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2006 | Buch

Semantic Web and Education


Über dieses Buch

Writing the preface for a book feels good, because once you find yourself in a situation to write tiie preface, it usually means that you have already written the rest of the book. Writing this book was a real challenge. I would have probably never written it if there was not Stefan Voss from the University of Hamburg to propose me to write it - thanks Stefan! It may seem that it is not very difficult to describe the application of a relatively young technology, such as the Semantic Web, to the domain of education. It may seem that there is actually not much to write about that topic. But it just seems so. On the contrary, the greatest challenge in writing this book was the abundance of material and exciting ideas about how to apply Semantic Web technologies to education. I knew from the very beginning that I will have to select carefully from many theories, practices, evolving ideas and approaches, and important research efforts, in order to compose a coherent whole. Worse still, I also knew that I will have to leave out of the book many other results, initiatives, and ongoing projects that would certainly be worth describing under more relaxed constraints. Thus, the endeavor was exhausting. The Semantic Web is about how to deploy artificial intelligence concepts and techniques on the Web, in order to harness the Web and make it more useful, more user-centered, and more responsive to human interaction.


Chapter 1. Introduction to Web-Based Education
Chapter 2. Introduction to the Semantic Web
Chapter 3. The Setting for Semantic Web-Based Education
Semantic Web-based education is currently getting momentum, and the interest of the e-Learning community for SWBE is rising. There is a good chance for SWBE to progress at the same pace as the Semantic Web itself, since much of the technology needed is already there.
Key concepts and issues of SWBE include:
  • educational content, represented as learning objects of different granularity, stored in different digital libraries, learning object repositories, and on different educational servers;
  • educational servers, as specific Web applications running on physical servers and enabling storing, retrieving, updating LOs, as well as different educational services;
  • educational Web services, as Semantic Web services that support learning, teaching, and authoring processes;
  • personalization and adaptivity of educational processes, based on learner modeling;
  • educational ontologies of different kinds (domain, pedagogical, communication, task-related, and so forth), used for annotation of learning resources, educational Web services, and interoperation between the services and applications;
  • intelligent pedagogical agents that reduce the manual efforts of end users by performing intelligent search and retrieval of LOs, locating, invocation, and composition of educational Web services, and otherwise acting on behalf of the end users;
  • Semantic Web technology and standardization efforts, as well as related standardization initiatives related to WBE.
Chapter 4. Architectural Issues
Chapter 5. Learning Technology Standardization Efforts
An insight into different standards and specifications in learning technology is useful in practical development of SWBE systems because of the standards’ regulatory function and because of the need for the systems’ interoperability and the reusability of the learning material. Learning technology standards are abundant, and can be categorized as metadata standards, packaging standards, learner information standards, communication standards, and quality standards. Most of them cover general-purpose e-Learning needs and processes. However, the use of the Semantic Web technologies in e-Learning puts additional requirements that need to be addressed by standards and specifications. Learning technology standardization organizations did not take this challenge yet. It is W3C who made the first steps in that direction with their SKOS specification. However, the scope of W3C activities and the SKOS itself is much wider than that of SWBE.
Chapter 6. Personalization Issues
Chapter 7. Ontological Engineering for Semantic Web-Based Education
Chapter 8. Applications and Research
Semantic Web and Education
verfasst von
Vladan Devedžić
Springer US
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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