2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
UMH’s Navigation in Unknown Environment Based on Pre-planning Guided Fuzzy Reactive Controller
verfasst von : Xuzhi Chen, Zhijun Meng, Wei He, Kaipeng Wang
Erschienen in: Contemporary Challenges and Solutions in Applied Artificial Intelligence
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Based on the sparse A* search (SAS) algorithm and the fuzzy reactive controller (FRC), we propose a novel method of navigation for unmanned helicopter (UMH). SAS is applied to plan a path based on the understanding of pre-known obstacles and threats. Then, UMH travels along the path. The FRC, which employs Mamdani fuzzy methodology and pre-planning guidance, monitors the flight process and react in real-time to keep flight safety. Simulations show that this approach can find out the global optimal path and realize dynamic navigation for UMH.