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Models in Software Engineering

Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2009, Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009, Reports and Revised Selected Papers




Doctoral Symposium

The Doctoral Symposium at MODELS 2009

The research of nine doctoral students was selected for presentation at the symposium from a total of nineteen submissions. All submissions received detailed feedback via written reviews by three members of the program committee. At the symposium, the research described in the accepted submissions was presented, discussed, and additional, detailed feedback was provided. This summary provides a brief overview of the symposium.

Juergen Dingel
Catch Me If You Can – Debugging Support for Model Transformations

Model-Driven Engineering places models as first-class artifacts throughout the software lifecycle requiring the availability of proper transformation languages. Although numerous approaches are available, they lack convenient facilities for supporting debugging and understanding of the transformation logic. This is because execution engines operate on a low level of abstraction, hide the operational semantics of a transformation, scatter metamodels, models, transformation logic, and trace information across different artifacts, and provide limited verification support. To tackle these problems, we propose a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) on top of Colored Petri Nets (CPNs)—called Transformation Nets—for the execution and debugging of model transformations on a high level of abstraction. This formalism makes the afore hidden operational semantics explicit by providing a runtime model in terms of places, transitions and tokens, integrating all artifacts involved into a homogenous view. Moreover, the formal underpinnings of CPNs enable comprehensive verification of model transformations.

Johannes Schoenboeck, Gerti Kappel, Angelika Kusel, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger, Manuel Wimmer
A Coordination-Based Model-Driven Method for Parallel Application Development

A continuous trend in computing is the demand for increasing computing performance. Provided that the problem space allows a solution that can be separated in parts to be computed independently, parallel systems offer a performance that exceeds that of sequential systems. To continue to improve processor performance, companies such as Intel and AMD have turned to hyper-threading and multi-core architectures [1]. With the advent of multi-core processors in the consumer market in 2005, parallel systems have moved out of the scientific niche and became a commodity [2]. Industry today is relying on hyper-threading and increasing processor count per chip as the new performance drivers since physical limitations impede further performance gains that are based on increasing clock speed and optimizing execution flow. These new performance drivers make it necessary to explicitly consider concurrency.

Stefan Gudenkauf

Educators’ Symposium

Essentials of the 5th Educators’ Symposium at MODELS 2009

This paper reports on the Educators’ Symposium held at the MODELS 2009 conference. It shortly explains motivation of the symposium, shows the accepted papers of the symposium and mentions the people who have contributed.

Robert France, Martin Gogolla
Teaching Object-Oriented Modeling and UML to Various Audiences

This paper summarizes the experience of teaching object-oriented modeling and UML for more than a decade to various audiences (academic or corporate, software developers or not). We present the characteristics of the audiences. We investigate which modeling concepts are well accepted and which are not. We identify several general problems: attendee background, object-oriented language as a prerequisite, limitations of tools, methodological issues, impact of company organizations. We propose (partial) solutions and a list of pragmatic advices.

Sabine Moisan, Jean-Paul Rigault
Teaching Modeling: Why, When, What?

This paper reports on a panel discussion held during the Educators’ Symposium at MODELS’2009. It shortly explains the context provided for the discussion and outlines the statements made by the panelists. The panelists were asked to make their statements along a number of topics relevant to teaching modeling like: Notation, Semantics, Programming, Tooling, Suitability, Metamodeling.

Jean Bezivin, Robert France, Martin Gogolla, Oystein Haugen, Gabriele Taentzer, Daniel Varro

Workshop — ACES-MB

Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACES-MB 2009)

The second ACES-MB workshop brought together researchers and practitioners interested in model-based software engineering for real-time embedded systems, with a particular focus on the use of models for architecture description and domain-specific design, and for capturing non-functional constraints. Eleven presenters proposed contributions on domain-specific languages for embedded systems, the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), analysis and formalization, semantics preservation issues, and variability and reconfiguration. In addition, a lively group discussion tackled the issue of combining models from different Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs). This report presents an overview of the presentations and fruitful discussions that took place during the ACES-MB 2009 workshop.

Stefan Van Baelen, Thomas Weigert, Ileana Ober, Huascar Espinoza, Iulian Ober
Using Higher-Order Transformations to Derive Variability Mechanism for Embedded Systems

The complexity of embedded systems can partly be handled by models and domain-specific languages (DSLs) like Matlab/Simulink. If we want to apply such techniques to families of similar systems, we have to describe their variability, i.e., commonalities and differences between the similar systems. Here, approaches from Software Product Lines (SPL) and variability modeling can be helpful. In this paper, we discuss three challenges which arise in this context: (1) We have to integrate mechanisms for describing variability into the DSL. (2) To efficiently derive products, we require techniques and tool-support that allow us to configure a particular product and resolve variability in the DSL. (3) When resolving variability, we have to take into account dependencies between elements, e.g., when removing Simulink blocks we have to remove the signals between these blocks as well. The approach presented here uses higher-order transformations (HOT), which derive the variability mechanisms (as a generated model transformation) from the meta-model of a DSL.

Goetz Botterweck, Andreas Polzer, Stefan Kowalewski
Model-Based Extension of AUTOSAR for Architectural Online Reconfiguration

In the last few years innovations in the automotive domain have been realized by software, leading to a dramatically increased complexity of such systems. Additionally, automotive systems have to be flexible and robust, e.g., to be able to deal with failures of sensors, actuators or other constituents of an automotive system. One possibility to achieve robustness and flexibility in automotive systems is the usage of reconfiguration capabilities. However, adding such capabilities introduces an even higher degree of complexity. To avoid this drawback we propose to integrate reconfiguration capabilities into AUTOSAR, an existing framework supporting the management of such a complex system at the architectural level. Elaborated and expensive tools and toolchains assist during the development of automotive systems. Hence, we present how our reconfiguration solution has been seamlessly integrated into such a toolchain.

Basil Becker, Holger Giese, Stefan Neumann, Martin Schenck, Arian Treffer

Workshop — AOM

Report of the 14th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling

This report summarizes the outcome of the 14th Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM), as part of the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems – MoDELS 2009 – in Denver, Colorado, USA, on the 4th of October 2009. The workshop brought together researchers and practitioners from two communities: aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) and software model engineering. This paper gives an overview of the accepted submissions, and summarizes the results of the discussion.

Jörg Kienzle, Jeff Gray, Dominik Stein, Thomas Cottenier, Walter Cazzola, Omar Aldawud
HiLA: High-Level Aspects for UML State Machines

UML state machines are widely used for modeling software behavior. However, state-crosscutting behaviors, such as execution history dependence or synchronization (either within a single state machine or between different concurrently active state machines) are hard to model as their realizations are dispersed throughout the state machine or even several state machines. We present High-Level Aspects (HiLA) for UML state machines to address this problem. The HiLA language facilitates modeling cross-cutting behaviors in one single place and separately from the base machines, and thus improves the modularity of the software design. It provides facilities for specifying multiple history-dependent and concurrent aspects that extend the behavior of base machines in a straightforward, mostly declarative style; it therefore allows the designer to build models at a high level of abstraction. Furthermore, HiLA provides aspects that constrain or modify the interactions between multiple independent state machines.

Gefei Zhang, Matthias Hölzl

Workshop — Model@run.time

4th International Workshop on Models@run.time

The 4th edition of the workshop Models@run.time was held at the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS). The workshop took place in the city of Denver, Colorado, USA, on the 5th of October 2009. The workshop was organised by Nelly Bencomo, Robert France, Gordon Blair, Freddy Muñoz, and Cédric Jeanneret. It was attended by at least 45 people from more than 10 countries. In this summary we present a synopsis of the presentations and discussions that took place during the 4


International Workshop on Models@run.time.

Nelly Bencomo, Gordon Blair, Robert France, Freddy Muñoz, Cédric Jeanneret
Incremental Model Synchronization for Efficient Run-Time Monitoring

The model-driven engineering community has developed expressive model transformation techniques based on metamodels, which ease the specification of translations between different model types. Thus, it is attractive to also apply these techniques for autonomic and self-adaptive systems at run-time to enable a comprehensive monitoring of their architectures while reducing development efforts. This requires special solutions for model transformation techniques as they are applied at run-time instead of their traditional usage at development time. In this paper we present an approach to ease the development of architectural monitoring based on incremental model synchronization with triple graph grammars. We show that the provided incremental synchronization between a running system and models for different self-management capabilities provides a significantly better compromise between performance and development costs than manually developed solutions.

Thomas Vogel, Stefan Neumann, Stephan Hildebrandt, Holger Giese, Basil Becker
Generating Synchronization Engines between Running Systems and Their Model-Based Views

The key point to leverage model-based techniques on runtime system management is to ensure the correct synchronization between the running system and its model-based view. In this paper, we present a generative approach, and the supporting tool, to make systematic the development of synchronization engines between running systems and models. We require developers to specify “what kinds of elements to manage” as a MOF meta-model and “how to manipulate those elements using the system’s management API” as a so-called access model. From these two specifications, our SM@RT tool automatically generates the synchronization engine to reflect the running system as a MOF-compliant model. We have applied this approach on several practical systems, including the JOnAS JEE server.

Hui Song, Yingfei Xiong, Franck Chauvel, Gang Huang, Zhenjiang Hu, Hong Mei

Workshop — MoDeVVa

MoDeVVa Workshop Summary

The MoDeVVa workshop series is focused on model-driven engineering, verification, and validation.

Levi Lúcio, Stephan Weißleder
From UML to Alloy and Back Again

Model transformations can be used to bridge the gap between design and analysis

technical spaces

by creating tools that allow a model produced by a designer to be transformed to a model suitable for conducting automated analysis. Such model transformations aim at allowing the designer to benefit from the capabilities provided by analysis tools and languages. If the designer who is not a formal method expert is to benefit from such tools, the outcome of the analysis should also be transformed to the language used in the design domain.

This paper presents a study involving UML2Alloy, a tool for transforming UML models in form of UML Class Diagrams which are augmented with OCL constraints, to Alloy. The conversion allows analysis of UML models via Alloy, to identify consistencies in those UML models. We present a method of automatically creating a model transformation based on the original UML2Alloy transformation. The new transformation converts Alloy instances into the UML equivalent Object Diagram. The current technique is presented with the help of an example, along with a prototype implementation using the QVT standard.

Seyyed M. A. Shah, Kyriakos Anastasakis, Behzad Bordbar
Generating Class Contracts from Deterministic UML Protocol Statemachines

We present an approach to generate behavioral class interfaces in the form of class contracts from UML 2.0 protocol state machines. A generated class contract defines a pre- and post-condition for each operation that triggers a transition in the state machine. We consider the following protocol SM elements: state and state invariants, simple transitions, compound transitions, high-level transitions, complete transitions, self transitions also deal with the case of firing priorities. The generated contracts can be used as a behavioral interface, for documentation, run-time checking and test case generation.

Ivan Porres, Irum Rauf

Workshop — MoDSE-MCCM

“Models and Evolution”: Joint MoDSE-MCCM 2009 Workshop on Model-Driven Software Evolution (MoDSE) Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management (MCCM)

Software Evolution is a complex and prominent key research domain in software engineering. It has been the topic of numerous international conferences, workshops, books and scientific publications. On the other hand, it represents an omnipresent recurring problem for companies and needs practical and scalable solutions to ensure software confidence, quality and reliability. This becomes even more crucial and critical in application domains where software is geographically distributed and involves multiple stakeholders (e.g., managers, designers, developers, clients) and where resources and requirements must be reconciled.

Dalila Tamzalit, Dirk Deridder, Bernhard Schätz
Model Patches in Model-Driven Engineering

Increasingly, recording the various kinds of design-level structural evolution that a system undergoes throughout its entire life-cycle is gaining relevance in software modeling and development. In this respect, an interesting and useful operation between subsequent system versions is model difference consisting in calculation, representation, and visualization.

This work shows how to generalize the application of differences, represented as first-class artefacts, in order to abstract from persistent identifiers and enable more flexibility. Then, modifications can be applied as model patches to arbitrary models according to weaving specifications.

Antonio Cicchetti, Davide Di Ruscio, Alfonso Pierantonio
Limitations of Automating Model Migration in Response to Metamodel Adaptation

In consequence of changing requirements and technological progress, modeling languages are subject to change. When their metamodels are adapted to reflect those changes, existing models might become invalid. Manually migrating the models to the adapted metamodel is tedious. To substantially reduce effort, a number of approaches have been proposed to fully automate model migration. However, the evolution of modeling languages occasionally leads to metamodel changes for which the migration of models inherently cannot be fully automated. In these cases, the migration of models requires information which is not available in the model. If such changes are ignored or circumvented, they may lead to language erosion. In this paper, we formally characterize metamodel adaptations in terms of the effort needed for model migration. We focus on the problem of metamodel changes that prevent the automatic migration of models. We outline different possibilities to systematically cope with these kinds of metamodel changes.

Markus Herrmannsdoerfer, Daniel Ratiu

Workshop — MPM

Recent Advances in Multi-paradigm Modeling

Model-Based Design of complex software systems is an activity that requires the use of different modeling formalisms, with different perspectives of the system, to cover all relevant aspects of the system, to avoid over-design, to employ manageable models and to support system integration. The comprehensive use of models in design has created a set of challenges beyond those of supporting one isolated design task. In particular, the need to combine, couple, and integrate models at different levels of abstraction and in different formalisms is posing a set of specific problems that must be tackled. Multi-Paradigm Modeling is precisely the research field to focus on developing an appropriate set of concepts and tools to address the challenge of integrating models of different aspects of a software system specified using different formalisms and eventually at different levels of abstraction. This paper summarizes the results of the 3rd Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling: Concepts and Tools.

Vasco Amaral, Cécile Hardebolle, Gabor Karsai, László Lengyel, Tihamér Levendovszky
Deriving Correspondence Relationships to Guide a Multi-view Heterogeneous Composition

The use of several view models is a common practice to specify diverse concerns of a complex system. It is advantageous to use appropriate Domain-Specific Modeling Languages, at high-level of abstraction, to specify each concern. To actually produce the running application, it is necessary not only to transform the view-models into code, but also to compose them. We can establish at the high-level

correspondence relationships

between the concepts in the different concerns, but it is a complex task to compose the models at this level because we face a

heterogeneous composition

problem. Therefore, our strategy is to independently transform each view model into a common low-level language to perform a

homogeneous composition

. We create a mechanism to automatically derive correspondence relationships between the generated low-level models. These new correspondences contain the information to guide a homogeneous composition.

Andrés Yie, Rubby Casallas, Dirk Deridder, Dennis Wagelaar
Explicit Transformation Modeling

Despite the pivotal significance of transformations for model-driven approaches, there have not been any attempts to explicitly model transformation languages yet. This paper presents a novel approach for the specification of transformations by modeling model transformation languages as domain-specific languages. For each pair of domain, the metamodel of the rules are (quasi-)automatically generated to create a language tailored to the transformation. Moreover, this method is very efficient when the transformation domains are the transformation rules themselves, which facilitates the design of higher-order transformations.

Thomas Kühne, Gergely Mezei, Eugene Syriani, Hans Vangheluwe, Manuel Wimmer

Workshop — OCL

Ninth International Workshop on the Pragmatics of OCL and Other Textual Specification Languages

This paper reports on the 9th OCL workshop held at the MODELS conference in 2009. The workshop focused on the challeges of using OCL in a variety of new scenarios (e.g., model verification and validation, code generation, test-driven development, transformations) and application domains (e.g., domain-specific languages, web semantics) in which OCL is now being used due to the increasing popularity of model-driven development processes and the important role OCL play in them. The workshop included sessions with paper presentations and a final round discussion.

Jordi Cabot, Joanna Chimiak–Opoka, Martin Gogolla, Frédéric Jouault, Alexander Knapp
Extending OCL with Null-References
Towards a Formal Semantics for OCL 2.1

From its beginnings, OCL is based on a strict semantics for undefinedness, with the exception of the logical connectives of type Boolean that constitute a three-valued propositional logic. Recent versions of the OCL standard added a second exception element, which, similar to the null references in object-oriented programming languages, is given a non-strict semantics. Unfortunately, this extension has been done in an ad hoc manner, which results in several inconsistencies and contradictions.

In this paper, we present a consistent formal semantics (based on our HOL-OCL approach) that includes such a non-strict exception element. We discuss the possible consequences concerning class diagram semantics as well as deduction rules. The benefits of our approach for the specification-pragmatics of design level operation contracts are demonstrated with a small case-study.

Achim D. Brucker, Matthias P. Krieger, Burkhart Wolff
On Better Understanding OCL Collections or An OCL Ordered Set Is Not an OCL Set

Modeling languages like UML or EMF support textual constraints written in OCL. OCL allows the developer to use various collection kinds for objects and values. OCL 1.4 knows sequences, sets, and bags, while OCL 2.0 adds ordered sets. We argue that this addition in the OCL standard was not carried out in a careful way and worsened conceptional problems that were already present previously. We discuss a new way of establishing the connection between the various collection kinds on the basis of explicitly highlighting and characterizing fundamental collection properties.

Fabian Büttner, Martin Gogolla, Lars Hamann, Mirco Kuhlmann, Arne Lindow

Workshop — NFPinDSML

The 2nd International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML2009)

Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are becoming a common-place for engineering software systems of a particular domain. Currently, the study of DSMLs is mostly dedicated to engineering languages for specification of functional properties of systems. Until now, the study of engineering DSMLs has mostly been dedicated to specifying functional properties of domain specific systems. Besides functional properties, so called non-functional properties (NFP) such as safety, reliability, timeliness and so on, have been recognized as important as functional ones. This workshop discusses integration of NFP estimation and evaluation to Model Driven Engineering with DSMLs.

Marko Bošković, Dragan Gašević, Claus Pahl, Bernhard Schätz
On the Specification of Non-functional Properties of Systems by Observation

Domain specific languages play a cornerstone role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) for representing models and metamodels. So far, most of the MDE community efforts have focused on the specification of the functional properties of systems. However, the correct and complete specification of some of their non-functional properties is critical in many important distributed application domains, such as embedded systems, multimedia applications or e-commerce services. In this paper we present an approach to specify QoS requirements, based on the observation of the system actions and of the state of its objects. We show how this approach can be used to extend languages which specify behavior in terms of rules, and how QoS characteristics can be easily expressed and reused across models. We show as well how this approach enables the specification of other important properties of systems, such as automatic reconfiguration of the system when some of the QoS properties change.

Javier Troya, José E. Rivera, Antonio Vallecillo
Modeling Heterogeneous Points of View with ModHel’X

Non-functional properties (NFPs) concern various characteristics of a system (cost, power, QoS). These characteristics belong to different models of the system, built by different design teams, using different formalisms. Therefore, the design of a system includes a number of domain-specific modeling languages, used to express various NFPs. This paper focuses on the heterogeneity of the points of view on the system. We show that “multi-view” approaches which do not rely on a unique underlying model appear better-suited to express NFPs than model weaving or annotations. However, existing approaches in this category do not yet support model execution. We introduce a multi-view extension to ModHel’X, a framework for executing heterogeneous models, and we show how it can be used for modeling non-functional characteristics of a system and expressing NFPs. A key point of this approach is that it relies only on the core concepts of ModHel’X, but uses them in new ways.

Frédéric Boulanger, Christophe Jacquet, Cécile Hardebolle, Elyes Rouis

Workshop — TWOMDE

Second Workshop on Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering (TWOMDE 2009)

The First International Workshop on Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering (TWOMDE 2009), affiliated with the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS2009), brought together researchers and practitioners from the modeling community with experience or interest in MDE and in Knowledge Representation to discuss about how the scientific and technical results around ontologies, ontology languages and their corresponding reasoning technologies can be used fruitfully in MDE.

Fernando Silva Parreiras, Jeff Z. Pan, Uwe Assmann
Towards Semantic Modeling of Network Physical Devices

One of the challenges faced by network management systems is the increasing need for consistent management of physical network equipment. We propose a solution where equipment is modelled using a dedicated Domain Specific Language (DSL) enriched with the power of logic-based reasoning services. This enables us to define a rich layer of semantics on top of the structural description of the devices. This way, the configuration related constraints are expressed declaratively, in a platform independent manner, and are managed in an integrated way with the structural model. The information kept in the model can then be used on runtime to give guidance to the system user.

Krzysztof Miksa, Marek Kasztelnik, Pawel Sabina, Tobias Walter
Using Ontology Reasoning for Reverse Engineering Design Patterns

Capturing design knowledge in large software systems reduces the complexity of understanding and reusing these systems. Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is seen by many as the new trend to cope with software complexity. MDE promotes the notion of modeling and model transformations in model-driven development. In this paper, we propose an approach that utilizes ontological modeling and reasoning for recovering design pattern information from source code. We thus provide a formal representation of the conceptual knowledge found in source code and match it to similar representation of design patterns. This proper matching is the basis for applying semantic reasoning to infer design pattern instances. We have tested our approach on multiple open source application frameworks. The results we obtained are promising and show an improvement in terms of recall and precision.

Awny Alnusair, Tian Zhao
Models in Software Engineering
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Sudipto Ghosh
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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