2008 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Space entrepreneurship — Status & prospects
verfasst von : Joerg Kreisel, Burton H. Lee
Erschienen in: Yearbook on Space Policy 2006/2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Space entrepreneurship is a frequent topic of discussion today within the European and United States space communities. To someobservers, space and entrepreneurial activities may not seem complementary at first glance, particularly when considered in the context of a sector which seems to prefer costly large-scale projects under government leadership or major multinational companies building highly complex space systems. Traditional space industry typically views the entrepreneurial space sector with a combination of hope and interest in new approaches to technology development and risk management, as well as with misunderstanding, suspicion and unmet expectations. While some space startup firms have experienced market and financial success, outside of the satellite industry, most to date have not brought major changes to the space industry and the broader economy as expected.