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2022 | Buch

Creativity in the Design Process

Exploring the Influences of the Digital Evolution


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The book provides an open and integrated view of creativity in the 21st century, merging theories and case studies from design, psychology, sociology, computer science and human-computer interaction, while benefitting from a continuous dialogue within a network of experts in these fields. An exploratory journey guides the reader through the major social, human, and technological changes that influence human creative abilities, highlighting the fundamental factors that need to be stimulated for creative empowerment in the digital era. The book reflects on why and how design practice and design research should explore digital creativity, and promote the empowerment of creativity, presenting two flexible tools specifically developed to observe the influences on multiple level of human creativity in the digital transition, and understand their positive and negative effect on the creative design process. An overview of the main influences and opportunities collected by adopting the two tools are presented with guidelines to design actions to empower the process for innovation.



Adapting To a Changed World

Chapter 1. Socio-Technical Dimension: Beyond a Digital Transition
The history of human society has been characterized by a continuous evolution and enhancement of capabilities—stemming from new tools and techniques—which have made possible over time liberation from restrictions and the acquisition of freedom.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 2. The Human Dimensions: Co-evolution Between Humans and Digital Technologies
With the evolution of technology, society and human skills evolve accordingly. Indeed, throughout human evolution, our cognitive systems have been altered by the advent of technological inventions such as primitive tools, spoken language, and writing.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 3. Digital Creativity Dimension: A New Domain for Creativity
With the world rapidly changing, creativity has become more fundamental than ever before. We live in a society where those who do not creatively innovate risk failure in any of several domains of life. With the growth of computational power of machines and the development of Artificial Intelligent systems, the centrality of humans in the future will strongly rely on their creativity skills that are therefore transforming from a sort of scientific singularity reserved to a few talented individuals to an essential ability for the entire human species.
Carmen Bruno

Design Exploring Digital Creativity

Chapter 4. Design and Digital Creativity
In a transitional era, design must analyse current transformations and play the role of a guide by enabling and empowering people’s creative and design skills and mindsets, educating them to face the complex digital transformations of our century. People should understand how to cooperate with digital technologies, apply these creative abilities to adopt digital opportunities to generate innovation to meet future global challenges, and to manage the threats spawned by the digital evolution.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 5. Digitally Enhanced Humans: Positive and Negative Influences on Creativity
This chapter provides an overview of the most discussed positive and negative influences on creativity in the digital age, analysed through a design-oriented perspective. The factors of creativity collected have been used as a lens to determine whether a specific impact brought by the digital transition could be considered as influencing creativity or not. Indeed, the influences are emerging as a consequence of the co-evolution between human beings and digital technologies and their widespread adoption by society, as discussed in Chap. 2.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 6. Digitally Enhanced Creativity: Augmenting Creativity Through Digital Technologies
The literature in Human Computer Interaction presents and offers many digital systems, tools, and environments specifically designed to enhance individual and collaborative creative processes.
Carmen Bruno

Design Contribution: Tools to Observe and Empower Creativity in the Digital Age

Chapter 7. Creativity 4.0 Model: A Conceptual Model to Observe Digital Creativity
The first part of the book shed light on the co-evolution between digital technology and human beings, highlighting the emerging impacts brought by the digital transition on the multiple human components—cognitive, conative, affective, and behavioural.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 8. Creativity 4.0 Framework: A Design Framework for Creative Empowerment
The identified factors of digital creativity, if developed and stimulated, can increase the degree of creativity throughout the multiple phases of the creative process. The creative process is intrinsic to design (Bonnardel et al. 2018). When an individual commences a design process to solve a design challenge, this automatically activates the mental creative process influenced by attitudes, motivation, skills, emotion, and the social environment. There is therefore a relationship between the factors of digital creativity and the design process.
Carmen Bruno
Chapter 9. The Role of Design in a Transitional Era
In the twenty-first century, a new design discipline is emerging in response to changes in the economic, cultural, and social environments. Public and private institutions are increasingly facing more complex and ambiguous issues mainly due to the increased diffusion of digital technologies and, as a consequence, there is a growing desire among designers to tackle society’s most pressing problems.
Carmen Bruno
Creativity in the Design Process
verfasst von
Dr. Carmen Bruno
Electronic ISBN
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