2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography
verfasst von : C. de Molina, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. Abella
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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C-arm enables a great variety of movements, and its characteristic structure makes it possible its use in intraoperative cases, as the arc can be located around a patient lying in the bed. Such a device is conventionally intended to obtain planar images with no depth information. Our group is evaluating the use of the C-arm to provide 3D imaging guide to Intraoperative Radiation Therapy procedures. For the use of the C-arm in computerized tomography, mechanical calibration becomes an important issue, as many parameters influence the quality of the reconstruction: center of rotation, detector position, distance between detector and source, etc. In this work, we present preliminary results of the implementation of a calibration method needed to generate tomographic images with a C-arm system.