This book explores the possibilities and scope of facilitating Bangladesh’s battle against climate change with regard to relevant international legal instruments, as well as national laws and policies. The Post-Paris global climate regime …
Das Buch führt in einfacher und verständlicher Sprache in die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und Zielsetzungen der Umweltmanagementsystem-Norm DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 ein und erleichtert damit die Umsetzung in die Unternehmenspraxis. Jedes einzelne …
This book investigates the relationship between politics and economics in rentier states, with a particular focus on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq from 2003 to 2020. Resource-rich states face low levels of economic growth due to the various factors …
The political phenomenon of populism has emerged as a significant force in recent decades, with a profound impact on the economic landscape. This book examines the implications of populism for financial markets, identifying it as a key political …
Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, this book examines the interaction between ESG strategies and value creation. It highlights how sustainability is a wide-ranging concept capable of engaging the social sciences in various ways.
The impact of the fashion industry on the environment is undoubtedly size-able. In response, the last decade has seen various changes in the fashion industry landscape, from new digital technologies that enhance zero waste productions, the …
Using a new methodology for foresight studies, this book presents new findings and policy recommendations to improve living conditions and make progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Using the case of South Africa, the …
The purpose of this volume is to revisit the core principle that growth is a function of communication, encapsulated in the term, negentropy, in the light of noteworthy initiatives that applied this construct in the pursuit of development goals.
Diese aktualisierte und überarbeitete 3. Auflage liefert einen fundierten, praxisbezogenen Überblick über die Kommunikationsinstrumente und -möglichkeiten sowie den Planungsprozess im Bereich CSR.
Nearly one-third of US workers must obtain a license from a government agency to perform their jobs legally. This impacts employees across all areas, including lawyers, doctors, and accountants, as well as florists, hairdressers, physical …
This book explores recent developments and exciting challenges in operations research and mathematical optimization. It provides the following in a unified and carefully developed presentation: (a) novel problems that have arisen in the real-life …
This book describes and addresses the challenges faced by middle-income countries, who have sustained enough economic growth to transition out of low-income status, but who are unable to grow fast enough to resemble high-income countries. By …
Dieser Sammelband bietet technisches, wirtschaftliches und gesellschaftliches Grundwissen über die Digitalwirtschaft mit dem Ziel, ihre Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und aktuelle Diskurse mitzugestalten. Fachkundige aus unterschiedlichen Branchen haben …
This book provides a general overview of the use of optimisation techniques in decision-making concerning inventory problems, supply chain management, production and manufacturing management, problems related to vendor selection, transportation …
This book focuses on the FDI in western China and aims to explore the logic behind the regional development. From 1994 to 2004, China’s economy enjoyed a golden stage of rapid growth. As the top destination for foreign investment, China has …
This book is the first volume presenting carefully selected chapters from the proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), Vila Real, Portugal, which took place in June 2024.
In this book, readers will be exposed to the Data and Decision Analytics Framework which helps a business analyst to first identify the root cause of business problems by collecting, preparing, and exploring data to gain business insights, before …
This book presents a collection of research papers that explore how managers, practitioners and policymakers can address the challenges of the Digital Transformation with particular reference to the topics of organizational change, digital work …
This edited volume explores and makes explicit the links between neoliberal economic policies and right-wing ideology. The book focuses on the case of the US while situating these trends in the global political economy.
Eine der wesentlichen Aufgaben des Controllings besteht in der Koordinationsfunktion, mittels der eine optimale Ressourcenallokation erreicht werden soll. Während zentrale Vorgaben mit einer Demotivation der dezentralen Entscheidungsträger …
In einer Zeit, in der die Debatte über die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf zu einer der drängendsten gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen geworden ist, bietet das vorliegende Buch einen wertvollen Einblick in die Konflikte und …
Marketing as a discipline is in a perpetual state of evolution, continuously adapting to diverse and dynamic environments. From subsistence to highly developed markets characterized by technological advancements, and from tradition to modernity …
This book offers a comprehensive compilation of research on the evaluation of the most environmentally and socially responsible financial institutions using a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach, with a focus on the principles of the …