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2019 | Buch

Urban Regeneration

A Manifesto for transforming UK Cities in the Age of Climate Change


Über dieses Buch

Urban Regeneration — A Manifesto for transforming UK Cities in the Age of Climate Change explores and offers guidance on the complex process of how to transform cities, continuing the unfinished project of the seminal 1999 text Towards an Urban Renaissance. It is a 21st-century manifesto of urban principles compiled by a prominent urbanist, for the regeneration of UK cities, focusing on the characteristics of a ‘good place’ and the strategies of sustainable urbanism. It asks readers to consider how we can best transform the derelict, abandoned and run-down parts of cities back into places where people want to live, work and play.
The book frames an architecture of re-use that translates and combines the complex ‘science of cities’ and the art of urban and architectural design into actionable and practical guidance on how to regenerate cities. Fascinated by the typology and value of the compact UK and European city model, Lehmann introduces the concept of ‘high density without high buildings’ as a solution that will make our cities compact, walkable, mixed-use and vibrant again.


1. Introduction: The Complex Process of City Regeneration
Presenting a Ten-Point Strategy for Urban Regeneration of UK Cities
Currently, about 60 million people move into cities globally every year (UN data 2018). That is over one million more people arriving every week in cities somewhere in the world, each with an expectation of better access to jobs, better education for their children, better health care, better housing and a better quality of life (Ehrlich 1968; Lehmann 2015c; UN 2016).
Steffen Lehmann
2. Reconnecting Cities with Nature, Building Resilience at the Urban Scale
Unsustainable, non-resilient urbanisation patterns and the neglect of inner-city urban areas have caused fragmentation, depletion and urban decline, led to humankind overpowering nature, causing biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystems and their services. Urban regeneration projects allow us to ‘repair’ and restore some of this damage while enhancing urban resilience. For instance, increasing connectivity between existing and enhanced ecosystems and restoring them within cities and at the peri-urban fringe (e.g. through nature-based solutions and the re-naturing of neighbourhoods) is necessary to strengthen ecosystem resilience and the adaptive capacity to cope with the effects of climate change. There is growing recognition of the need for daily contact with green spaces and nature in order to live happy, productive and meaningful lives.
Steffen Lehmann
3. Understanding the Benefits of Urban Density
A denser and more compact city increases efficiencies in urban infrastructure and services through shorter distribution networks. Higher density cities encourage reduced transit through shorter trip lengths, since most amenities and public transport are more closely located. Can we reverse the impact of urban sprawl?
Steffen Lehmann
4. Activating the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
Resource challenges are particularly dominant in expanding cities and include inefficient infrastructural systems which can lead to energy black-outs, urban flooding, water leakages, lack of recycling or increased emissions and air pollution. The Food-Water-Energy Nexus is a new field of research that studies the interrelated complex system where food, water, energy and waste treatment (material flow) systems intersect (Gold and Bass 2010). It is likely that this new field will have significant impact on the future re-engineering of our cities.
Steffen Lehmann
5. The Ten Strategies for an Urban Regeneration
Successful urban regeneration will be the result of a collective vision, realised through creative and enduring relationships between the community, government, developers, academia and professionals involved in its design, delivery, governance and maintenance. Strategic thinking about our cities, what they should look like and how they should perform, is more important than ever.
Steffen Lehmann
6. Examples of the Ten Urban Regeneration Strategies in Practice
In this part, the Urban Manifesto lays out a set of urban regeneration design principles. To underpin the ten strategies, the book presents examples of thirteen UK cities that have tested these design principles. It illustrates positive cases where the strategies were adopted and put into reality.
Steffen Lehmann
Urban Regeneration
verfasst von
Steffen Lehmann
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