2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Finding People Who Can Contribute to Learning Activities: A First Approach to Enhance the Information about Experts Available in a People Directory
verfasst von : Victor M. Alonso Rorís, Agustín Cañas Rodríguez, Juan M. Santos Gago, Luís E. Anido Rifón, Manuel J. Fernández Iglesias
Erschienen in: Management Intelligent Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The participation of experts and other external contributors is a common requirement in the design of educational scenarios for the school of the future. We can find many repositories of learning objects, but it is not so common to find directories containing people who are willing to participate in an educational activity. Much less common is to find information about these people to determine their suitability from an educational perspective. This paper describes a proposal for the automatic enrichment of existing information in a directory of contributors to educational activities. Through this enrichment process, it is possible to enhance the amount of information available to a recommender system to identify the most appropriate people to participate in a particular activity, and reduces the need for human intervention when selecting individuals to contribute to educational activities.