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1989 | Buch

Modular Forms

verfasst von: Toshitsune Miyake

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Springer Monographs in Mathematics


Über dieses Buch

For the most part, this book is the translation from Japanese of the earlier book written jointly by Koji Doi and the author who revised it substantially for the English edition. It sets out to provide the reader with the basic knowledge of elliptic modular forms necessary to understand the recent developments in number theory. The first part gives the general theory of modular groups, modular forms and Hecke operators, with emphasis on the Hecke-Weil theory of the relation between modular forms and Dirichlet series. The second part is on the unit groups of quaternion algebras, which are seldom dealt with in books. The so-called Eichler-Selberg trace formula of Hecke operators follows next and the explicit computable formula is given. In the last chapter, written for the English edition, Eisenstein series with parameter are discussed following the recent work of Shimura: Eisenstein series are likely to play a very important role in the future progress of number theory, and this chapter provides a good introduction to the topic.


Chapter 1. The Upper Half Plane and Fuchsian Groups
We explain basic properties of the upper half plane H in § 1.1 through § 1.4. We introduce Fuchsian groups in § 1.5 which play an essential role throughout the book. In § 1.6 through § 1.8, we study the quotient spaces of H by Fuchsian groups and induce the structure of Riemann surfaces on them.
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 2. Automorphic Forms
In this chapter, we explain the general theory of automorphic forms. Hereafter Fuchsian groups always denote Fuchsian groups of the first kind.
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 3. L-Functions
In this chapter, we summarize basic facts of number theory and Dirichlet series for the succeeding chapters. Most of the important theorems are stated without proof. Readers who have number theoretical backgrounds can skip this chapter.
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 4. Modular Groups and Modular Forms
In this chapter, we explain the general theory of modular forms. In §4.1, we discuss the full modular group SL 2(ℤ) and modular forms with respect to SL 2(ℤ), as an introduction to the succeeding sections. We define and study congruence modular groups in §4.2. In §4.3, we explain the relation between modular forms and Dirichlet series obtained by Hecke and Weil. As an application of §4.3, we prove the transformation equation of η(z) in §4.4. We explain Hecke’s theory of Hecke operators in §4.5 and define primitive forms in §4.6. In §4.7 and §4.8, we construct Eisenstein series and some cusp forms from Dirichlet series of number fields. In §4.9, we explain theta functions which are also useful for constructing modular forms.
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 5. Unit Groups of Quaternion Algebras
In the previous chapter, we studied modular groups and modular forms. The unit groups Γ of orders of indefinite quaternion algebras defined over ℚ are also Fuchsian groups and they are generalizations of modular groups. Automorphic forms for such groups Γ also play important roles in the algebraic geometrical theory of numbers. In this chapter, we recall fundamental properties of quaternion algebras, and study the structure of Hecke algebras of Γ. We quote some basic results on algebras and number theory from [Weil]. We follow [Eichler], [Shimizu 4] in §5.2, and [Shimura 3], [Shimizu 3] in §5.3, respectively. For a general reference, we mention also [Vignéras].
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 6. Traces of Hecke Operators
The Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series are quite simple, since they are derived from Dirichlet L-functions. To the contrary, the Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, or equivalently the eigen values of Hecke operators are quite mysterious and play important roles in applications of modular forms to number theory (for example, see [Shimura 4] and [Shimura 6]). To obtain eigen values of Hecke operators T(n) operating on k(N, χ), we have only to calculate the traces tr (T(m)) of T(m) on k(N, χ) for finitely many m’s (see the end of this chapter).
Toshitsune Miyake
Chapter 7. Eisenstein Series
We defined Eisenstein series as a special case of Poincaré series in §2.6 for weight k ≧ 3. On the other hand, we also constructed the space of Eisenstein series by modular forms corresponding to products of two Dirichlet L-functions in §4.7. In this chapter, we further investigate Eisenstein series. Though the general arguments in §7.2 are applicable to any weight k, we explain in §7.1 the case of weight k ≧ 3 separately, since that case is easy to handle because of the convergence of the series. In §7.2, we generalize the notion of Eisenstein series and define Eisenstein series with a complex parameter s. We calculate the Fourier expansions of these Eisenstein series and obtain the analytic continuation on parameter s following [Shimura 9, 12].
Toshitsune Miyake
Modular Forms
verfasst von
Toshitsune Miyake
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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