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2014 | Buch

Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments

6th International Conference, VSTTE 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 17-18, 2014, Revised Selected Papers


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This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments, VSTTE 2014, held in July 2014 at the Vienna Summer of Logic in Vienna, Austria, as an associated event of CAV 2014, the International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification. The 17 revised full papers presented were carefully revised and selected from 34 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as analysis: understanding and explanation; verification frameworks and applications; hypervisors and dynamic data structures; certification; real time and security.



Analysis: Understanding and Explanation

A Logical Analysis of Framing for Specifications with Pure Method Calls
For specifying and reasoning about object-based programs it is often attractive for contracts to be expressed using calls to pure methods. It is useful for pure methods to have contracts, including read effects to support local reasoning based on frame conditions. This leads to puzzles such as the use of a pure method in its own contract. These ideas have been explored in connection with verification tools based on axiomatic semantics, guided by the need to avoid logical inconsistency, and focusing on encodings that cater for first order automated provers. This paper adds pure methods and read effects to region logic, a first-order program logic that features frame-based local reasoning and a proof rule for linking of clients with modules to achieve end-to-end correctness by modular reasoning. Soundness is proved with respect to a conventional operational semantics and using the extensional (i.e., relational) interpretation of read effects.
Anindya Banerjee, David A. Naumann
Efficient Refinement Checking in VCC
We propose a methodology for carrying out refinement proofs across declarative abstract models and concrete implementations in C, using the VCC verification tool. The main idea is to first perform a systematic translation from the top-level abstract model to a ghost implementation in VCC. Subsequent refinement proofs between successively refined abstract models and between abstract and concrete implementations are carried out in VCC. We propose an efficient technique to carry out these refinement checks in VCC. We illustrate our methodology with a case study in which we verify a simplified C implementation of an RTOS scheduler, with respect to its abstract Z specification. Overall, our methodology leads to efficient and automatic refinement proofs for complex systems that would typically be beyond the capability of tools such as Z/Eves or Rodin.
Sumesh Divakaran, Deepak D’Souza, Nigamanth Sridhar
Formalizing Semantics with an Automatic Program Verifier
A common belief is that formalizing semantics of programming languages requires the use of a proof assistant providing (1) a specification language with advanced features such as higher-order logic, inductive definitions, type polymorphism, and (2) a corresponding proof environment where higher-order and inductive reasoning can be performed, typically with user interaction.
In this paper we show that such a formalization is nowadays possible inside a mostly-automatic program verification environment. We substantiate this claim by formalizing several semantics for a simple language, and proving their equivalence, inside the Why3 environment.
Martin Clochard, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Claude Marché, Andrei Paskevich

Verification Frameworks and Applications

The KeY Platform for Verification and Analysis of Java Programs
The KeY system offers a platform of software analysis tools for sequential Java. Foremost, this includes full functional verification against contracts written in the Java Modeling Language. But the approach is general enough to provide a basis for other methods and purposes: (i) complementary validation techniques to formal verification such as testing and debugging, (ii) methods that reduce the complexity of verification such as modularization and abstract interpretation, (iii) analyses of non-functional properties such as information flow security, and (iv) sound program transformation and code generation. We show that deductive technology that has been developed for full functional verification can be used as a basis and framework for other purposes than pure functional verification. We use the current release of the KeY system as an example to explain and prove this claim.
Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Daniel Bruns, Richard Bubel, Christoph Gladisch, Sarah Grebing, Reiner Hähnle, Martin Hentschel, Mihai Herda, Vladimir Klebanov, Wojciech Mostowski, Christoph Scheben, Peter H. Schmitt, Mattias Ulbrich
A Verification Condition Visualizer
When first encountering data structures such as arrays, records and pointers programmers are often presented with pictorial representations. The use of pictures to describe data structures and their manipulation can help establish basic programming intuitions. The same is true of program proving where pictures are frequently used within the literature to describe program properties such as loop invariants. Here we report on an experimental prototype of a visualization tool that translates verification conditions arising from array based code into pictures. While initially aimed at supporting teaching, we have received positive feedback from users of program proving tools within industry.
Madiha Jami, Andrew Ireland
Formal Modeling and Verification of CloudProxy
Services running in the cloud face threats from several parties, including malicious clients, administrators, and external attackers. CloudProxy is a recently-proposed framework for secure deployment of cloud applications. In this work, we present the first formal model of CloudProxy, including a formal specification of desired security properties. We model CloudProxy as a transition system in the UCLID modeling language, using term-level abstraction. Our formal specification includes both safety and non-interference properties. We use induction to prove these properties, employing a back-end SMT-based verification engine. Further, we structure our proof as an “assurance case”, showing how we decompose the proof into various lemmas, and listing all assumptions and axioms employed. We also perform some limited model validation to gain assurance that the formal model correctly captures behaviors of the implementation.
Wei Yang Tan, Rohit Sinha, John L. Manferdelli, Sanjit A. Seshia
Using Promela in a Fully Verified Executable LTL Model Checker
In [4] we presented an LTL model checker whose code has been completely verified using the Isabelle theorem prover. The intended use of the checker is to provide a trusted reference implementation against which more advanced checkers can be tested. However, in [4] the checker still used an ad-hoc, primitive input language.
In this paper we report on CAVA, a new version of the checker accepting inputs written in Promela. We report on our formalization of the Promela semantics within Isabelle, which is used both to define the semantics and to automatically generate code for the computation of the state space. We report on experiments on standard Promela benchmarks comparing our tool to SPIN.
René Neumann

Hypervisors and Dynamic Data Structures

Store Buffer Reduction with MMUs
A fundamental problem in concurrent system design is to identify flexible programming disciplines under which weak memory models provide sequential consistency. For x86-TSO, a suitable reduction theorem for threads that communicate only through shared memory was given by Cohen and Schirmer [6]. However, this theorem cannot handle programs that edit their own page tables (e.g., memory managers, hypervisors, and some device drivers). The problem lies in the interaction between a program thread and the hardware MMU that provides its address translation: the MMU cannot be treated as a separate thread (since it implicitly communicates with the program thread), nor as part of the program thread itself (since MMU reads do not snoop the store buffer of the program thread). We generalize the Cohen-Schirmer reduction theorem to handle programs that edit their page tables. The added conditions prevent the MMU of a thread from walking page table entries owned by other threads.
Geng Chen, Ernie Cohen, Mikhail Kovalev
Separation Kernel Verification: The Xtratum Case Study
The separation kernel concept was developed as an architecture to simplify formal kernel security verification, and is the basis for many implementations of integrated modular avionics in the aerospace domain. This paper reports on a feasibility study conducted for the European Space Agency, to explore the resources required to formally verify the correctness of such a kernel, given a reference specification and a implementation of same. The study was part of an activity called Methods and Tools for On-Board Software Engineering (MTOBSE) which produced a natural language Reference Specification for a Time-Space Partitioning (TSP) kernel, describing partition functional properties such as health monitoring, inter-partition communication, partition control, resource access, and separation security properties, such as the security policy and authorisation control. An abstract security model, and the reference specification were both formalised using Isabelle/HOL. The C sources of the open-source XtratuM kernel were obtained, and an Isabelle/HOL model of the code was semi-automatically produced. Refinement relations were written manually and some proofs were explored. We describe some of the details of what has been modelled and report on the current state of this work. We also make a comparison between our verification explorations, and the circumstances of NICTA’s successful verification of the sel4 kernel.
David Sanán, Andrew Butterfield, Mike Hinchey
Separation Algebras for C Verification in Coq
Separation algebras are a well-known abstraction to capture common structure of both permissions and memories in programming languages, and form the basis of models of separation logic. As part of the development of a formal version of an operational and axiomatic semantics of the C11 standard, we present a variant of separation algebras that is well suited for C verification.
Our variant of separation algebras has been fully formalized using the Coq proof assistant, together with a library of concrete implementations. These instances are used to build a complex permission model, and a memory model that captures the strict aliasing restrictions of C.
Robbert Krebbers
Automatically Verified Implementation of Data Structures Based on AVL Trees
We propose verified implementations of several data structures, including random-access lists and ordered maps. They are derived from a common parametric implementation of self-balancing binary trees in the style of Adelson-Velskii and Landis trees. The development of the specifications, implementations and proofs is carried out using the Why3 environment. The originality of this approach is the genericity of the specifications and code combined with a high level of proof automation.
Martin Clochard


A Model for Capturing and Replaying Proof Strategies
Modern theorem provers can discharge a significant proportion of Proof Obligation (POs) that arise in the use of Formal Method (FMs). Unfortunately, the residual POs require tedious manual guidance. On the positive side, these “difficult” POs tend to fall into families each of which requires only a few key ideas to unlock. This paper outlines a system that can lessen the burden of FM proofs by identifying and characterising ways of discharging POs of a family by tracking an interactive proof of one member of the family. This opens the possibility of capturing ideas — represented as proof strategies — from an expert and/or maximising reuse of ideas after changes to definitions. The proposed system has to store a wealth of meta-information about conjectures, which can be matched against previously learned strategies, or can be used to construct new strategies based on expert guidance.
Leo Freitas, Cliff B. Jones, Andrius Velykis, Iain Whiteside
A Certifying Frontend for (Sub)polyhedral Abstract Domains
Convex polyhedra provide a relational abstraction of numerical properties for static analysis of programs by abstract interpretation. We describe a lightweight certification of polyhedral abstract domains using the Coq proof assistant. Our approach consists in delegating most computations to an untrusted backend and in checking its outputs with a certified frontend. The backend is free to implement relaxations of domain operators (i.e. a subpolyhedral abstract domain) in order to trade some precision for more efficiency, but must produce hints about the soundness of its results. Previously published experimental results show that the certification overhead with a full-precision backend is small and that the resulting certified abstract domain has comparable performance to non-certifying state-of-the-art implementations.
Alexis Fouilhe, Sylvain Boulmé
Certification of Nontermination Proofs Using Strategies and Nonlooping Derivations
The development of sophisticated termination criteria for term rewrite systems has led to powerful and complex tools that produce (non)termination proofs automatically. While many techniques to establish termination have already been formalized—thereby allowing to certify such proofs—this is not the case for nontermination. In particular, the proof checker  was so far limited to (innermost) loops. In this paper we present an Isabelle/HOL formalization of an extended repertoire of nontermination techniques. First, we formalized techniques for nonlooping nontermination. Second, the available strategies include (an extended version of) forbidden patterns, which cover in particular outermost and context-sensitive rewriting. Finally, a mechanism to support partial nontermination proofs further extends the applicability of our proof checker.
Julian Nagele, René Thiemann, Sarah Winkler

Real Time and Security

Parameterized Model-Checking of Timed Systems with Conjunctive Guards
In this work we extend the Emerson and Kahlon’s cutoff theorems for process skeletons with conjunctive guards to Parameterized Networks of Timed Automata, i.e. systems obtained by an apriori unknown number of Timed Automata instantiated from a finite set \(U_1, \dots , U_n\) of Timed Automata templates. In this way we aim at giving a tool to universally verify software systems where an unknown number of software components (i.e. processes) interact with continuous time temporal constraints. It is often the case, indeed, that distributed algorithms show an heterogeneous nature, combining dynamic aspects with real-time aspects. In the paper we will also show how to model check a protocol that uses special variables storing identifiers of the participating processes (i.e. PIDs) in Timed Automata with conjunctive guards. This is non-trivial, since solutions to the parameterized verification problem often relies on the processes to be symmetric, i.e. indistinguishable. On the other side, many popular distributed algorithms make use of PIDs and thus cannot directly apply those solutions.
Luca Spalazzi, Francesco Spegni
Timed Refinement for Verification of Real-Time Object Code Programs
We introduce a refinement-based notion of correctness for verification of interrupt driven real-time object code programs, called timed refinement. The notion of timed refinement is targeted at verification of low-level object code against high-level specification models. For timed refinement, both the object code (implementation) and the specification are encoded as timed transition systems. Hence, timed refinement can be construed as a notion of equivalence between two timed transition systems that allows for stuttering between the implementation and specification, and also allows for the use of refinement maps. Stuttering is the phenomenon where multiple but finite transitions of the implementation can match a single transition of the specification. Refinement maps allow low-level implementations to be verified against high-level specification models. We also present a procedure for checking timed refinement. The proposed techniques are demonstrated with the verification of object code programs of six case studies from electric motor control applications.
Mohana Asha Latha Dubasi, Sudarshan K. Srinivasan, Vidura Wijayasekara
What Gives? A Hybrid Algorithm for Error Trace Explanation
When a program fails, the cause of the failure is often buried in a long, hard-to-understand error trace. We present a new technique for automatic error localization, which formally unifies prior approaches based on computing interpolants and minimal unsatisfiable cores of failing executions. Our technique works by automatically reducing an error trace to its essential components—a minimal set of statements that are responsible for the error, together with key predicates that explain how these statements lead to the failure. We prove that our approach is sound, and we show that it is useful for debugging real programs.
Vijayaraghavan Murali, Nishant Sinha, Emina Torlak, Satish Chandra
Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
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Dimitra Giannakopoulou
Daniel Kroening
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