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2022 | Buch

Normal Surface Singularities


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This monograph provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory of complex normal surface singularities, with a special emphasis on connections to low-dimensional topology. In this way, it unites the analytic approach with the more recent topological one, combining their tools and methods.
In the first chapters, the book sets out the foundations of the theory of normal surface singularities. This includes a comprehensive presentation of the properties of the link (as an oriented 3-manifold) and of the invariants associated with a resolution, combined with the structure and special properties of the line bundles defined on a resolution. A recurring theme is the comparison of analytic and topological invariants. For example, the Poincaré series of the divisorial filtration is compared to a topological zeta function associated with the resolution graph, and the sheaf cohomologies of the line bundles are compared to the Seiberg–Witten invariants of the link. Equivariant Ehrhart theory is introduced to establish surgery-additivity formulae of these invariants, as well as for the regularization procedures of multivariable series.
In addition to recent research, the book also provides expositions of more classical subjects such as the classification of plane and cuspidal curves, Milnor fibrations and smoothing invariants, the local divisor class group, and the Hilbert–Samuel function. It contains a large number of examples of key families of germs: rational, elliptic, weighted homogeneous, superisolated and splice-quotient. It provides concrete computations of the topological invariants of their links (Casson(–Walker) and Seiberg–Witten invariants, Turaev torsion) and of the analytic invariants (geometric genus, Hilbert function of the divisorial filtration, and the analytic semigroup associated with the resolution). The book culminates in a discussion of the topological and analytic lattice cohomologies (as categorifications of the Seiberg–Witten invariant and of the geometric genus respectively) and of the graded roots. Several open problems and conjectures are also formulated.
Normal Surface Singularities provides researchers in algebraic and differential geometry, singularity theory, complex analysis, and low-dimensional topology with an invaluable reference on this rich topic, offering a unified presentation of the major results and approaches.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Apart from a general introduction, this chapter also contains a rather detailed prologue to each chapter, presenting their content and the main motivations.
András Némethi
Chapter 2. Resolution of Surface Singularities
We introduce the notions of modification and resolution. In the presence of a resolution of a surface singularity we also define the exceptional curve, the lattice generated by the irreducible exceptional curves together with its natural intersection form, its dual lattice and the Lipman cone. We prove several of their properties, e.g., the negative definiteness of the intersection from. The existence of a resolution and the uniqueness of the minimal one are also proved.
András Némethi
Chapter 3. The Link
We define the link of an isolated singularity and we state several of its properties. The most important one says that it is a complete topological invariant: it characterizes the local germ topologically. This is guaranteed by the real cone structure of a complex analytic set near any given point. We represent the link as a plumber 3-manifold, for this we review the plumbing constructions and the calculus. Several properties of the fundamental group are also listed (including Mumford’s theorem).
András Némethi
Chapter 4. Coverings
We define the purely graph-theoretical notion of cyclic covering of graphs, and in some key cases we classify all the cyclic coverings of a fixed graph. This will be applied to the case of the ramified cyclic covering of a surface singularity via the embedded resolution graph of the germ of an analytic function. In this case certain connections with the algebraic monodromy operator are also discussed. Later we generalize the presentation to the case of unramified coverings as well. The relationship with the characters of the first homology of the link is also discussed. The last part deals with general abelian coverings.
András Némethi
Chapter 5. Examples
We list several key examples, which run continuously through the chapters of the book as supporting material of the theory. The first is the family of weighted homogeneous singularities. We present the topological classification of the (underlying) Seifert 3-manifolds and also the analytic classification together with several analytic invariants. They include the Dolgachev-Pinkham-Demazure formulae for the geometric genus and the graded algebra. The second family consists of the superisolated singularities. They create a bridge between surface singularities and rational cuspidal projective curves. Then we turn to the presentation of the splice quotient singularities of Neumann and Wahl. For this we need to review the theory of splice diagrams, their basic properties and connections with plumbing graphs. Then we review both the Neumann-Wahl construction and Okuma’s construction of the splice quotients. As the last family of germs, we consider singularities with non-degenerate Newton principal part. We discuss both the classical case of hypersurfaces and also the case of Weil divisors in affine toric singularities.
András Némethi
Chapter 6. Invariants Associated with a Resolution

For a fixed resolution of a normal surface singularity we discuss the following objects: the local divisor class group, Q-Cartier divisors and the analytic and topological canonical coverings, natural line bundles, properties of the canonical cycle, the Gorenstein and Q-Gorenstein properties, different vanishing theorems (e.g. the local version of the Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem and Lipman’s vanishing theorem), properties of the cohomology cycle, base point freeness, the structure of topological and analytical monoids, local Zariski decomposition, geometric genus and its reinterpretation in terms of differential forms via Laufer’s duality, upper and lower bounds of the geometric genus, plurigenera. We also add subsections in which we relate resolution invariants with smoothing invariants (formulae of Laufer, Durfee, Wahl), we present classical formulae regarding Milnor number and signature of Brieskorn and suspension hypersurface singularities. We also review some famous conjectures and open problems regarding hypersurface singularities. The last part reviews the theory of spin and spinc structures for manifolds of dimension 3 and 4.

András Némethi
Chapter 7. The Artin–Laufer Program
This chapter has three parts. The first one presents rational singularities: the geometric genus of these germs vanishes. We provide several of their topological characterisations, and we list several key examples as well. Then we examine elliptic singularities. We start with Kulikov and minimally elliptic germs, but then we discuss the general (weakly) elliptic cases as well. We define elliptic sequences, and we examine their role in the topological and analytical classifications. We compute several invariants (e.g., Hilbert-Samuel function, geometric genus). The last part is devoted to ‘weighted cubes’. This is a preparatory part for the lattice cohomology chapter. Here we prove all the homotopical statements, which will guarantee that the lattice cohomology is a well-defined cohomology theory. For this we need to prove several homotopy equivalences, in the homotopy retractions the guiding combinatorial objects are the generalized versions of the computation sequences of Laufer.
András Némethi
Chapter 8. Multivariable Divisorial Filtration

We define the multivariable Hilbert and Poincaré series associated with a resolution of a normal surface singularity. They are related with a multi-indexed linear subspace arrangement associated with the analytic type of the germ. We consider their topological analogues as well: a multivariable series defined from the resolution graph and also a topological multi-indexed linear subspace arrangement. Using them we can extend the multivariable series to their motivic versions. In certain geometric situation we can reduce the variables of the series in such a way that the reduced series contains essentially the same amount of information. In several classical cases even the one-variable reduction might carry crucial information (e.g., in the case of weighted homogeneous germs). We define the ‘periodic constant’ of one-variable series by ‘regularization of their coefficients’, via the quasipolynomial of the counting function of the coefficient. This numerical invariant serves as ‘correction term’ in several inductive additivity formulae.

In this chapter we examine the family of splice quotient singularities as well, and we compute the most important analytic invariants (Poincaré series, multiplicity, analytic semigroup) topologically from their graph.

András Némethi
Chapter 9. Topological Invariants. The Seiberg–Witten Invariant

We fix the link of a normal surface singularity and we assume that it is a rational homology sphere. Via its plumbing graph we introduce and discuss several topological invariants: the Casson invariant (whenever the link is an integral homology sphere), the Casson-Walker invariant, the Turaev torsion and the Seiberg-Witten invariant. Then we recall a conjecture of Nicolaescu and the author (in the literature known as the Seiberg-Witten Invariant Conjecture), which relates the Seiberg-Witten invariant of the link to the (equivariant) geometric genus. We prove it for several cases (e.g., rational, weighted homogeneous, splice quotient germs), and we provide also counterexamples (certain superisolated germs).

András Némethi
Chapter 10. Ehrhart Theory and the Seiberg–Witten Invariant
We study the Seiberg-Witten invariant via the multivariable (combinatorial) series associated with the resolution graphs and certain quasipolynomials associated with them. In this discussion the methods of the multivariable equivariant Ehrhart theory will have a key role. Firstly, the ‘periodic constant’ of certain series will serve as correction terms in additivity formule for the Seiberg-Witten invariant. Furthermore, the Ehrhart-Macdonald-Stanley type reciprocity laws will provide unexpected (lattice point counting) formulae for the Seiberg-Witten invariant.
András Némethi
Chapter 11. Lattice Cohomology

First, we define the lattice cohomology associated with the link of a normal surface singularity, whenever this link is a rational homology sphere. This is done via the lattice of a resolution and well-chosen (Riemann-Roch type) weight functions of the lattice points. We prove that it is independent of all the choices and depends only on the link. The author conjectured that it is isomorphic as a graded Z[U]-module with the Heegaard Floer homology of the link (this fact was verified recently by Zemke). In parallel we define the graded roots as well as improvements of the 0-homology group. We compute this topological lattice cohomology and the graded root in many examples (star shaped graphs, surgery 3-manifolds). Then we discuss its path-version, the path lattice cohomology and its relationship with the geometric genus (of any analytic structure). In the final part we discuss the ‘analytic pair’: the analytic lattice cohomology. We compare the two theories and we test their behavior with respect to certain analytic deformations.

András Némethi
Chapter 12. Appendix. Complex Analytic Spaces
Here we collect some general material regarding local analytic germs, which might help the reader during the reading of the book.
András Némethi
Normal Surface Singularities
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András Némethi
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