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2012 | Buch

How Glass Changed the World

The History and Chemistry of Glass from Antiquity to the 13th Century

verfasst von: Seth C. Rasmussen

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science


Über dieses Buch

Glass production is thought to date to ~2500 BC and had found numerous uses by the height of the Roman Empire. Yet the modern view of glass-based chemical apparatus (beakers, flasks, stills, etc.) was quite limited due to a lack of glass durability under rapid temperature changes and chemical attack. This “brief” gives an overview of the history and chemistry of glass technology from its origins in antiquity to its dramatic expansion in the 13th century, concluding with its impact on society in general, particularly its effect on chemical practices.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Glass and its uses predate recorded history. Long before the ability to manufacture glass, early tribes discovered and shaped glass formed by nature. Such dark volcanic glass, or obsidian, is a naturally occurring silica-based material which is formed from the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. Obsidian can be found in most locations that have experienced the melting of silica-rich rock due to volcanic eruptions and such deposits were valued by prehistoric tribes due to the fact that it could be fractured to produce sharp blades or arrowheads.
Seth C. Rasmussen
Chapter 2. Origins of Glass: Myth and Known History
Where and when glass production began is uncertain. It is thought by some that the first glass was probably developed in the Mitannian or Hurrian region of Mesopotamia, possibly as an extension of the production of glazes (~5000 BCE). Around this same time, a new material called faience was developed, which was produced by utilizing a variety of techniques to create a glaze layer over a silica core. It may have been invented in either Sumeria or Egypt, but its full development was accomplished in Egypt, and it is therefore commonly referred to as Egyptian faience. Although this material was used to craft beads during the third and fourth millennia BCE, it involved sintering (fusion below the melting point), rather than the complete melting of the silica mixture. As such, faience can be thought of as an intermediate material between a glaze and glass. Glass as an independent material is not thought to predate 3000 BCE, with the first glass objects including beads, plaques, inlays and eventually small vessels. Glass objects dated back to 2500 BCE have been found in Syria, and by 2450 BCE, glass beads were plentiful in Mesopotamia. Glass came later in Egypt, with its manufacture appearing as a major industry around 1500 BCE. The oldest glass of undisputed date found in Egypt dates from ~2200 BCE.
Seth C. Rasmussen
Chapter 3. Development and Growth of Glass Through the Roman Period
As outlined in the previous chapter, glass as an independent material is not thought to predate 3000 BCE, with its earliest development located in Mesopotamia and Syria. Routine glass production is then thought to have started in Mesopotamia around 1550 BCE. It is generally assumed that glass-working was then introduced into Egypt during the reign of Tuthmosis III (1479–1425 BCE) through a combination of glass objects and ingots being imported as tribute. Mesopotamian glassmakers were also thought to have been imported into Egypt so that local production of glass in western Thebes was established by the time of Amenophis III (ca. 1388–ca. 1350 BCE). However, it is less well established whether Egypt initially relied on imported raw materials (in the form of ingots and cullet) that were then worked in Egypt, or whether glass was actually being produced onsite. Nevertheless, evidence supports onsite glass production in Egypt by 1350 BCE and points to Egypt as a primary glass producer during this early period of glass production.
Seth C. Rasmussen
Chapter 4. Reinventing an Old Material: Venice and the New Glass
In the fourth century CE, the stability of the Roman Empire began to rapidly diminish. As the central cohesion of the Empire was lost, glassmaking centers began to more greatly reflect their regional influences and many of the more sophisticated techniques became less widespread. Shortly before 300 CE, Diocletian became Emperor and tried to stabilize the Empire by dividing it into Western and Eastern halves. Each half of the former Empire had its own capital (Rome in West and Constantinople in the East) and Emperor, although the Emperor of the West was subservient to that of the East. The fragmentation of the empire, first into East and West, and later into isolated regions conquered by outside forces, meant the end of centralized glass production. Glassmaking shifted from urban centers to rural locations closer to sources of fuel. As a result, glassmakers within the two halves of the empire became isolated and eastern and western glassware gradually acquired distinct characteristics. Still, glassmaking was able to survive the end of the unified Roman system and adapted to the needs of the new political framework. The primary result of this changing framework was the loss of more specialized and sophisticated decoration techniques, such as cutting, polishing, and enameling. Critical techniques such as glassblowing were simplified to their basic essentials and simple procedures like mold blowing essentially disappeared.
Seth C. Rasmussen
Chapter 5. Applications to Chemical Apparatus
As discussed in Chap. 1, glass has been used extensively in modern science, particularly in terms of laboratory glassware. In fact, the image of glass objects such as distillation heads, beakers, flasks, vials, and test-tubes has become mainstay in the public’s common view of chemical laboratories and the practice of chemical research. Even for the practitioner of science, it is hard to imagine what the chemical laboratory would be like without glass. After all, no other material can really match its combination of low cost, chemical stability, thermal durability, as well as freedom and versatility in the design of chemical apparatus for nearly any desired application. The importance of glass to the chemical arts was even highlighted by Neri in his Art of Glass.
Seth C. Rasmussen
Chapter 6. Impact on Society and its Effect on Chemical Progress
As presented in the previous chapter, the Venetian advancements in glassmaking led to its application in laboratory apparatus and development of laboratory glassware. While in many cases, the new laboratory glassware followed older designs previously fabricated from inferior materials, the quality and clarity of the Venetian glass also led to completely new and important objects such as lenses. In fact, some have stated that the most important long term consequence of clear glass manufacture was its development as a thinking tool through the production of mirrors, lenses, and eyeglasses. Through its application in eyeglasses, glass has corrected and helped preserve our eyesight, and its use in the telescope, microscope, spectrometer, and other optical instruments has widened and deepened our ability to see that which is very small or far away. This final chapter will outline the application of glass to the development of such additional critical glass objects and instruments, along with a discussion of how the developments in both the previous and current chapter impacted both society and progress in the chemical sciences.
Seth C. Rasmussen
How Glass Changed the World
verfasst von
Seth C. Rasmussen
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN


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