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2012 | Buch

Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks


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Supervised sequence labelling is a vital area of machine learning, encompassing tasks such as speech, handwriting and gesture recognition, protein secondary structure prediction and part-of-speech tagging. Recurrent neural networks are powerful sequence learning tools—robust to input noise and distortion, able to exploit long-range contextual information—that would seem ideally suited to such problems. However their role in large-scale sequence labelling systems has so far been auxiliary.

The goal of this book is a complete framework for classifying and transcribing sequential data with recurrent neural networks only. Three main innovations are introduced in order to realise this goal. Firstly, the connectionist temporal classification output layer allows the framework to be trained with unsegmented target sequences, such as phoneme-level speech transcriptions; this is in contrast to previous connectionist approaches, which were dependent on error-prone prior segmentation. Secondly, multidimensional recurrent neural networks extend the framework in a natural way to data with more than one spatio-temporal dimension, such as images and videos. Thirdly, the use of hierarchical subsampling makes it feasible to apply the framework to very large or high resolution sequences, such as raw audio or video.

Experimental validation is provided by state-of-the-art results in speech and handwriting recognition.


1. Introduction
In machine learning, the term sequence labelling encompasses all tasks where sequences of data are transcribed with sequences of discrete labels. Wellknown examples include speech and handwriting recognition, protein secondary structure prediction and part-of-speech tagging. Supervised sequence labelling refers specifically to those cases where a set of hand-transcribed sequences is provided for algorithm training.
Alex Graves
2. Supervised Sequence Labelling
This chapter provides the background material and literature review for supervised sequence labelling. Section 2.1 briefly reviews supervised learning in general. Section 2.2 covers the classical, non-sequential framework of supervised pattern classification. Section 2.3 defines supervised sequence labelling, and describes the different classes of sequence labelling task that arise under different assumptions about the label sequences.
Alex Graves
3. Neural Networks
This chapter provides an overview of artificial neural networks, with emphasis on their application to classification and labelling tasks. Section 3.1 reviews multilayer perceptrons and their application to pattern classification. Section 3.2 reviews recurrent neural networks and their application to sequence labelling. It also describes the sequential Jacobian, an analytical tool for studying the use of context information. Section 3.3 discusses various issues, such as generalisation and input data representation, that are essential to effective network training.
Alex Graves
4. Long Short-Term Memory
As discussed in the previous chapter, an important benefit of recurrent neural networks is their ability to use contextual information when mapping between input and output sequences. Unfortunately, for standard RNN architectures, the range of context that can be in practice accessed is quite limited. The problem is that the influence of a given input on the hidden layer, and therefore on the network output, either decays or blows up exponentially as it cycles around the network’s recurrent connections. This effect is often referred to in the literature as the vanishing gradient problem (Hochreiter, 1991; Hochreiter et al., 2001a; Bengio et al., 1994). The vanishing gradient problem is illustrated schematically in Figure 4.1
Alex Graves
5. A Comparison of Network Architectures
This chapter presents an experimental comparison between various neural network architectures on a framewise phoneme classification task (Graves and Schmidhuber, 2005a,b). Framewise phoneme classification is an example of a segment classification task (see Section 2.3.2). It tests an algorithm’s ability to segment and recognise the constituent parts of a speech signal, requires the use of contextual information, and can be regarded as a first step to continuous speech recognition.
Alex Graves
6. Hidden Markov Model Hybrids
In this chapter LSTM is combined with hidden Markov models (HMMs) to form a hybrid sequence labelling system (Graves et al., 2005b). HMM-neural network hybrids have been extensively studied in the literature, usually with MLPs as the network component. The basic idea is to use the HMM to model the sequential structure of the data, and the neural networks to provide localised classifications. The HMM is able to automatically segment the input sequences during training, and it also provides a principled method for transforming network classifications into label sequences. Unlike the networks described in previous chapters, HMM-ANN hybrids can therefore be directly applied to ‘temporal classification’ tasks with unsegmented target labels, such as speech recognition.
Alex Graves
7. Connectionist Temporal Classification
This chapter introduces the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) output layer for recurrent neural networks (Graves et al., 2006). As its name suggests, CTC was specifically designed for temporal classification tasks; that is, for sequence labelling problems where the alignment between the inputs and the target labels is unknown. Unlike the hybrid approach described in the previous chapter, CTC models all aspects of the sequence with a single neural network, and does not require the network to be combined with a hidden Markov model. It also does not require presegmented training data, or external postprocessing to extract the label sequence from the network outputs. Experiments on speech and handwriting recognition show that a BLSTM network with a CTC output layer is an effective sequence labeller, generally outperforming standardHMMsandHMM-neural network hybrids, as well asmore recent sequence labelling algorithms such as large margin HMMs (Sha and Saul, 2006) and conditional random fields (Lafferty et al., 2001).
Alex Graves
8. Multidimensional Networks
Recurrent neural networks are an effective architecture for sequence learning tasks where the data is strongly correlated along a single axis. This axis typically corresponds to time, or in some cases (such as protein secondary structure prediction) one-dimensional space. Some of the properties that make RNNs suitable for sequence learning, such as robustness to input warping and the ability to learn which context to use, are also desirable in domains with more than one spatio-temporal dimension.
Alex Graves
9. Hierarchical Subsampling Networks
So far we have focused on recurrent neural networks with a single hidden layer (or set of disconnected hidden layers, in the case of bidirectional or multidirectional networks). As discussed in Section 3.2, this structure is in principle able to approximate any sequence-to-sequence function arbitrarily well, and should therefore be sufficient for any sequence labelling task. In practice however, it tends to struggle with very long sequences. One problem is that, because the entire network is activated at every step of the sequence, the computational cost can be prohibitively high. Another is that the information tends to be more spread out in longer sequences, and sequences with longer range interdependencies are generally harder to learn from.
Alex Graves
Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks
verfasst von
Alex Graves
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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