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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

8. Europe and the New World Order

verfasst von : Alexandre Vautravers

Erschienen in: Global Security in Times of Covid-19

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The strategic posture of the European Union (EU) has rarely been as fragmented as at present, especially in the wake of COVID-19. Arguing that the health systems are primarily a national prerogative, the EU has lost considerable legitimacy and any executive leverage it possessed, both in the community and intergovernmental fields. It has been weakened with the Brexit-saga and internal divisions about the conservative stance of Central/Eastern members of the Union, not to mention divisions on immigration policy. It has been confused by Macron’s political and military bilateral promises to Germany. It suffers from the challenges of Germany’s economy and Chancellor. And to top it off, by taking a moralizing and confrontational stance towards the U.S. President Trump, several Western European leaders alienated their main ally and supporter. The ‘rift’ in US–EU relations has weakened the Washington Consensus and the international multilateral system. This has, at the same time, created mixed signals to Russia, with the consequence of exacerbating Putin’s hybrid conflicts and influence. Europe’s weakness and lack of direction poses not only questions, but challenges. A strategic void in Europe will naturally be filled. This chapter will examine how the COVID pandemic has affected the geopolitics and the balance of powers.

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Europe and the New World Order
verfasst von
Alexandre Vautravers

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