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2021 | Buch

The Brauer–Grothendieck Group


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This monograph provides a systematic treatment of the Brauer group of schemes, from the foundational work of Grothendieck to recent applications in arithmetic and algebraic geometry.

The importance of the cohomological Brauer group for applications to Diophantine equations and algebraic geometry was discovered soon after this group was introduced by Grothendieck. The Brauer–Manin obstruction plays a crucial role in the study of rational points on varieties over global fields. The birational invariance of the Brauer group was recently used in a novel way to establish the irrationality of many new classes of algebraic varieties. The book covers the vast theory underpinning these and other applications.

Intended as an introduction to cohomological methods in algebraic geometry, most of the book is accessible to readers with a knowledge of algebra, algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory at graduate level. Much of the more advanced material is not readily available in book form elsewhere; notably, de Jong’s proof of Gabber’s theorem, the specialisation method and applications of the Brauer group to rationality questions, an in-depth study of the Brauer–Manin obstruction, and proof of the finiteness theorem for the Brauer group of abelian varieties and K3 surfaces over finitely generated fields. The book surveys recent work but also gives detailed proofs of basic theorems, maintaining a balance between general theory and concrete examples.

Over half a century after Grothendieck's foundational seminars on the topic, The Brauer–Grothendieck Group is a treatise that fills a longstanding gap in the literature, providing researchers, including research students, with a valuable reference on a central object of algebraic and arithmetic geometry.


Chapter 1. Galois cohomology
This chapter begins with a brief introduction to quaternion algebras over a field. After recalling basic facts about central simple algebras, we discuss the classical definition of the Brauer group of a field as the group of equivalence classes of such algebras.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 2. Étale cohomology
The étale topology and étale cohomology were invented by A. Grothendieck in the beginning of the 1960s, after Serre’s discussion of local triviality for principal homogeneous spaces in algebraic geometry [Ser58].
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 3. Brauer groups of schemes
There are two ways to generalise the Brauer group of fields to schemes. The definition of the Brauer group of a field k in terms of central simple algebras over k readily extends to schemes as the group of equivalence classes of Azumaya algebras.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 4. Comparing the two Brauer groups, II
Our goal here is to give a very short list of key concepts with some examples. This is not a replacement for a detailed introduction to stacks, algebraic spaces and gerbes, for which we refer the reader to a very helpful book by Olsson [Ols16], see also [SGA1, Ch. VI], [Gir71], [LMB00], [Vis05] and [Stacks].
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 5. Varieties over a field
In this chapter we describe a general technique for computing the Brauer group Br(X) of a smooth projective variety X over a field k.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 6. Birational invariance
In Section 6.2 we discuss the unramified Brauer group Brnr(K/k) ⊂ Br(K) of a field K over a subfield k.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 7. Severi–Brauer varieties and hypersurfaces
There is a natural bijection between the isomorphism classes of Severi–Brauer varieties over a field k and the isomorphism classes of central simple k-algebras.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 8. Singular schemes and varieties
This chapter collects and in some cases rectifies a number of results in the literature on the Brauer groups of singular schemes.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 9. Varieties with a group action
One often needs to study the Brauer group of a variety equipped with an action of an algebraic group. The Brauer groups of connected algebraic groups themselves as well as the Brauer groups of their homogeneous spaces can be explicitly computed in many cases.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 10. Schemes over local rings and fields
The object of study in this chapter is a scheme over the spectrum of a local ring. A separately standing Section 10.1 is devoted to the concepts of a split variety and of a split fibre of a morphism of varieties; for arithmetic applications and for the calculation of the Brauer group, split fibres should be considered as ‘good’ or ‘non-degenerate’.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 11. The Brauer group and families of varieties
In this section we are interested in the following question. Let f : XY be a dominant morphism of regular integral varieties over a field k.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 12. Rationality in a family
The specialisation method allows one to prove that a smooth and projective complex variety is not stably rational if it can be deformed into a mildly singular variety Z whose desingularisation has a non-zero Brauer group.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 13. The Brauer–Manin set and the formal lemma
This is the first of three chapters which deal with applications of the Brauer group to the arithmetic of varieties over a number field k.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 14. Are rational points dense in the Brauer–Manin set?
Let X be a smooth, projective and geometrically integral variety over a number field k.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 15. The Brauer–Manin obstruction for zero-cycles
The Brauer–Manin obstruction for rational points has an analogue for zerocycles, which conjecturally governs the local-to-global principle for zero-cycles on an arbitrary smooth projective variety X – unlike the original version for rational points! For example, one expects that if X has a family of local zerocycles of degree 1 for each completion of k, which is orthogonal to Br(X) with respect to the Brauer–Manin pairing, then X has a global zero-cycle of degree 1.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
Chapter 16. The Tate conjecture, abelian varieties and K3 surfaces
M. Artin and J. Tate conjectured that the Brauer group of a smooth and projective variety over a finite field is a finite group. In his 1966 Bourbaki talk [Tate66b], Tate explains why this is analogous to the conjectured finiteness of the Tate–Shafarevich group of an abelian variety over a number field.
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Alexei N. Skorobogatov
The Brauer–Grothendieck Group
verfasst von
Prof. Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Prof. Alexei N. Skorobogatov
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