2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Recognition and Location of Objects in the Visual Field of a UAV Vision System
verfasst von : Robert Bieda, Krzysztof Jaskot, Karol Jędrasiak, Aleksander Nawrat
Erschienen in: Vision Based Systemsfor UAV Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The aim of this methodology is a creation of a tool which would be able to construct a system for obtaining information about objects in the environment of the vision system. This task is often defined as a sub-task in the primary problem of the automatic task completion by the independent UAV unit using visual information. These researches concerned the construction of the algorithm that would allow the location of objects in the image, identification of these objects by classifying them into appropriate (previously declared) class, and then sending information about the sought-after object / objects to the actuator control module.