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2015 | Buchreihe

Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics

Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics

34 Jahrgänge | 2006 - 2024


This book series provides reviews on the most recent developments in computational chemistry and physics. It covers both the method developments and their applications. Each volume consists of chapters devoted to the one research area. The series highlights the most notable advances in applications of the computational methods. The volumes include nanotechnology, material sciences, molecular biology, structures and bonding in molecular complexes, and atmospheric chemistry. The authors are recruited from among the most prominent researchers in their research areas. As computational chemistry and physics is one of the most rapidly advancing scientific areas such timely overviews are desired by chemists, physicists, molecular biologists and material scientists. The books are intended for graduate students and researchers.

All contributions to edited volumes should undergo standard peer review to ensure high scientific quality, while monographs should be reviewed by at least two experts in the field. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and decided by the series editor, Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski.