2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Glove-Based Input for Reusing Everyday Objects as Interfaces in Smart Environments
verfasst von : Ionuţ-Alexandru Zaiţi, Ştefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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Gestural interfaces can be naturally adopted for ambient intelligence applications given the fact that most interactions we have with our environment are performed through our hands. Human hands can be extremely expressive and can perform very precise actions which in turn could benefit ambient interactions and enhance user experience. However, today’s common gesture-sensing technologies make heavily use of motion in the detriment of fine hand posture and finger movements. We propose in this work a glove-based input technique for inferring properties about grasped objects by using measurements of finger flexure alone to explore new interaction opportunities in intelligent environments.