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Production of Steel 26KHMFBA Continuously-Cast Billets for Casing Pipes Using Barium-Containing Master Alloy

verfasst von: D. V. Rutskii, V. V. Morozov, N. A. Zyuban, M. V. Kirilichev, M. S. Nikititin, R. M. Voitenko, V. O. Kharlamov

Erschienen in: Metallurgist | Ausgabe 5-6/2022


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Results are provided for a study showing the effect of Ca- and Ba-containing master alloys on composition and contamination with non-metallic inclusions during extra-furnace treatment and casting (ladlefurnace → evacuation → continuous casting) of steel 26KhMFBa. It is shown that the use of SK30wire master alloy after evacuation, leads to incomplete modification of refractory aluminate inclusions. Use of SKBa15Rwire master alloy before evacuation leads to maximum reduction in overall contamination with readily melting inclusions. Successive treatment with SKBa15Rwire and SK30wire after evacuation leads to maximum reduction in refractory aluminate inclusions. Presence of low-melting inclusions is preferable since this type of inclusion is not deposited on the walls of a pouring nozzle and does not adversely affect contamination of continuous casting machines and products obtained from them. Evaluation of the quality of continuously-cast billet metal shows that use of a Ba-containing master alloy makes it possible to prepare a continuously-cast billet with maximum contamination by inclusions not exceeding 1.0 points.

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Production of Steel 26KHMFBA Continuously-Cast Billets for Casing Pipes Using Barium-Containing Master Alloy
verfasst von
D. V. Rutskii
V. V. Morozov
N. A. Zyuban
M. V. Kirilichev
M. S. Nikititin
R. M. Voitenko
V. O. Kharlamov
Springer US
Erschienen in
Metallurgist / Ausgabe 5-6/2022
Print ISSN: 0026-0894
Elektronische ISSN: 1573-8892

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