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2023 | Buch

Smart Meters

Artificial Intelligence to Support Proactive Management of Energy Consumption


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This book describes how equipping buildings with smart meters is essential to improve the prediction of energy costs within smart grids and to help end-users optimize their energy consumption. The book reports on the results of the European Upper Rhine INTERREG project SMI (, which connects artificial intelligence and micro-societal analysis. It is multidisciplinary and addresses the following aspects: social, legal, environmental, and technical.

One of the critical factors for the transition to clean energy is the flexibility of the power grid. A flexible grid requires a constant flow of data about the network and its demand, on the other hand, clients who produce electrical power can be an active part of the demand response if they are informed about the power needs of their appliances.

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” This common management saying also holds true for the area energy efficiency. Without a clear understanding of their energy usage, consumers are unable to take steps to reduce their consumption. A new intelligent tool is presented that is more efficient, safe, and acceptable to consumers. Thus, users of this intelligent tool will be able to collect and predict the consumption of their electrical appliances. At the same time, the consumption information is anonymized before being relayed to the energy supplier. In parallel, new techniques will be evaluated to improve the security level of the smart meter in a highly heterogeneous network.


Advanced State of the Art Based of Smart Meters Already Carried Out in Europe and Around the World
According to Wüstenhagen et al. (Energy Policy 35:2683–2691, 2007), acceptance of novel energy technologies is defined in terms of perceptions of stakeholders involved in energy projects. Sauter and Watson (Energy Policy 35:2770–2779, 2007) state that acceptance varies from passive approval with novel technologies to more active approval as for example by promoting a technology. The adoption of new technologies is defined as the action of purchasing and using a technology (Broman Toft et al. in Appl. Energy 134:392–400, 2014), which can be measured through market share. Additionally, multiple studies include behavior towards energy technologies in their definition of acceptance. Therefore, many studies focused on different drivers, which have a strong effect on the acceptance of technologies, especially related to the subjects of technology, innovation management, and social psychology.
Manuel Saroos, Ines Gavrilut, Barbara Koch
Understanding the Sources of Consumer Resistance to Smart Meters
Today, the combined effect of the development of renewable energy and the electrification of the whole economy, including vehicles, is radically transforming the operation of the grid. As a result, demand-side management is increasingly attracting policy attention as a tool to increase the flexibility of electricity systems and reduce the carbon intensity of electricity supply (Parish et al. in Energy Policy 138, 2020). Specifically, demand-side management, which is active management by the user of their own demand, is expected to result in two main consumption practices (Batalla-Bejerano et al. in Energy Policy 144(C), 2020): (1) load shifting—shifting consumption from peak to off-peak periods and, (2) strategic conservation—performing activities that reduce energy consumption. In this context, smart meters, as they are implemented in households at a large scale, constitute the cornerstone of demand-side management while improving the efficiency and reliability of the overall electricity system.
Virginie Schweitzer, Françoise Simon
Smart Meters Improved by NILM
This chapter introduces the technology Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring, a method for detecting individual devices from an overall signal. Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring is the research area and technology behind the third word in Smart Meter Inclusive. Using a smart meter as a basis and recognizing devices from the power profile is not a new idea but is now a common practice in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. However, the approach to creating such a measurement system that classifies appliances in real-time and visualizes the results directly on the same hardware has not been existing yet. Smart Meter Inclusive wants to leave the data where it originates, namely with the customer. This book chapter provides a general overview of non-intrusive load monitoring to be able to understand the basics and approaches for such a Smart Meter Inclusive.
Daniel Weißhaar, Pirmin Held, Dirk Benyoucef, Djaffar Ould Abdeslam, Patrice Wira, Jean Mercklé
Helping Consumers to Reduce Their Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gases Emissions: What Tool to Develop?
Facing climate change, caused by human activities largely through the combustion of fossil fuels which releases large quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, we need to transform our energy systems. Energy saving is an essential condition for this transformation. Indeed, intermittent renewable energies cannot replace fossil fuels to meet the current energy demand yet without developing expensive and polluting storage infrastructures. These objectives are included in the agenda of the European Union. This agenda is declined in France with the law of 17 August 2015 on the energy transition for green growth (LTECV Loi relative à la Transition Energétique pour la Croissance Verte). Participation of all territorial stakeholders is expected to foster less energy-intensive practices and, in general, more sustainable behaviors to reduce impacts on the biosphere over the long term (Lutzenhiser and Gossard in Lifestyle, status and energy consumption. In: Proceedings of the 2000 ACEEE summer study of energy efficiency in buildings, pp. 8–207, 2000; Brisepierre in Les conditions sociales et organisationnelles du changement des pratiques de consommation d’énergie dans l’habitat collectif, 2011; Brounen et al. in Eur Econ Rev 56:931–945, 2012).
Lorris Tabbone, Nadège Blond, Clémentine Ciani, Jona Prifti, Paul Salze, Sandrine Glatron
Security Aspects of Smart Meter Infrastructures
One of the most important questions about smart metering systems for the end users is their data privacy and security. Indeed, smart metering systems provide a lot of advantages for distribution system operators (DSO), but functionalities offered to users of existing smart meters are still limited and society is becoming increasingly critical. Smart metering systems are accused of interfering with personal rights and privacy, providing unclear tariff regulations which not sufficiently encourage households to manage their electricity consumption in advance. In the specific field of smart grids, data security appears to be a necessary condition for consumer confidence without which they will not be able to give their consent to the collection and use of personal data concerning them.
Ivan Rigoev, Axel Sikora
Legal Aspects of the Smart Meter Rollout in Germany, France and Switzerland
Smart meters are a central component of the heat transition, understood as the energy transition of heat, embedded in the goal of all political-administrative levels to achieve the Paris climate targets. This text examines the legal framework for the deployment and rollout of smart meters in Germany, France and Switzerland de lege lata and, on this basis, elaborates proposals for better cross-border smart meter networking.
Sarah Herrmann, Michael Frey
Technoeconomic Review of Smart Metering Applications
This chapter represents a brief version of the survey conducted in Efkarpidis et al. (Smart metering applications: main concepts and business models. Springer Nature Switzerland, Basel, pp. 1–164, 2022), where various smart metering applications are presented from the point of different stakeholders’ interests.
Nikolaos Efkarpidis, Martin Geidl, Holger Wache, Marco Peter, Marc Adam
Smart Meters
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Djaffar Ould Abdeslam
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