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2003 | Buch

Numerical Optimization

Theoretical and Practical Aspects

verfasst von: J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal

Verlag: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Buchreihe : Universitext


Über dieses Buch

Just as in its 1st edition, this book starts with illustrations of the ubiquitous character of optimization, and describes numerical algorithms in a tutorial way. It covers fundamental algorithms as well as more specialized and advanced topics for unconstrained and constrained problems. Most of the algorithms are explained in a detailed manner, allowing straightforward implementation. Theoretical aspects of the approaches chosen are also addressed with care, often using minimal assumptions.

This new edition contains computational exercises in the form of case studies which help understanding optimization methods beyond their theoretical, description, when coming to actual implementation. Besides, the nonsmooth optimization part has been substantially reorganized and expanded.




1. General Introduction
We use the following notation: the working space is ℝ n , where the scalar product will be denoted indifferently by (x, y) or ‹x, y› or x y (actually, it will be the usual dot-product: \((x,y) = \Sigma _{i = 1}^n{x^i}{y^i}\)); | · | or ∥ · ∥ will denote the associated norm. The gradient (vector of partial derivatives) of a function f: ℝ n → ℝ will be denoted by ∇ f or f′; the Hessian (matrix of second derivatives) by ∇2 f or f″. We will also use continually the notation g(x) = f′(x).
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal

Unconstrained Problems

2. Basic Methods
We start with some generalities on the unconstrained optimization problem
$$\min f(x)subjiecttox \in I{R^n}$$
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
3. Line-Searches
In this chapter, considering the problem of computing the direction as solved (but do not forget that we have seen bad directions only, better ones will be studied in the next chapters), we focus on the computation of the stepsize. Here appear the most serious practical difficulties, while directions are generally easy to compute, once the theory is well-mastered. A firm experience is required to write a good computer code for line-searches, which are unique to optimization, and fairly important as they guarantee stability: remember Remark 1.4.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
4. Newtonian Methods
The present chapter details the most important approach (by far) to compute a descent direction at each iteration of a minimization algorithm. This is the quasi-Newton method, defined in §4.4. To use another direction cannot be considered without a serious motivation; this has been true for decades and will probably remain so for several more years.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
5. Conjugate Gradient
The conjugate gradient method is also aimed at accelerating the methods of Chap. 2. Its first motivation is to solve in n iterations a linear system with symmetric positive definite matrix (or, equivalently, to minimize in n iterations a quadratic strongly convex function on ℝ n ), without storing an additional matrix, without even storing the matrix of the system. In fact, to solve Ax + b = 0 (A symmetric positive definite), the conjugate gradient method just needs a “black box” (a subroutine) which, given the vector u, computes the vector v = Au. Naturally, this becomes particularly interesting when, while n is large, A is sparse and/or enjoys some structure allowing automatic calculations. Typical examples come from the discretization of partial differential equations.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
6. Special Methods
The methods in this chapter, less “universal” than the preceding, are useful in a good number of cases. The first one (trust-region) is actually extremely important, and might supersede line-searches, sooner or later. The other methods deal with the direction; they are either classical (Gauss-Newton) or recent (limited-memory quasi-Newton, truncated Newton) and apply only in some well-defined subclasses of problems.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal

Nonsmooth Optimization

7. Some Theory of Nonsmooth Optimization
The aim of this chapter is to review some general theoretical issues concerning the problem
$$\mathop{{\min }}\limits_{{x \in {{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}}} f\left( x \right),$$
where differentiability assumptions are replaced by convexity. We recall the necessary theory for solving (7.1), and give two important examples of non-differentiable functions, namely max-functions and dual functions.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
8. Some Methods in Nonsmooth Optimization
Once a characterization of an optimal point is derived, we are interested in the problem of computing it. We consider in this chapter the main difficulties arising when f is not differentiable, and give a first sample of numerical methods.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
9. Bundle Methods. The Quest of Descent
None of the black-box methods considered so far are descent schemes. Only the steepest-descent method guarantees a decrease of the objective function at each iteration. However, it requires the complete knowledge of f, and can be unstable.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
10. Decomposition and Duality
One of the most important applications of nonsmooth optimization methods is decomposition. Decomposition techniques are used to solve large-scale (or complex) problems, replacing them by a sequence of reduced-dimensional (or easier) local problems linked by a master program, see Fig. 10.1.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal

Newton’s Methods in Constrained Optimization

11. Background
Before entering the subject itself, we recall some basic concepts. For further details, the reader is referred to the books by Fletcher [116, 1987], Ciarlet [74, 1988], Gauvin [128, 129, 1992–95], Hiriart-Urruty and Lemaréhal [171, 1993], and Bonnans and Shapiro [46, 2000]. See also [137] for an online review (in French).
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
12. Local Methods for Problems with Equality Constraints
In this chapter, we present and study several local methods for minimizing a nonlinear function subject only to nonlinear equality constraints. This is the problem (P E ) represented in Figure 12.1: Ω is an open set of ℝ n , while f : Ω → ℝ and c : Ω → ℝ m are differentiable functions. Since we always assume that c is a submersion, which means that c′(x) is surjective (or onto) for all xΩ, the inequality m < n is natural. Indeed, for the Jacobian of the constraints to be surjective, we must have mn; but if m = n, any feasible point is isolated, which results in a completely different problem, for which the algorithms presented here are hardly appropriate. Therefore, a good geometrical representation of the feasible set of problem (P E ) is that of a submanifold M * of ℝ n , like the one depicted in Figure 12.1.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
13. Local Methods for Problems with Equality and Inequality Constraints
In this chapter, we consider the general minimization problem (P EI ), with equality and inequality nonlinear constraints, which we recall in Figure 13.1.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
14. Exact Penalization
The algorithms studied in chapters 12 and 13 generate converging sequences if the first iterate is close enough to a regular stationary point (see theorems 12.4, 12.5, 12.7, 13.2, and 13.4). Such an iterate is not necessarily at hand, so it is important to have techniques that allow the algorithms to force convergence, even when the starting point is far from a solution. This is known as the globalization of a local algorithm. The term is a little ambiguous, since it may suggest that it has a link with the search of global minimizers of (P EI ). This is not at all the case (for an entry point on global optimization, see [178]).
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
15. Globalization by Line-Search
There is no guarantee that the local algorithms in chapters 12 and 13 will converge when they are started at a point x 1 far from a solution x * to problem (P E ) or (P EI ). They can generate erratic sequences, which may by chance enter the neighborhood of a solution and then converge to it; but most often, the sequences will not converge. There exist several ways of damping this uncoordinated behavior and modifying the computation of the iterates so as to force their convergence. Two classes of techniques can be distinguished among them: line-search and trust-region. The former is presented in this chapter.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
16. Quasi-Newton Versions
In this chapter we discuss the quasi-Newton versions of the algorithms presented in chapters 12, 13 and 15. Just as in the case of unconstrained problems (see § 4.4), the quasi-Newton approach is useful when one does not want to compute second order derivatives of the functions defining the optimization problem to solve. This may be motivated by various reasons, which are actually the same as in unconstrained optimization: computing second derivatives may demand too much human investment, or their computing time may be too important, or the problem dimensions may not allow the storage of Hessian matrices (in the latter case, limited-memory quasi-Newton methods will be appropriate). Generally speaking, quasi-Newton methods require more iterations to converge, but each iteration is faster (at least for equality constrained problems).
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal

Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear and Quadratic Optimization

17. Linearly Constrained Optimization and Simplex Algorithm
This chapter recalls some theoretical results on linearly constrained optimization with convex objective function. In the case of a linear or quadratic objective, we show existence of an optimal solution whenever the value of the problem is finite, as well as existence of a basic solution in the linear case. Lagrangian duality theory is presented. In the linear case, existence of a strictly complementary solutions is obtained whenever the optimal value of the problem is finite. Finally, the simplex algorithm is introduced in the last part of the chapter.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
18. Linear Monotone Complementarity and Associated Vector Fields
We develop the theoretical tools necessary for the algorithms to follow. The logarithmic penalty technique allows the introduction of the central path. In the case of linear or quadratic optimization, the optimality system and the central path are suitably cast into the framework of linear monotone complementarity problems.
The analysis of linear monotone complementarity problems starts with some results of global nature, involving the partition of variables, standard and canonical forms. Then comes a discussion on the magnitude of the variables in a neighborhood of the central path. We introduce two families of vector fields associated with the central path: the affine and centralization directions. The magnitude of the components of these fields are analyzed in detail. We also discuss the convergence of the differential system obtained by a convex combination of the affine and centralization directions.
Since the results stated here are motivated by the analysis of algorithms presented afterwards, a quick reading is sufficient for a first step. Besides, a large part of the technical difficulties are due to the modified field theory, useful for problems without strict complementarity. A reader interested mainly by linear optimization (where strict complementarity always holds) can therefore skip this part .
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
19. Predictor-Corrector Algorithms
Path-following algorithms take as direction of displacement the Newton direction associated with the central-path equation. They use a parameter μ, measuring the violation of the complementarity conditions. The algorithm’s complexity is evaluated by the number of operations necessary to compute a point associated with the target measure μ .
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
20. Non-Feasible Algorithms
Let us study the resolution of the linear monotone complementarity problem without assuming the knowledge of a starting point in a given neighborhood of the central path. The algorithm is based on solving by Newton’s method the central path equations, starting from a non-feasible point. Implementing the algorithm is as simple as in the feasible case.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
21. Self-Duality
A linear problem is said to be self-dual if it coincides with its dual.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
22. One-Step Methods
In the predictor-corrector algorithms studied so far, the moves aimed at improving centralization are clearly separated from those allowing a reduction of the parameter μ. It is tempting to consider algorithmic families in which the same move reduces μ while controlling centralization.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
23. Complexity of Linear Optimization Problems with Integer Data
The aim of complexity theory is to evaluate the minimal number of operations required to compute a solution of a given problem (and to determine the corresponding algorithm). This theory is far from being closed, since the answer is not known even for solving a linear system Ax = b, with A a matrix n × n invertible: classical factorization methods have an O(n 3) complexity but certain fast algorithms have an O(n α ) complexity, with α < 2.5; the minimal value of α (proved to be larger than 2) is still unknown (see Coppersmith and Winograd [82]).
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
24. Karmarkar’s Algorithm
The algorithm of Karmarkar [179] is important from a historical point of view. In fact, it raised an impetus of research which ended in the path-following algorithms presented here. It is therefore interesting to have an idea of it.
J. Frédéric Bonnans, J. Charles Gilbert, Claude Lemaréchal, Claudia A. Sagastizábal
Numerical Optimization
verfasst von
J. Frédéric Bonnans
J. Charles Gilbert
Claude Lemaréchal
Claudia A. Sagastizábal
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Electronic ISBN
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