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1994 | Buch | 2. Auflage

A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography

verfasst von: Neal Koblitz

Verlag: Springer New York

Buchreihe : Graduate Texts in Mathematics


Über dieses Buch

. . . both Gauss and lesser mathematicians may be justified in rejoic­ ing that there is one science [number theory] at any rate, and that their own, whose very remoteness from ordinary human activities should keep it gentle and clean. - G. H. Hardy, A Mathematician's Apology, 1940 G. H. Hardy would have been surprised and probably displeased with the increasing interest in number theory for application to "ordinary human activities" such as information transmission (error-correcting codes) and cryptography (secret codes). Less than a half-century after Hardy wrote the words quoted above, it is no longer inconceivable (though it hasn't happened yet) that the N. S. A. (the agency for U. S. government work on cryptography) will demand prior review and clearance before publication of theoretical research papers on certain types of number theory. In part it is the dramatic increase in computer power and sophistica­ tion that has influenced some of the questions being studied by number theorists, giving rise to a new branch of the subject, called "computational number theory. " This book presumes almost no background in algebra or number the­ ory. Its purpose is to introduce the reader to arithmetic topics, both ancient and very modern, which have been at the center of interest in applications, especially in cryptography. For this reason we take an algorithmic approach, emphasizing estimates of the efficiency of the techniques that arise from the theory.


I. Some Topics in Elementary Number Theory
Most of the topics reviewed in this chapter are probably well known to most readers. The purpose of the chapter is to recall the notation and facts from elementary number theory which we will need to have at our fingertips in our later work. Most proofs are omitted, since they can be found in almost any introductory textbook on number theory. One topic that will play a central role later — estimating the number of bit operations needed to perform various number theoretic tasks by computer — is not yet a standard part of elementary number theory textbooks. So we will go into most detail about the subject of time estimates, especially in §1.
Neal Koblitz
II. Finite Fields and Quadratic Residues
In this chapter we shall assume familiarity with the basic definitions and properties of a field. We now briefly recall what we need.
Neal Koblitz
III. Cryptography
Basic notions. Cryptography is the study of methods of sending messages in disguised form so that only the intended recipients can remove the disguise and read the message. The message we want to send is called the plaintext and the disguised message is called the ciphertext.
Neal Koblitz
IV. Public Key
Recall that a cryptosystem consists of a 1-to-1 enciphering transformation f from a set p of all possible plaintext message units to a set C of all possible ciphertext message units. Actually, the term “cryptosystem” is more often used to refer to a whole family of such transformations, each corresponding to a choice of parameters (the sets P and C, as well as the map f, may depend upon the values of the parameters).
Neal Koblitz
V. Primality and Factoring
There are many situations where one wants to know if a large number n is prime. For example, in the RSA public key cryptosystem and in various cryptosystems based on the discrete log problem in finite fields, we need to find a large “random” prime.
Neal Koblitz
VI. Elliptic Curves
In recent years a topic in number theory and algebraic geometry — elliptic curves (more precisely, the theory of elliptic curves defined over finite fields) — has found application in cryptography. The basic reason for this is that elliptic curves over finite fields provide an inexhaustible supply of finite abelian groups which, even when large, are amenable to computation because of their rich structure. Before (§ IV.3) we worked with the multiplicative groups of fields. In many ways elliptic curves are natural analogs of these groups; but they have the advantage that one has more flexibility in choosing an elliptic curve than in choosing a finite field.
Neal Koblitz
A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
verfasst von
Neal Koblitz
Springer New York
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