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2014 | Buch

Web Standards

Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML


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Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML provides solutions to the most common web design problems, and gives you a deep understanding of web standards and how they can be implemented to improve your web sites. You will learn how to develop fully standards-compliant, mobile-friendly, and search engine-optimized web sites that are robust, fast, and easy to update while providing excellent user experience and interoperability. The book covers all major web standards for markup, style sheets, web typography, web syndication, semantic annotations, and accessibility. This edition has been fully updated with the latest in web standards, including the finalized HTML5 vocabulary and the full list of CSS3 properties.

Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML is also a comprehensive guide to current and future standards for the World Wide Web, demonstrating the implementation of new technologies to address the constantly growing user expectations. Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML presents step-by-step guides based on solid design principles and best practices, and shows the most common web development tools and web design frameworks. You will master HTML5 and its XML serialization, XHTML5, the new structuring and multimedia elements, the most important HTML5 APIs, and understand the standardization process of HTML 5.1, HTML 5.2, and future HTML5 versions.



Web Standards

Chapter 1. Introduction to Web Standards
Technical standards are widely used in various fields of life—think of the standards of paper size and the standard envelopes that fit them, or AC power plugs and their corresponding sockets. Web standards, similar to other standards, are normative specifications of technologies and methodologies. In other words, they are well-defined sets of requirements to be satisfied. They are not only ideal from the technical point of view but also represent user needs. However, web standards are often ignored; the World Wide Web consists of billions of documents that do not consider proper restrictions or regulations, deproving user experience. This is because the Web is a “free forum” where everyone can publish pretty much anything without technical skills, content review, or censorship. Unfortunately, this approach comes at a price: you will often encounter sites that download really slow, collapse in the browser, or have poor functionality. In spite of the benefits of standard compliance, not only content authors but also web developers find it challenging to implement web standards, mainly due to the lack of widespread distribution. Even the most popular web sites can be very confusing, and in contrast to the common misconception, developers cannot use them as references to learn from. Moreover, web designers often ignore standards because of the misbelief that developing with standards means an additional workload. Due to their limited knowledge on web standards, web designers are often not familiar with the benefits of standards compliance and the best practices of standards-based web design.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 2. Internationalization
Web documents are published in all languages of the world, using a variety of character repertoires and features such as text direction. Several technologies support multilingual websites. To display characters correctly on websites, a character encoding that supports the required characters should be used to encode the markup files. The character encoding should be properly declared in the document header, and the documents served with proper server settings. Capable of representing any characters and ideographs of all natural languages, both ancient and modern, Unicode can be considered as the ultimate character encoding. To use Unicode, you need to understand the byte-order marks which provide information about the ordering of individually addressable subcomponents of this multibyte character encoding. Special characters and symbols can be written in various ways from entity sets and escape codes to hexadecimal notation.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 3. Markup Languages: More Than HTML5
Since markup is the essence of web documents, it provides the largest place for standardization efforts. The popularity of HTML has not decreased since the birth of the Web. Becoming familiar with the versions and variants of that language and understanding the differences between HTML and XHTML are crucial for understanding the techniques for changing the document type. The general structure of all web documents follows the same logic. The latest core version and by far the most popular markup language of the World Wide Web, HTML5, introduced new structuring elements as well as multimedia element annotations that can be used to create rather sophisticated document structures. By examining well-structured document examples, you will be able to build correct document structures on your own. To achieve well-structuredness, the block-line and inline-level elements should be differentiated, which is also important in understanding how to embed elements into each other (element nesting). You should also know how to use Formal Public Identifiers and Document Type Definitions for creating standard-compliant documents. The strict rules of XML declarations are vital for XHTML authoring. HTML5 can be used to create HTML or XHTML documents (HTML5 or XHTML5, respectively), and documents that can be interpreted either as HTML or XHTML (polyglot markup).
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 4. Serving and Configuration
The correct appearance and web documents handling cannot be guaranteed simply by applying strict, error-free markup. Web server configuration has a significant impact on web site appearance, operation, and behavior. Documents should be served with the proper media type and character encoding. Content negotiation can be used to serve various document versions to browsers supporting the corresponding media types. XHTML documents can be served as either HTML or XML, but there is a huge difference in processing. XML files are processed by XML parsers that are far more error-sensitive than SGML parsers. XHTML served as XML involves the risk that the document cannot be rendered at all. On the other hand, backward-compatible serving cannot use the benefits of strict XML markup. There are several aspects of sending HTML and XHTML from the server to the rendering engine, all of which should be considered to achieve proper settings.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 5. Style Sheets
A golden rule in web site standardization is to separate content from appearance. External style sheets should be preferred to inline styles except when only a small portion of a web page is styled. The syntax and naming convention of external style sheets and the style attribute values are slightly different. To achieve the highest code quality, the style sheets must be valid (error-free), and optimized in terms of scope, inheritance, and declaration order.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 6. Scripting and Applications
Modern web sites are meant to be dynamic. Very few web sites are based purely on document structure and style sheets. Web site sections often behave differently or react to user input. While small programs can run in the browser, complex functions are usually executed on the web server. Most dynamic sites are powered by databases that are handled by server-side scripts. Since server-side languages frequently use variables and reuse large code blocks, the validity of the generated code relies on the code quality of the development framework, the Content Management System, or the templates, often resulting in incorrect markup and styles. Even so, web designers can modify the code so that the server-side system will generate valid, error-free markup and style sheets. This can be challenging if the framework or CMS core uses invalid syntax and multiplies incorrect code blocks throughout the site.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 7. Metadata and the Semantic Web
The basic structure of web documents provides the desired appearance and functionality. By default, however, the content is human-readable only. You can use additional technologies to provide meaning to web documents, making them machine-readable and human-readable at the same time. There is a wide choice of metadata available, along with microformats and various annotations that can significantly extend the processability of web documents and the efficiency of web searches. Structured data should be added to web sites and conventional search engines changed from brute-force approaches to semantic parsing.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 8. Web Syndication
The amount of up-to-date information shared on the Internet is constantly growing. Web syndication provides news feed channels in order to publish a summary of recently updated web site contents, latest news, or forum posts. These web feeds make it possible for users to stay informed without browsing web sites. Moreover, the same feed can also be shared among multiple web sites. Although the two popular web syndication formats, RSS and Atom, have relatively easy vocabularies, news feed channels are desired to conform to strict standards, first of all XML.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 9. Optimized Appearance
Design has always been an important factor in web site development, partly because appearance is responsible for the first impression. If the design of a web site catches the eye, it is more likely that visitors will become customers or clients. Web typography has recently started to attract attention, especially though proper whitespace handling and the introduction of web fonts. Images that are fundamental parts of web sites should be optimized for web publishing in order to achieve a reasonable quality to file size ratio and minimize download time. Since high-speed Internet connections have become widespread, the need for sharing multimedia content has increased enormously. Until the new elements introduced in HTML5, general objects have been used to embed audio and video content. Although design and multimedia are extremely popular, the basic usability principle should always be kept in mind: functionality over design.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 10. Accessibility
With the rapid evolution of web services and technologies, the number of Internet users is constantly increasing. Since many people suffer from various temporary or permanent disabilities and deficiencies, advanced web development practices should be applied to provide content that is accessible for all. The importance of web accessibility is being recognized by an increasing number of web designers and developers. W3C provides useful guidelines to ensure content accessibility. The accessibility support implemented in modern software tools and web sites should be clearly indicated so people living with disabilities can easily identify them. HTML5 markup also supports accessibility through advanced structuring elements, metadata, and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIAs). Web accessibility techniques are not limited to the visually impaired or people with other disabilities. In fact, they also ease mobile access to web content and improve overall web page quality.
Leslie F. Sikos

Developing with Standards

Chapter 11. Development Tools
Since modern markup elements and attributes are becoming more and more sophisticated, complex development software tools are used to generate web pages. Advanced text editors are fundamental programs in the toolbox of every web designer. Advanced text editors can be used for a variety of tasks, and provide very useful features such as syntax highlighting, line numbering, filters, uppercase-lowercase converters, spell checker, and so forth. They can also be integrated as the default editor of FTP clients, providing the option to directly edit files stored on the web server in an advanced environment. The implementation of Semantic Web technologies is efficient with semantic editors and reasoners. Markup correctors can be used to improve code quality. WYSIWYG editors and content management systems can be useful for rapid development; however, their code quality varies greatly.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 12. Putting It All Together
Being familiar with web technologies and standards is not sufficient for standardizing invalid sites and developing valid sites from scratch. Web site standardization is always a complex project, and it takes into account a variety of requirements simultaneously. The list includes, but is not limited to, full standard compliance; optimal code length; interoperability; meaningful, structured, and accessible content; adequate metadata; and proper settings. Creating valid code can be learned most efficiently through the collection of step-by-step guidelines provided in this chapter.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 13. Best Practices
Beyond optimal markup and styles provided by the proper implementation of web standards, there are designing conventions that are browser-independent, reliable, and satisfactory, and considered as best practices. It is important to know the techniques that provide standard-compliant code and distinguish them from those tricks and hacks that cause incorrect markup or decrease interoperability.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 14. Validation
The various computer languages used on the Web, including but not limited to (X)HTML, CSS, RDF, and RSS, provide structure, style, metadata, semantics, and other document features. Similar to natural languages, they have their own grammar, vocabulary, and syntax that need to be followed. However, just like the grammar, structural, or spelling errors that occur in documents written in natural languages, web documents might also have errors in them. Validation is the task of checking the source code of web documents against a DTD or schema. It contributes to error-free, clean code and increases overall web page quality.
Leslie F. Sikos
Chapter 15. Most Common Errors
Several factors should be considered to achieve web site validity. The code is written either manually or generated automatically, and errors are inevitable. Errors occur in the markup, in the style sheet, in the XML files, in scripts, in server settings, and so forth. By analyzing and learning the most common errors, many of them can be eliminated or at least minimized. As a result, they can be recognized, identified, and corrected quickly and efficiently.
Leslie F. Sikos
Web Standards
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Leslie F. Sikos, Ph.D.
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