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2022 | Buch

Workflow Automation

Basic Concepts of Workflow Automation in the Graphic Industry


Über dieses Buch

This book describes basic concepts of workflow automation in the graphic industry. There are three main chapters: Scope of Workflows in the Printing Industry, Production Models, and Metadata Formats. The book does not describe the individual business and production steps for manufacturing a print product. Rather, it describes what kinds of data exchanges are required between management software and devices to make the automatic execution of processes possible. Primary audience is students studying graphic arts technology, practitioners at printing and manufacturing companies, and computer scientists who are interested in workflow-related matters. It is presupposed that the reader is familiar with the basic procedures in the printing industry as well with the fundamental concepts of IT technology.


1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the subject of the booklet and defines the basic terms that will be used in the following chapters. In particular, we discuss the differences between “workflow automation” and “automation of individual processes” in print production. In addition, workflow automation is briefly considered in the context of “Print 4.0” and “Smart Factory”.
Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
2. Scope of Workflows
This chapter is about the scope of workflow automation in the printing industry. In many cases, the term workflow refers only to the work steps within production, i.e. in prepress, press and postpress. In this chapter, however, the term is defined more broadly, which is why areas such as the print buyer’s purchase order, materials management, or shipping the finished products to the customer are included.
Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
3. Workflow Models
This chapter is about models that are used in print production. First, flowcharts are briefly discussed. After that, the most common model for print production is explained in detail: the process-resource model. This model is the basis of the Job Definition Format (JDF) that is the topic of Chap. 4.
Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
4. Metadata Formats
This chapter is about metadata formats in the printing industry. First, XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) is presented. Subsequently, the Job Definition Format (JDF), the Exchange JDF (XJDF) and PrintTalk are explained in detail. The last section of this chapter is about PDF metadata relevant for print production. The basic concepts of these metadata formats are explained, not so much the actual coding.
Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
Workflow Automation
verfasst von
Thomas Hoffmann-Walbeck
Electronic ISBN
Print ISBN

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