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2010 | Buch

Bayesian Item Response Modeling

Theory and Applications


Über dieses Buch

The modeling of item response data is governed by item response theory, also referred to as modern test theory. The eld of inquiry of item response theory has become very large and shows the enormous progress that has been made. The mainstream literature is focused on frequentist statistical methods for - timating model parameters and evaluating model t. However, the Bayesian methodology has shown great potential, particularly for making further - provements in the statistical modeling process. The Bayesian approach has two important features that make it attractive for modeling item response data. First, it enables the possibility of incorpor- ing nondata information beyond the observed responses into the analysis. The Bayesian methodology is also very clear about how additional information can be used. Second, the Bayesian approach comes with powerful simulation-based estimation methods. These methods make it possible to handle all kinds of priors and data-generating models. One of my motives for writing this book is to give an introduction to the Bayesian methodology for modeling and analyzing item response data. A Bayesian counterpart is presented to the many popular item response theory books (e.g., Baker and Kim 2004; De Boeck and Wilson, 2004; Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985; van der Linden and Hambleton, 1997) that are mainly or completely focused on frequentist methods. The usefulness of the Bayesian methodology is illustrated by discussing and applying a range of Bayesian item response models.


1. Introduction to Bayesian Response Modeling
In modern society, tests are used extensively in schools, industry, and government.Test results can be of value in counseling, treatment, and selection of individuals. Tests can have a variety of functions, and often a broad classication is made in cognitive (tests as measures of ability) versus a_ectivetests (tests designed to measure interest, attitudes, and other noncognitive aspects).
Jean-Paul Fox
2. Bayesian Hierarchical Response Modeling
In the _rst chapter, an introduction to Bayesian item response modeling was given. The Bayesian methodology requires careful speci_cation of priors since item response models contain many parameters, often of the same type. A hierarchical modeling approach is introduced that supports the pooling of information to improve the precision of the parameter estimates. The Bayesian approach for handling response modeling issues is given, and speci_c Bayesian elements related to response modeling problems will be emphasized. It will be shown that the Bayesian paradigm engenders new ways of dealing with measurement error, limited information about many individuals, clustered response data, and di_erent sources of information.
Jean-Paul Fox
3. Basic Elements of Bayesian Statistics
A review of Bayesian estimation and testing methods is given that is not a thorough overview but concentrates on some speci_c elements. First, simulation-based methods for parameter estimation, like the Gibbs sampling and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, from the general class of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, are discussed. Second, the Bayesian approach to model selection and hypothesis testing is presented. The techniques and methods described in this chapter are needed to completely exploit the Bayesian machinery for item response modeling.
Jean-Paul Fox
4. Estimation of Bayesian Item Response Models
The general form of a Bayesian item response model consists of a probability model for the responses, prior distributions for the model parameters, and possibly prior distributions for the hyperparameters. An overview of Bayesian procedures for simultaneous estimation is given in which MCMC estimation methods are emphasized. Interest is focused on simultaneous estimation of marginal posterior densities of item and person parameters.
Jean-Paul Fox
5. Assessment of Bayesian Item Response Models
The underlying assumptions of Bayesian item response models have to be examined to ensure their credibility and that meaningful inferences can be made. A set of tools will be discussed for testing model assumptions and hypotheses. This set of tools includes methods based on Bayesian residuals and predictive diagnostic checks. It will be shown that related computations can be done during an MCMC estimation procedure or afterwards using MCMC output.
Jean-Paul Fox
6. Multilevel Item Response Theory Models
The item response data structure is hierarchical since item responses are nested within respondents. Often respondents are also grouped into larger units and variables are available that characterize the respondents and the higher-level units. An item response modeling framework is discussed that includes a multilevel population model for the respondents and takes such a hierarchical data structure into account. An important application area is in education, where response observations are grouped in students and students grouped in schools. Several school e_ectiveness research studies are discussed. The hierarchical item response model is extended in several directions to handle latent explanatory variables, model latent individual growth, and identify clusters of respondents.
Jean-Paul Fox
7. Random Item Effects Models
Cluster-speci_c item e_ects parameters are introduced that are assumed to vary over clusters of respondents. The modeling of cluster-speci_c item parameters relaxes the assumptions of measurement invariance. Item characteristic di_erences are simply allowed, and it is not necessary to classify items as being invariant or noninvariant. Tests and estimation methods are discussed for item response models with random item e_ects parameters.
Jean-Paul Fox
8. Response Time Item Response Models
Response times and responses can be collected via computer adaptive testing or computer-assisted questioning. Inferences about test takers and test items can therefore be based on the response time and response accuracy information. Response times and responses are used to measure a respondent's speed of working and ability using a multivariate hierarchical item response model. A multivariate multilevel structural population model is de_ned for the person parameters to explain individual and group di_erences given background information. An application is presented that illustrates novel features of the model.
Jean-Paul Fox
9. Randomized Item Response Models
Item responses can be masked before they are observed via a randomized response mechanism. This technique is used to protect individuals and improve their willingness to answer truthfully. Various traditional randomized response sampling techniques are discussed and extended to a multivariate setting. So-called randomized item response models will be introduced for analyzing multivariate randomized response data. This class of models can also be extended to handle explanatory information at di_erent hierarchical levels. The models discussed are particularly suitable for analyzing sensitive individual characteristics and their relationships to background variables.
Jean-Paul Fox
Bayesian Item Response Modeling
verfasst von
Jean-Paul Fox
Springer New York
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