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2024 | Buch

Digital Resilience: Navigating Disruption and Safeguarding Data Privacy


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This book offers an in-depth overview of digital resilience, defined as the ability of individuals, organizations, and societies to adapt to and counter various digital threats such as cyberattacks, data breaches, and other forms of cyber threats. Digital resilience not only enables proactive measures but also ensures fault-tolerant planning and design. The book elaborates on the necessary techniques and methods to achieve digital resilience. Key methodologies, including quantum computing, post-quantum cryptography, nature-inspired cybersecurity, zero-trust systems, zero-knowledge proofs, multi-party computation, and the emerging field of space security, are discussed in detail. The book provides insights into artificial intelligence and machine learning, examining their impact on society and organizations. It critically analyses the role of cybersecurity in businesses, emphasizing its importance for safety and economic stability. In addition, the book discusses notable cyber incidents, offering valuable insights into digital resilience. It serves as a comprehensive compilation, featuring key terms, definitions, case studies, and references to existing literature and research in cybersecurity, analytics, information sciences, future computing, digital resilience, and related fields.



Understanding Digital Resilience

Chapter 1. What Is Digital Resilience?
This chapter thoroughly examines digital resilience along and beyond the field of cybersecurity. It begins with the historical development and elements of digital resilience, distinguishing it from cyber resilience and highlighting the importance and advantages of embracing digital resilience while carefully examining obstacles in various sectors. It also outlines a seven-step plan for improving digital resilience, which helps organizations prioritize, build, and strengthen their cybersecurity measures. This chapter concludes while emphasizing the necessity for organizations to adopt digital resilience, providing a plan for effectively managing dynamic threats and guaranteeing a safe digital future.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Chapter 2. Achieving Digital Resilience with Cybersecurity
This chapter explores the process of achieving digital resilience through cybersecurity measures. It begins with the characteristics and motivations behind cyber threats, discussing the changing strategies employed and their effects on digital resilience. Followed by a review of various cyber threats, including malware and social engineering, it establishes the foundation for a discourse on threat intelligence and its integration with machine learning, to develop digital resilience, with a focus on implementing many layers of security measures and fostering a culture of security consciousness. It also attempts to cover the notion of reliable systems, zero-trust systems, and the trade-off between security and usability. It also explores the function of encryption in protecting digital assets, responding to incidents, and using DevSecOps to create robust digital systems. The chapter provides valuable information on the need to swiftly respond to incidents and in effectively recovering from them.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar

Building Digital Resilience

Chapter 3. Navigating the Regulatory Landscape
This chapter discusses the key impact of regulatory frameworks in defining the resilience of digital systems while focusing on the influence of laws on technology, with a particular emphasis on the significance of legal frameworks, along with government agencies and industry-specific organizations. A breakdown of cybersecurity and privacy legislation in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, European Union, and India offers a comprehensive view from an international standpoint. The chapter attempts to specify the point where digital resilience and regulatory compliance cross paths while emphasizing the advantages and exploring the complexities, difficulties, and expenses linked to compliance. It also describes the problems in the context of regulatory environments, providing insights into methods for establishing compliance teams, conducting risk assessments, and aligning AI systems with regulatory frameworks. The chapter concludes with valuable information on how to get digital resilience through strict compliance with regulations and the conscientious advancement of artificial intelligence.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Chapter 4. Nurturing Resilience in Minors
This chapter highlights the importance of sustaining digital resilience in minors and protecting the online space that minors interact with on a daily basis. It examines the influence of the digital environment on underage individuals, with a specific emphasis on cybercrimes such as cyberbullying, derogatory name-calling, and exposure to unsuitable content. It also emphasizes the importance of supervision, guidelines, and governmental engagement in creating a safe digital environment for minors. By conducting an in-depth review of worldwide viewpoints, this chapter investigates the positions taken by governments, international corporations, and non-governmental organizations while highlighting the limitations of global digital resilience frameworks, including their tendency to adopt a uniform approach and the difficulties arising from the rapid evolution of technology. The chapter concludes with an emphasis on the essential role of proactive parental involvement in developing digital resilience and protecting the well-being of minors in the digital era, providing practical advice for guardians.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Chapter 5. A Study in Attack and Breaches
This chapter reviews significant cybersecurity incidents, analyses their consequences, and relates them to digital resilience. It examines a few well-publicized cybersecurity attacks and breaches while analysing the key points and consequences of each occurrence. This is discussed in a chronological manner, offering valuable insights into the developing strategies employed by cyber adversaries and providing an in-depth understanding of how digital resilience could be applied to reduce the extensive impact of cyberattacks. This chapter also examines the necessity of strengthening digital resilience in order to survive in a progressively complex and sophisticated digital environment. It concludes with the implications of digital resilience as a whole and how it could be used in the future to tackle complex problems such as those mentioned.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar

Multidimensional Digital Resilience

Chapter 6. Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
This chapter explores the development and wide array of uses of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) while highlighting their key roles in promoting digital resilience. Further it will describe a wide range of areas, such as agriculture, cybersecurity, healthcare, and finance, demonstrating the extensive influence of AI and ML. It explores the advantages and benefits of AI, including its ability to scale, its accuracy, and its capacity to mitigate threats. It also critically analyses the problems and issues related to integrating data, ensuring professional competency, and addressing ethical considerations. In addition, the chapter will briefly discuss the use, benefits, and drawbacks of explainable AI and responsible AI principles. The chapter concludes by highlighting the incorporation of artificial intelligence into digital resilience strategies, emphasizing the capacity of these technologies to strengthen systems against dynamic cyber threats.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Chapter 7. Thriving in the Quantum Era
This chapter examines the state-of-the-art field of quantum computing and its significant consequences for digital resilience. Further, it explains the basic ideas behind quantum superposition, entanglement, and the no-cloning theorem, which are necessary to fully understand quantum computing. Along with that, it describes how quantum computing has changed over time, how it differs from classical computing, and how it has dealt with its own problems. It also involves the preliminary study of qubits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms, exploring the complex field of quantum cryptography and highlighting the importance of quantum key distribution. It also provides additional clarification on quantum applications, such as quantum machine learning and computational chemistry, while discussing problems in error correction, ethical considerations, and potential threats to traditional cryptography. It concludes by remarking on the need to take proactive steps to strengthen and adopt strategies necessary for digital resilience in the upcoming quantum age.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Chapter 8. Advancing Security and Resilience
This chapter discusses the various fields of computer science and how they intersect with digital resilience. Each of these fields has a role to play in the adoption and strategic placement of digital resilience. The chapter deals with the current impact of technologies like cloud computing, IoT, CPS devices, and other emerging fields since these have a role to play in the coming years. Further, the chapter discusses the various methodologies that can be utilized by individuals and organizations to better adopt digital resilience; such concepts include cyberpsychology, resilience metrics, and the examination of the impact of human factors. It also covers nascent topics like adaptive defence mechanisms, new space technologies, and autonomous systems. In addition, the chapter provides a brief explanation of the important concepts related to daily computing in the age of social media. The chapter concludes with a comment on what affects digital resilience and its adoption, while also aiming to answer how one can truly understand the notions of ethics and the societal consequences of the concept.
Shishir Kumar Shandilya, Agni Datta, Yash Kartik, Atulya Nagar
Digital Resilience: Navigating Disruption and Safeguarding Data Privacy
verfasst von
Shishir Kumar Shandilya
Agni Datta
Yash Kartik
Atulya Nagar
Electronic ISBN
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