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2007 | Buch

Tata Lectures on Theta II


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The second in a series of three volumes surveying the theory of theta functions, this volume gives emphasis to the special properties of the theta functions associated with compact Riemann surfaces and how they lead to solutions of the Korteweg-de-Vries equations as well as other non-linear differential equations of mathematical physics.

This book presents an explicit elementary construction of hyperelliptic Jacobian varieties and is a self-contained introduction to the theory of the Jacobians. It also ties together nineteenth-century discoveries due to Jacobi, Neumann, and Frobenius with recent discoveries of Gelfand, McKean, Moser, John Fay, and others.

A definitive body of information and research on the subject of theta functions, this volume will be a useful addition to individual and mathematics research libraries.



An Elementary Construction of Hyperelliptic Jacobians

§0.. Review of background in algebraic geometry
We shall work over the complex field ¢.
David Mumford
§1.. Divisors on hyperelliptic curves
Given a finite number of distinct elements ai ∈ ¢, i ∈ S, let \( f\left( t \right) = \prod\limits_{i \in S} {\left( {t - a_i } \right)} \). We form the plane curve C1 defined by the equation
$$ s^2 = f\left( t \right). $$
The polynomial s2 -f(t) is irreducible, so (s2 -f(t)) is a prime ideal, and C1 is a 1-dimensional affine variety in ¢2. In fact, C1 is smooth. To prove this, we will calculate the dimension of the Zariski-tangent space at each point, i.e., the space of solutions \( (\dot s,\dot t) \) ∈ ¢2 to the equation
$$ \left( {s + \varepsilon \dot s} \right)^2 \equiv \prod {\left( {t + \varepsilon \dot t - a_i } \right)} \bmod \varepsilon ^2 for\left( {s,t} \right) \in c_1 . $$
That is equivalent to the equation
$$ 2s\dot s = \dot t \cdot \sum\limits_{j \in S} {\prod\limits_{i \ne j} {\left( {t - a_i } \right)} } ; $$
if s ≠ 0, the solutions are all linearly dependent since \( \dot s = \frac{{\dot t}} {{2s}}\left( {\sum\limits_{j \in S} {\prod\limits_{i \ne j} {\left( {t - a_i } \right)} } } \right) \) ; if s = 0, we get from the equation of the curve \( \prod\limits_{i \in S} {\left( {t - a_i } \right)} = 0 \), hence t = ai for some i; thus \( 0 = \dot t \cdot \prod\limits_{j \ne i} {\left( {a_i - a_j } \right)} \), so \( \dot t = 0 \). Thus at all points, the Zariski tangent space is one-dimensional.
David Mumford
§2.. Algebraic construction of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve
Let’s recall that a hyperelliptic curve C is determined by an equation s2 = f(t), where f is a polynomial of degree 2g+1; C has one point at infinity, and (t) = 2 · ∞
$$ \left( s \right)_\infty = \left( {2g + 1} \right) \cdot \infty . $$
We shall study the structure of Pic C = {group of divisors modulo linear equivalence}.
David Mumford
§3.. The translation-invariant vector fields
Let X be a variety. Then a vector field D on X is given equivalently by:
a family of tangent vectors D(x) ∈ TX, x, all x ∈ X such that in local charts
a derivation D: \( \mathcal{O}_X \to \mathcal{O}_X \).
In fact, given D(x), \( f \in \Gamma \left( {U,\mathcal{O}_X } \right) \), define Df by
$$ Df\left( x \right) = D\left( x \right)\left( f \right). $$
When X is an abelian variety, then translations on X define isomorphisms
$$ T_{X,O} \xrightarrow{ \sim }T_{X,x} $$
for all x ∈ X (O = identity), so we may speak of translation-invariant vector fields. It is easy to see that for all D(O) ∈ Tx, o′ there is a unique translation-invariant vector field with this value at O. In general, the vector fields on X form a Lie algebra under commutators: 4.c EQ
$$ \left[ {D_1 ,D_2 } \right]\left( f \right) = D_1 D_2 f - D_2 D_1 f. $$
For translation-invariant vector fields, the commutativity of X implies that bracket is zero (see Abelian Varieties, D. Mumford, Oxford Univ. Press, p. 100.
David Mumford
§4.. Neumann’s dynamical system
In classical mechanics, one encounters the class of problems: M = real 2n-dimensional manifold, with a closed non-degenerate differential 2-form ω
$$ \hat \omega = {\text{dual skew - symmetric form on T}}_{\text{M}}^{\text{*}} $$
$$ {\rm H} = e^\infty - {\text{function on M, called the Hamiltonian}}{\text{.}} $$
$$ {\rm X}_{\rm H} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {the vector field on M defined by} \\ {\omega \left( {{\rm X}_{\rm H} ,Y} \right) = \left\langle {Y,dH} \right\rangle for all vectors Y} \\ {or} \\ {\hat \omega \left( {dH,\alpha } \right) = \left\langle {{\rm X}_{\rm H} ,\alpha } \right\rangle for all 1 - forms \alpha } \\ \end{array} } \right\} $$
David Mumford
§5.. Tying together the analytic Jacobian and algebraic Jacobian
So far in this Chapter, we have defined an algebraic variety Jac C and studied its invariant flows. In Chapter II, we associated to any compact Riemann Surface C a complex torus Jac C. If C is hyperelliptic so that both constructions apply, they are isomorphic by Abel’s theorem. We would now like to make this isomorphism explicitly, i.e., express the algebraic coordinates on Jac C-θ as theta functions.
David Mumford
§6.. Theta characteristics and the fundamental Vanishing Property
The appearance of \( \vec \Delta \) in the main theorem of §5 looks quite mysterious. It appeared as a result of an involved evaluation of the integrals in Riemann’s derivation. As in the Appendix to §3, Ch. II, we would like to introduce the concept of theta characteristics in order to give a more intrinsic formulation of (5.3) and clarify the reason for the peculiar looking constant \( \vec \Delta \). It cannot be eliminated but it can be made to look more natural in this setting.
David Mumford
§7.. Frobenius’ theta formula
In this section we want to combine Riemann’s theta formula (II.6) with the Vanishing Property (6.7) of the last section. An amazing cancellation takes place and we can prove that for hyperelliptic Ω, ϑ(\( \vec z \), Ω) satisfies a much simpler identity discovered in essence by Frobenius. We shall make many applications of Frobenius’ formula. The first of these is to make more explicit the link between the analytic and algebraic theory of the Jacobian by evaluating the constants ck of Theorem 5.3. The second will be to give explicitly via thetas the solutions of Neumann’s dynamical system discussed in §4. Other applications will be given in later sections. Because one of these is to the Theorem characterizing hyperelliptic Ω by the Vanishing Property (6.7), we want to derive Frobenius’ theta formula using only this Vanishing and no further aspects of the hyperelliptic situation. Therefore, we assume we are working in the following situation:
B = fixed set with 2g+2 elements
U ⊂ B, a fixed subset with g+1 elements
∞; ∈ B-U a fixed element
T → ŋT an isomorphism:
$$ \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {even subsets of B} \\ {modulo S \sim CS} \\ \end{array} } \right)\xrightarrow{ \approx }\frac{1} {2}{{\mathbb{Z}^{2g} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\mathbb{Z}^{2g} } {\mathbb{Z}^{2g} }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\mathbb{Z}^{2g} }} $$
such that
$$ a)\eta _{S_1 \circ S_2 } = \eta _{S_1 } + \eta _{S_2 } $$
$$ b)e_2 \left( {\eta _{S_1 } ,\eta _{S_2 } } \right) = \left( { - 1} \right)^{\# S_1 \cap S_2 } $$
$$ c)e_ \star \left( {\eta _{\rm T} } \right) = \left( { - 1} \right)^{\frac{{\# \left( {{\rm T} \circ U} \right) - g - 1}} {2}} $$
5. satisfies ϑ-[ηT] (O,Ω) = 0 if #ToU ≠ g+1.
We fix ŋi∈ 1/2 ℤ2g for all i ∈ B-∞ such that ŋi mod ℤ2g equals η{i, ∞} and also let η = 0. (This choice affects nothing essentially.) We shall use the notation
$$ \begin{gathered} \varepsilon _S \left( k \right) = + 1if k \in S \hfill \\ - 1 if k \notin S \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
for all k ∈ B, subsets S ⊂ B.
David Mumford
§8.. Thomae’s formula and moduli of hyperelliptic curves
As a consequence of the formula expressing the polynomial UD (t) in terms of theta functions, we can directly relate the cross-ratios of the branch points ai to the “theta-constants” ϑ[η](0,Ω). This result goes back to Thomae: Beitrag zur bestimmung von ϑ(0,...,0) durch die Klassenmoduln algebraischer Funktionen, Crelle, 71 (1870).
David Mumford
§9.. Characterization of hyperelliptic period matrices
The goal of this section is to prove that the fundamental Vanishing property of §6 characterizes hyperelliptic Jacobians. The method will be to show that any abelian variety XΩ which has the Vanishing property must have a covering of degree 2g+1 which occurs as an orbit of the g commuting flows of the Neumann dynamical system.
David Mumford
§10.. The hyperelliptic p-function
On any hyperelliptic jacobian Jac C, there is one meromorphic function which is most important, playing a central role in the function theory on Jac C. When g = 1, this function is Weierstrass’ p-function, so, at the risk of precipitating some confusion in notation, we want to call this function \( \mathfrak{p}\left( {\vec z} \right) \) too.
David Mumford
§11.. The Korteweg-deVries dynamical system
As with the Neumann dynamical system, our purpose now is to introduce a dynamical system interesting in its own right, and then to show that it can, in some cases, be integrated explicitly by the theory of hyperelliptic Jacobians. More precisely, we can, following the ideas in the previous section, define an embedding of Jac C in an infinite dimensional space: On R1, we consider a simple class of vector fields X: those which assign to f a tangent vector in \( X_f \in T_{R_1 ,f} \cong R_1 \) given by
$$ X_f = P\left( {f,\dot f, \cdots ,f^{\left( n \right)} } \right),{\text{ P a polynomial}} $$
. Integrating this vector field means finding an analytic function f(x,y) s.t.
$$ \frac{{\partial f}} {{\partial y}} = P\left( {f, \frac{{\partial f}} {{\partial x}},{\text{ }} \cdots {\text{, }}\frac{{\partial ^n f}} {{\partial x^n }}} \right). $$
By the Cauchy-Kowalevski Theorem, for all f(x,0) analytic in |x| < ε, there exists f(x,y) analytic in |x|,|y| < η solving this. What we want to do is to set up a sequence X1,X2,...of such vector fields called the Kortweg-de Vries hierarchy which a) commute [Xi,Xj] =0 — we must define this carefully — and b) are Hamiltonian in a certain formal sense, such that c) for all g, and for all hyperelliptic curves C of genus g:
$$ \operatorname{Im} \left( {Jac - \Theta } \right) = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {orbit of all flows {\rm X}_n ,} \\ {i.e., all {\rm X}_n are tangent to image} \\ {and a codimension g subspace of} \\ {\sum {c_n {\rm X}_n } are even 0 on Image} \\ \end{array} } \right] $$
David Mumford

Fay’s Trisecant Identity for Jacobian theta functions

§1.. The Prime Form E(x,y).
Given an arbitrary compact Riemann surface X, of genus g, wouldn’t it be handy if we had a holomorphic function E: X × X → ¢ such that E(x,y) = 0 if and only if x = y? Although such a function doesn’t exist, it turns out that it “almost” does! To understand part of the problem and how to fix it, let’s look at the simplest case: Example. Let X = IP1. The function x-y works on IP1-{∞} but not on all of IP1. So consider instead the “differential”:
$$ {\rm E}\left( {x,y} \right) = \frac{{x - y}} {{\sqrt {dx} \sqrt {dy} }}, $$
where \( \sqrt {dx} ,\sqrt {dy} \) are defined as follows.
David Mumford
§2.. Fay’s Trisecant Identity
We now come to a very fundamental identity between theta functions that holds for the period matrices of curves, but not for general period matrices. Although the basic ideas behind this identity go back to Riemann, it was not clearly isolated until Fay made his beautiful and systematic analysis of the theory of theta functions (J. Fay, Theta functions on Riemann surfaces, Springer Lecture Notes 352, 1973).
David Mumford
§3.. Corollaries of the identity
In this section we will study what happens to Fay’s identities when the 4 points a,b,c,d come together in various stages. The result will be identities involving derivatives of theta functions. First, we need some notation. For the following formulas, let
\( \vec z \) ∈ Bg
a,b,c,d ∈ \( \tilde X \) with distinct projections to X
ϑ \( \left( {\vec z} \right) \) the theta function of X
for every a ∈ X, and local coordinates t on X near a, we expand the differentials of the 1st kind:
$$ \omega _i = \left( {\sum\limits_{j = 0}^\infty {v_{ij} \frac{{t^j }} {{j!}}} } \right)dt $$
and let
$$ \vec v_j = \left( {v_{lj} , \cdots ,v_{gj} } \right). $$
(Note that the mapping
$$ \begin{gathered} \tilde x \to \mathbb{C}^g \hfill \\ x \mapsto \int\limits_a^x {\vec \omega } \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
is given near a by
$$ t \mapsto \sum\limits_{j = 0}^\infty {\vec v_j \frac{{t^{j + 1} }} {{\left( {j + 1} \right)!}}.)} $$
We let
$$ D_a = constant vector field \vec v_0 \cdot \frac{\partial } {{\partial z}}\left( {i.e.,\sum {v_{0i} \frac{\partial } {{\partial z_i }}} } \right) $$
$$ D'_a = constant vector field \vec v_1 \frac{\partial } {{\partial \vec z}} $$
$$ D''_a = constant vector field \vec v_2 \frac{\partial } {{\partial \vec z}}. $$
We abbreviate \( \int\limits_a^b {\vec \omega } \) to \( \int\limits_a^b \cdot \)
David Mumford
§4.. Applications to solutions of differential equations
The corollaries of Fay’s trisecant identity can be used to construct special solutions to many equations occurring in Mathematical Physics. In this section we will consider the following equations:
Sine-Gordan: utt − uxx = sin u.
Korteweg-de Vries(K-dV): ut + uxxx + u•ux = 0.
Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (K-P) ; uyy + (ut+uxxx+u•ux)x = 0.
David Mumford
§5.. The Generalized Jacobian of a Singular Curve and its Theta Function
In this section we will define and describe the generalized Jacobian of the simplest singular curves: the curves obtained by identifying 2g points of IP1 in pairs. We will then determine their theta functions and theta divisors. Finally, we will apply this theory to understand analytically and geometrically the limits of the solutions to the KdV equation that were discussed in the previous section, when the hyperelliptic curve becomes singular of the above form.
David Mumford

Resolution of algebraic equations by theta constants

Resolution of algebraic equations by theta constants
The history of algebraic equations is very long. The necessity and the trial of solving algebraic equations existed already in the ancient civilizations. The Babylonians solved equations of degree 2 around 2000 B.C. as well as the Indians and the Chinese. In the 16th century, the Italians discovered the resolutions of the equations of degree 3 and 4 by radicals known as Cardano’s formula and Ferrari’s formula. However in 1826, Abel [1] (independently about the same epoch Galois [7]) proved the impossibility of solving general equations of degree ≥ 5 by radicals. This is one of the most remarkable event in the history of algebraic equations. Was there nothing to do in this branch of mathematics after the work of Abel and Galois? Yes, in 1858 Hermite [8] and Kronecker [15] proved that we can solve the algebraic equation of degree 5 by using an elliptic modular function. Since \( \sqrt[n]{a} = \exp \left( {\left( {{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 n}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} n}} \right)\log a} \right) \) which is also written as exp((1/n) ∫ 1 a (1/x)dx), to allow only the extractions of radicals is to use only the exponential. Hence under this restriction, as we learn in the Galois theory, we can construct only compositions of cyclic extensions, namely solvable extentions. The idea of Hermite and Kronecker is as follows; if we use another transcendental function than the exponential, we can solve the algebraic equation of degree 5. In fact their result is analogous to the formula \( \sqrt[n]{a} = \exp (1/n)\int_1^a {(1/x)dx).} \) . In the quintic equation they replace the exponential by an elliptic modular function and the integral ∫(1/x)dx by elliptic integrals. Kronecker [15] thought the resolution of the equation of degree 5 by an elliptic modular function would be a special case of a more general theorem which might exist. Kronecker’s idea was realized in few cases by Klein [11], [13]. Jordan [10] showed that we can solve any algebraic equation of higher degree by modular functions. Jordan’s idea is clarified by Thomae’s formula, 8 Chap, m (cf. Lindemann [16]). In this appendix, we show how we can deduce from Thomae’s formula the resolution of algebraic equations by a Siegel modular function which is explicitely expressed by theta constants (Theorem 2). Therefore Kronecker’s idea is completely realized. Our resolution of higher algebraic equations is also similar to the formula \( \sqrt[n]{a} = \exp (1/n)\int_1^a {(1/x)dx).} \) In our resolution the exponential is replaced by tne Siegel modular function and the integral ∫(1/x)dx is replaced by hyperelliptic integrals. The existance of such resolution shows that the theta function is useful not only for non-linear differential equations but also for algebraic equations.
Hiroshi Umemura
Tata Lectures on Theta II
verfasst von
David Mumford
Birkhäuser Boston
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