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Emerging Technologies

Value Creation for Sustainable Development


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This monograph investigates a multitude of emerging technologies including 3D printing, 5G, blockchain, and many more to assess their potential for use to further humanity’s shared goal of sustainable development. Through case studies detailing how these technologies are already being used at companies worldwide, author Sinan Küfeoğlu explores how emerging technologies can be used to enhance progress toward each of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to guarantee economic growth even in the face of challenges such as climate change.

To assemble this book, the author explored the business models of 650 companies in order to demonstrate how innovations can be converted into value to support sustainable development. To ensure practical application, only technologies currently on the market and in use actual companies were investigated. This volume will be of great use to academics, policymakers, innovators at the forefront of green business, and anyone else who is interested in novel and innovative business models and how they could help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

This is an open access book.



Open Access

1. Innovation, Value Creation and Impact Assessment
Emerging technologies can be defined as a set of technologies whose development and application areas are still expanding rapidly, and their technical and value potential is still largely unrealised. Naturally, this leads to a vivid innovation environment for these technologies. In this book, tech-savvy people can easily read and understand the working principles of 34 different emerging technologies. And then, they can see in what areas these technologies are used and how they can create value. Moreover, the book starts with an “Innovation Journey” chapter. This chapter focuses on innovation and how ideas are converted into value and business. By value, we mean monetary, environmental and social value. In addition, for entrepreneurs and start-ups, we also show the funding and financing mechanisms for innovative ideas.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

2. Emerging Technologies
This chapter presents brief descriptions and working principles of 34 emerging technologies which have market diffusion and are commercially available. Emerging technologies are the ones whose development and application areas are still expanding fast, and their technical and value potential is still largely unrealised. In alphabetical order, the emerging technologies that we list in this chapter are 3D printing, 5G, advanced materials, artificial intelligence, autonomous things, big data, biometrics, bioplastics, biotech and biomanufacturing, blockchain, carbon capture and storage, cellular agriculture, cloud computing, crowdfunding, cybersecurity, datahubs, digital twins, distributed computing, drones, edge computing, energy storage, flexible electronics and wearables, healthcare analytics, hydrogen, Internet of Behaviours, Internet of Things, natural language processing, quantum computing, recycling, robotic process automation, robotics, soilless farming, spatial computing and wireless power transfer.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

3. SDG-1 No Poverty
Poverty, which has taken shape in different dimensions under the influence of the conditions from the past to the present, can be defined as the deficiency experienced by people in fulfilling their life functions or the living standards being below the average level. This chapter presents the business models of 39 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-1, No Poverty. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

4. SDG-2 Zero HungerZero hunger
People’s lives, communities and civilisations have all been defined by constant danger. Hunger is the menace, a plague that causes weakness, despair and death in the worst-case scenarios. One of the primary common threads has been hunger throughout history, which has resulted in large-scale migration, wars, conflicts and great sacrifices. This chapter presents the business models of 40 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-2, Zero Hunger. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

5. SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
There is a consensus that health is a fundamental human right. The extent of the countries seeking to improve the health conditions of their people is one of the indications of sustainable development. Poor health systems jeopardise a country’s citizens’ rights, hinder their involvement in educational programs, limit their ability to participate in economic activities and engage in meaningful work fully and ultimately raise poverty regardless of gender. This chapter presents the business models of 55 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-3, Good Health and Well-Being. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

6. SDG-4 Quality Education
Education is a component of sustainable development with its strong effects at global, regional and local levels. The biggest challenge the world faces in this context is the preservation and continuous improvement of the effort put forward to provide sustainable education in studies on education. The lack of chances for learning stymies social, economic and sustainable development and long-term stability and peace. This chapter presents the business models of 49 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-4, Quality Education. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

7. SDG-5 Gender Equality
Gender equality, the fifth of the sustainable development goals of the UN, is a base element for creating a comfortable, sustainable and wealthy world and being a fundamental human right. While achieving the goals for a sustainable future, SDG-5, Gender Equality, will be one of the building blocks of this path. So, taking actions to accomplish the goals of SDG-5 is not only crucial for the related SDG itself, but also it helps to proceed in other SDGs as well. This chapter presents the business models of 16 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-5. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

8. SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation
The sixth sustainable development goal, Clean Water and Sanitation, is to ensure that everyone has access to safe, clean water. Everyone has the right to healthy, adequate, physically accessible and affordable water for household use under the right to water security. Acknowledging that millions of people lack access to clean water for sanitation, there is an urgent need for major investments in infrastructure and governance of water provisioning to ensure public health and increase resilience for transmissible diseases and virus outbreaks. This chapter presents the business models of 36 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-6. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

9. SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
Reaching affordable, clean, sustainable, modern and reliable energy is the main aim of the Sustainable Development Goal 7. Energy is placed at the centre of environmental and economic issues. Despite this significance, 20% of people living worldwide cannot access electricity in 2021. Adaptation towards SDG-7, Affordable and Clean Energy, brings in new investments and creates a significant economy around it. While private investments and government spending in developed countries concentrate on achieving efficiency and renewable energy production, developing countries focus on obtaining access to electricity and clean energy sources. This chapter presents the business models of 60 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-7. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

10. SDG-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Economic growth can be defined by increasing consumption due to the increase in population and reaching production amounts to meet consumption with technological developments and governmental incentives. The correct placement of people in the production and consumption equation can be expressed as decent work. Although decent work and economic growth may seem like different terms at first glance, they are inseparable terms for each other. SDG-8, Decent Work and Economic Growth, aims to attain full and productive employment, as well as respectable work, for all women and men by 2030. This chapter presents the business models of 37 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-8. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

11. SDG-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Developing and underdeveloped countries need durable infrastructure investments, sustainable industrial breakthroughs and innovative approaches to achieve sustainable economic growth and social and grassroots development and combat climate change. SDG-9, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, is based on three main themes. To provide transportation, information and communication infrastructures, which are an important part of development in line with these goals, the key to sustainable economic growth and raising the welfare level of the society is to develop industrialisation, and new technological developments and new skills in line with innovation are discussed. This chapter presents the business models of 59 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-9. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

12. SDG-10: Reduced InequalitiesReduced inequalities
The concept of inequality is that two different people or two different societies do not have equal rights and freedoms on the same event, depending on certain factors. Inequality is a situation that prioritises one segment and excludes the other segment. These inequalities can be mainly age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion and economic situation. Ensuring SDG-10, Reduced Inequalities, is an important step in the path of achieving a more sustainable world. This chapter presents the business models of 21 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-10. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

13. SDG-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
City governance is vital for sustainable development goals and resource management and allocation as well as urban climate-related initiatives, as it is estimated that more people will reside in the urban areas in further years. As more people migrate to cities, the world steadily becomes more urbanised. The population of the cities accounts for 55% of the total population, and cities generate 85% of global gross domestic product and emit 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. SDG-11, Sustainable Cities and Communities, aims to ensure inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable urban and human settlements by providing inexpensive transit solutions, decreasing urban sprawl, enhancing urban governance involvement, improving the protection of cultural assets and addressing urban resilience and climate change issues. This chapter presents the business models of 50 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-11. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

14. SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG-12, Responsible Consumption and Production, strives to break the current cycle of economic growth, resource usage and environmental degradation, which has fuelled unsustainable global development for decades. While producing countries bear responsibility for natural resource depletion, pollution and other negative consequences of their production, wealthy countries’ practical and legal responsibilities are significantly high due to their high consumption levels. An increase in consumption is often associated with an improved quality of life, which creates a conflict between the pillars of sustainable development and the environmental well-being of the planet. This issue becomes more complicated since cross-border resource management methods are more controversial than cooperative. This chapter presents the business models of 46 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-12. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

15. SDG-13: Climate Action
SDG-13, Climate Action, aims to adapt to climate change by mitigating adverse effects and keeping the temperature rise below 1.5° by the end of this century and prepare low-carbon development plans. Investing in adaptation is critical for limiting the adverse effects of climate change on human society. Every efficient policy for combating climate change, on the other hand, must decrease emissions to prevent future warming while also adapting to the unavoidable effects of climate change. This chapter presents the business models of 52 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-13. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

16. SDG-14: Life Below Water
Global systems and processes that assure the supply of rainwater, drinking water and oxygen are regulated by oceanic temperature chemistry, currents and life. Pollution, diminished fisheries and the loss of coastal habitats all have negative impacts on the ocean’s sustainability. Such activities have severely impacted around 40% of the world’s oceans. SDG-14, Life Below Water, aims to conserve marine ecosystems by establishing regulations for removing pollutants from the sea, decreasing sea acidification and regulating the fishing sector to ensure sustainable fishing. As a result, the major incentive for this goal is to protect and utilise marine ecosystem services sustainably. This chapter presents the business models of 36 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-14. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

17. SDG-15: Life on Land
Population increases, industry, urbanisation, infrastructure development and agricultural expansion influence landscapes, lowering total habitat size and quality and resulting in ecological degradation. SDG-15, Life on Land, aims to maintain, restore and enhance the utilisation of the terrestrial environment and forest management sustainably, struggle with desertification and stop and reverse land degradation, as well as the loss of biodiversity. This chapter presents the business models of 45 companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-15. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

18. SDG-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Institutions and organisations must give due importance to the rule of law, the sanctity of human rights and the effect of stability to ensure sustainable development. SDG-16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, aims to strengthen justice and strong corporate culture to achieve sustainable development and social peace. Greatly reducing crime and conflict through justice and strong institutions, upholding the rule of law and strengthening the presence of developing countries in global governance institutions are essential topics for SDG-16. This chapter presents the business models of eight companies and use cases that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-16. We should highlight that one use case can be related to more than one SDG and it can make use of multiple emerging technologies.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

19. SDG-17: Partnerships for the Goals
Global partnerships have been rapidly increased due to the transition to digitalisation, and an event at one end of the world causes different circumstances in many other regions. SDG-17, Partnerships for the Goals, fundamentally calls for strengthening the global cooperation on sustainable development goals in the agenda 2030. SDG-17 has a crucial role in advancing the global partnership and implementation tools in reaching the solutions to social and ecological problems. This chapter presents the business model of one company and use case that employ emerging technologies and create value in SDG-17.
Sinan Küfeoğlu

Open Access

20. Conclusions
This chapter brings a concise conclusion for the book by presenting the list of 34 emerging technologies, 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries and number of companies that are included in this book, the distribution of 650 companies in the world, emerging technology use cases per each sustainable development goal, the share of emerging technology use cases and the share of sustainable development goals number of applications. The chapter also includes a brief discussion about the findings of this book.
Sinan Küfeoğlu
Emerging Technologies
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Sinan Küfeoğlu
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