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2009 | Buch

Engineering Secure Software and Systems

First International Symposium ESSoS 2009, Leuven, Belgium, February 4-6, 2009. Proceedings

herausgegeben von: Fabio Massacci, Samuel T. Redwine Jr., Nicola Zannone

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Lecture Notes in Computer Science




Policy Verification and Enforcement

Verification of Business Process Entailment Constraints Using SPIN
The verification of access controls is essential for providing secure systems. Model checking is an automated technique used for verifying finite state machines. The properties to be verified are usually expressed as formula in temporal logic. In this paper we present an approach to verify access control security properties of a security annotated business process model. To this end we utilise a security enhanced BPMN notation to define access control properties.
To enhance the usability the complex and technical details are hidden from the process modeller by using an automatic translation of the process model into a process meta language (Promela) based on Coloured Petri net (CPN) semantics.
The model checker SPIN is used for the process model verification and a trace file is written to provide visual feedback to the modeller on the abstraction level of the verified process model. As a proof of concept the described translation methodology is implemented as a plug-in for the free web-based BPMN modelling tool Oryx.
Christian Wolter, Philip Miseldine, Christoph Meinel
From Formal Access Control Policies to Runtime Enforcement Aspects
We present an approach that addresses both formal specification and verification as well as runtime enforcement of RBAC access control policies including application specific constraints such as separation of duties (SoD). We introduce Temporal \(\cal{Z}\), a formal language based on Z and temporal logic, which provides domain specific predicates for expressing RBAC and SoD constraints. An aspect-oriented language with domain specific concepts for RBAC and SoD constraints is used for the runtime enforcement of policies. Enforcement aspects are automatically generated from Temporal \(\cal{Z}\) specifications hence avoiding the possibility of errors and inconsistencies that may be introduced when enforcement code is written manually. Furthermore, the use of aspects ensures the modularity of the enforcement code and its separation from the business logic.
Slim Kallel, Anis Charfi, Mira Mezini, Mohamed Jmaiel, Karl Klose
Idea: Trusted Emergency Management
Through first-responder access to sensitive information for which they have not been pre-vetted, lives and property can be saved. We describe enhancements to a trusted emergency information management (EIM) system that securely allows for extraordinary access to sensitive information during a crisis. A major component of the architecture is the end-user device, the security of which is enhanced with processor-level encryption of memory. This paper introduces an approach to more efficiently use the processor-encryption feature for secure data storage, as well as ISA instructions for the management of emergency state.
Timothy E. Levin, Cynthia E. Irvine, Terry V. Benzel, Thuy D. Nguyen, Paul C. Clark, Ganesha Bhaskara

Model Refinement and Program Transformation

Idea: Action Refinement for Security Properties Enforcement
In this paper we propose an application of action refinement theory for enforcing security policies at different levels of abstraction. Indeed we assume to have a (high level) specification of a secure system with a possible untrusted component. It is controlled by a controller program, in such a way the system is secure. We show that it is possible to guarantee that the refinement of this system at a lower level of abstraction is still secure, regardless the behavior of the implementation of the untrusted component.
Fabio Martinelli, Ilaria Matteucci
Pattern-Based Confidentiality-Preserving Refinement
We present an approach to security requirements engineering, which makes use of special kinds of problem frames that serve to structure, characterize, analyze, and solve software development problems in the area of software and system security.
In this paper, we focus on confidentiality problems. We enhance previously published work by formal behavioral frame descriptions, which enable software engineers to unambiguously specify security requirements. Consequently, software engineers can prove that the envisaged solutions provide functional correctness and that the solutions fulfill the specified security requirements.
Holger Schmidt
Architectural Refinement and Notions of Intransitive Noninterference
This paper deals with architectural designs that specify components of a system and the permitted flows of information between them. In the process of systems development, one might refine such a design by viewing a component as being composed of subcomponents, and specifying permitted flows of information between these subcomponents and others in the design. The paper studies the soundness of such refinements with respect to a spectrum of different semantics for information flow policies. These include Goguen and Meseguer’s purge-based definition, Haigh and Young’s intransitive purge-based definition, and some more recent notions TA-security, TO-security and ITO-security defined by van der Meyden. It is also shown that refinement preserves weak access control structure, an implementation mechanism that ensures TA-security.
Ron van der Meyden
Systematically Eradicating Data Injection Attacks Using Security-Oriented Program Transformations
Injection attacks and their defense require a lot of creativity from attackers and secure system developers. Unfortunately, as attackers rely increasingly on systematic approaches to find and exploit a vulnerability, developers follow the traditional way of writing ad hoc checks in source code. This paper shows that security engineering to prevent injection attacks need not be ad hoc. It shows that protection can be introduced at different layers of a system by systematically applying general purpose security-oriented program transformations. These program transformations are automated so that they can be applied to new systems at design and implementation stages, and to existing ones during maintenance.
Munawar Hafiz, Paul Adamczyk, Ralph Johnson

Secure System Development

Report: Measuring the Attack Surfaces of Enterprise Software
Software vendors are increasingly concerned about mitigating the security risk of their software. Code quality improvement is a traditional approach to mitigate security risk; measuring and reducing the attack surface of software is a complementary approach. In this paper, we apply a method for measuring attack surfaces to enterprise software written in Java. We implement a tool as an Eclipse plugin to measure an SAP software system’s attack surface in an automated manner. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by measuring the attack surfaces of three versions of an SAP software system. We envision our measurement method and tool to be useful to software developers for improving software security and quality.
Pratyusa K. Manadhata, Yuecel Karabulut, Jeannette M. Wing
Report: Extensibility and Implementation Independence of the .NET Cryptographic API
When a vulnerability is discovered in a cryptographic algorithm, or in a specific implementation of that algorithm, it is important that software using that algorithm or implementation is upgraded quickly. Hence, modern cryptographic libraries such as the .NET crypto libraries are designed to be extensible with new algorithms. In addition, they also support algorithm and implementation independent use. Software written against these libraries can be implemented such that switching to a new crypto algorithm or implementation requires very little effort.
This paper reports on our experiences with the implementation of a number of extensions to the .NET cryptographic framework. The extensions we consider are smart card based implementations of existing algorithms. We evaluate the extensibility of the libraries, and the support for implementation independence. We identify several problems with the libraries that have a negative impact on these properties, and we propose solutions.
The main conclusion of the paper is that extensibility and implementation independence can be substantially improved with only minor changes. These changes maintain backwards compatibility for client code.
Pieter Philippaerts, Cédric Boon, Frank Piessens
Report: CC-Based Design of Secure Application Systems
This paper describes some experiences with using the Common Criteria for Information Security Evaluation as the basis for a design methodology for secure application systems. The examples considered include a Point-of-Sale (POS) system, a wind turbine park monitoring and control system and a secure workflow system, all of them specified to achieve CC assurance level EAL3. The methodology is described and strengths and weaknesses of using the Common Criteria in this way are discussed. In general, the systematic methodology was found to be a good support for the designers, enabling them to produce an effective and secure design, starting with the formulation of a Protection Profile and ending with a concrete design, within the project timeframe.
Robin Sharp
Protection Poker: Structuring Software Security Risk Assessment and Knowledge Transfer
Discovery of security vulnerabilities is on the rise. As a result, software development teams must place a higher priority on preventing the injection of vulnerabilities in software as it is developed. Because the focus on software security has increased only recently, software development teams often do not have expertise in techniques for identifying security risk, understanding the impact of a vulnerability, or knowing the best mitigation strategy. We propose the Protection Poker activity as a collaborative and informal form of misuse case development and threat modeling that plays off the diversity of knowledge and perspective of the participants. An excellent outcome of Protection Poker is that security knowledge passed around the team. Students in an advanced undergraduate software engineering course at North Carolina State University participated in a Protection Poker session conducted as a laboratory exercise. Students actively shared misuse cases, threat models, and their limited software security expertise as they discussed vulnerabilities in their course project. We observed students relating vulnerabilities to the business impacts of the system. Protection Poker lead to a more effective software security learning experience than in prior semesters. A pilot of the use of Protection Poker with an industrial partner began in October 2008. The first security discussion structured via Protection Poker caused two requirements to be revised for added security fortification; led to the immediate identification of one vulnerability in the system; initiated a meeting on the prioritization of security defects; and instigated a call for an education session on preventing cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
Laurie Williams, Michael Gegick, Andrew Meneely

Attack Analysis and Prevention

Toward Non-security Failures as a Predictor of Security Faults and Failures
In the search for metrics that can predict the presence of vulnerabilities early in the software life cycle, there may be some benefit to choosing metrics from the non-security realm. We analyzed non-security and security failure data reported for the year 2007 of a Cisco software system. We used non-security failure reports as input variables into a classification and regression tree (CART) model to determine the probability that a component will have at least one vulnerability. Using CART, we ranked all of the system components in descending order of their probabilities and found that 57% of the vulnerable components were in the top nine percent of the total component ranking, but with a 48% false positive rate. The results indicate that non-security failures can be used as one of the input variables for security-related prediction models.
Michael Gegick, Pete Rotella, Laurie Williams
A Scalable Approach to Full Attack Graphs Generation
Attack graphs are valuable vulnerabilities analysis tools to network defenders and may be classified to two kinds by application. One is the partial attack graphs which illustrate the potential interrelations among the known vulnerabilities just related to the given attack goal in the targeted network, the other is full attack graphs which evaluate the potential interrelations among all the known vulnerabilities in the targeted network. The previous approaches to generating full attack graphs are suffering from two issues. One is the effective modeling language for full attack graphs generation and the other is the scalability to large enterprise network. In this paper, we firstly present a novel conceptual model for full attack graph generation that introduces attack pattern simplifying the process of modeling the attacker. Secondly, a formal modeling language VAML is proposed to describe the various elements in the conceptual model. Thirdly, based on VAML, a scalable approach to generate full attack graphs is put forward. The prototype system CAVS has been tested on an operational network with over 150 hosts. We have explored the system’s scalability by evaluating simulated networks with up to one thousand hosts and various topologies. The experimental result shows the approach could be applied to large networks.
Feng Chen, Jinshu Su, Yi Zhang
MEDS: The Memory Error Detection System
Memory errors continue to be a major source of software failure. To address this issue, we present MEDS (Memory Error Detection System), a system for detecting memory errors within binary executables. The system can detect buffer overflow, uninitialized data reads, double-free, and deallocated memory access errors and vulnerabilities. It works by using static analysis to prove memory accesses safe. If a memory access cannot be proven safe, MEDS falls back to run-time analysis. The system exceeds previous work with dramatic reductions in false positives, as well as covering all memory segments (stack, static, heap).
Jason D. Hiser, Clark L. Coleman, Michele Co, Jack W. Davidson

Testing and Assurance

Idea: Automatic Security Testing for Web Applications
With the increasingly important role of web applications in online services and business systems, vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection have become serious security threats. Finding these vulnerabilities by manual testing is a time-consuming and error-prone practice that may result in some potential vulnerabilities being missed due to some execution branches being missed. In this paper, we describe an automatic security testing method to find vulnerabilities in web applications; this method utilizes test data generation techniques for improving the code coverage. Our security testing involves automatic attack request generation and automatic security checking using dynamic tainting technique that detects dangerous contents originating from untrustworthy sources in commands and outputs. Automatic constraint-based test data generation helps to create test data for executing program branches that may have remained unexecuted in previous tests. The experimental results indicate that our method is effective to find new vulnerabilities, and test data generation may help to improve the effectiveness of detection.
Thanh-Binh Dao, Etsuya Shibayama
Report: Functional Security Testing Closing the Software – Security Testing Gap: A Case from a Telecom Provider
To offer successful products and services in the telecom business requires to show that the specified security is implemented as expected. Functional security testing is suitable for this purpose as it bridges the gap between software and security testing. In this paper we describe the aspects of such a functional security testing approach. Further we provide evidence for a practical application of our approach and show the benefits we found.
Albin Zuccato, Clemens Kögler
Idea: Measuring the Effect of Code Complexity on Static Analysis Results
To understand the effect of code complexity on static analysis, thirty-five format string vulnerabilities were studied. We analyzed two code samples for each vulnerability, one containing the vulnerability and one in which the vulnerability was fixed. We examined the effect of code complexity on the quality of static analysis results, including successful detection and false positive rates. Static analysis detected 63% of the format string vulnerabilities, with detection rates decreasing with increasing code complexity. When the tool failed to detect a bug, it was for one of two reasons: the absence of security rules specifying the vulnerable function or the presence of a bug in the static analysis tool. Complex code is more likely to contain complicated code constructs and obscure format string functions, resulting in lower detection rates.
James Walden, Adam Messer, Alex Kuhl
Engineering Secure Software and Systems
herausgegeben von
Fabio Massacci
Samuel T. Redwine Jr.
Nicola Zannone
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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