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2019 | Buch

QCA with R

A Comprehensive Resource


Über dieses Buch

This book is a comprehensive guide to qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) using R. Using Boolean algebra to implement principles of comparison used by scholars engaged in the qualitative study of macro social phenomena, QCA acts as a bridge between the quantitative and the qualitative traditions. The QCA package for R, created by the author, facilitates QCA within a graphical user interface. This book provides the most current information on the latest version of the QCA package, which combines written commands with a cross-platform interface. Beginning with a brief introduction to the concept of QCA, this book moves from theory to calibration, from analysis to factorization, and hits on all the key areas of QCA in between. Chapters one through three are introductory, familiarizing the reader with R, the QCA package, and elementary set theory. The next few chapters introduce important applications of the package beginning with calibration, analysis of necessity, analysis of sufficiency, parameters of fit, negation and factorization, and the construction of Venn diagrams. The book concludes with extensions to the classical package, including temporal applications and panel data. Providing a practical introduction to an increasingly important research tool for the social sciences, this book will be indispensable for students, scholars, and practitioners interested in conducting qualitative research in political science, sociology, business and management, and evaluation studies.


Chapter 1. R Basics
In this chapter, users are introduced to a series of basic concepts in using R. There are many other, dedicated introductory books for this purpose (e.g., Verzani 2005, Dalgaard 2008, Zuur et al. 2009, among others). There is also a dedicated section containing freely available, contributed manuals on the CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) website (https://​cran.​r-project.​org/​).
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 2. The QCA Package
In the first chapter, we have briefly covered some of the basics in using R. This chapter presents the structure of the QCA package with its associated functions, complementing their explanation with an overview of the associated graphical user interface.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 3. Set Theory
QCA is a methodology based on sound theoretical foundations and robust software implementations. In the first version, Ragin (1987) presented a binary system which was dubbed as the “crisp” sets (csQCA), and following various critiques in the next years it was extended to fuzzy sets (fsQCA) with a pit stop through the “multi-value” variant (mvQCA).
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 4. Calibration
The usual QCA data is numeric, and has specific formats for each flavour: when crisp (either binary or multi-value) the data consists of integers starting from the value of 0, and when fuzzy the values span over a continuous range, anywhere between 0 and 1.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 5. Analysis of Necessity
Social phenomena have complex causal configurations. While researchers can advance various hypotheses about how these phenomena are produced, their complete causal mix will probably never be completely understood.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 6. Analysis of Sufficiency
The analysis of sufficiency is the main purpose of the QCA methodology, to find the minimal configurations of conditions that are sufficient for a given outcome. All main algorithms, to create a truth table, or to produce a logical minimization (to name just the more important ones) are designed around finding sufficiency relations.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 7. The Truth Table
The truth table is the main analytical tool needed to perform the minimization process that was invented in the engineering, and which Charles Ragin adapted for the social sciences. It is well known the electric engineering procedure was pioneered by Shannon (1940) at MIT, after having been earlier exposed to the work of George Boole, during his studies at the University of Michigan. However it is less known that something extremely similar was developed even earlier by the American sociologist Lazarsfeld (1937) who introduced the concept of “attribute space”, later to become what is known today as the concept of “property space”.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 8. The Logical Minimization
The logical, or Boolean minimization process is the core of the QCA methodology, which seeks to find the simplest possible expression that is associated with the explained value of an output. The term expression, here, is a synonym for sums of products, or unions of intersections, or disjunctions of conjunctions (of causal conditions). It will also be used as a synonym for a causal configuration, since that is a conjunction (a product) of causal conditions.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 9. Pseudo-Counterfactual Analysis
The word “assumption” has been used and overused, across all these sections referring to the conservative, parsimonious and intermediate solutions of all kinds. The time is ripe to discuss yet another assumption, perhaps the biggest myth of all in terms of scope.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 10. QCA Extensions
Ever since the QCA method has been developed, it has been a promising methodological candidate to study complex phenomena. The empirical data is subjected to a theoretical model which consists of a series of causal conditions and one outcome, which could partially explain why it is sometimes confused with a regression model.
Adrian Duşa
Chapter 11. Less Known Features
This final chapter is a more practical and applied one, describing in detail the rest of the graphical user interface as well as the most used functions in package QCA. Although widely used, there are still some not so obvious features that remain unemployed in most of the cases. In a way, this is a chapter about all the little secrets that each function has, that in many situations are capable of making the usage experience as straightforward as possible.
Adrian Duşa
QCA with R
verfasst von
Dr. Adrian Duşa
Electronic ISBN
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