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Empirical Software Engineering

Ausgabe 4/2023

Inhalt (26 Artikel)

Seeing confusion through a new lens: on the impact of atoms of confusion on novices’ code comprehension

José Aldo Silva da Costa, Rohit Gheyi, Fernando Castor, Pablo Roberto Fernandes de Oliveira, Márcio Ribeiro, Baldoino Fonseca

Learning to Predict Code Review Completion Time In Modern Code Review

Moataz Chouchen, Ali Ouni, Jefferson Olongo, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer

Understanding the role of external pull requests in the NPM ecosystem

Vittunyuta Maeprasart, Supatsara Wattanakriengkrai, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Christoph Treude, Kenichi Matsumoto

Open Access

An empirical study of the systemic and technical migration towards microservices

Hamdy Michael Ayas, Philipp Leitner, Regina Hebig

Open Access

Completing Function Documentation Comments Using Structural Information

Adelina Ciurumelea, Carol V. Alexandru, Harald C. Gall, Sebastian Proksch

A graph-based code representation method to improve code readability classification

Qing Mi, Yi Zhan, Han Weng, Qinghang Bao, Longjie Cui, Wei Ma

Open Access

Rubbing salt in the wound? A large-scale investigation into the effects of refactoring on security

Emanuele Iannone, Zadia Codabux, Valentina Lenarduzzi, Andrea De Lucia, Fabio Palomba

Open Access

A new, evidence-based, theory for knowledge reuse in security risk analysis

Katsiaryna Labunets, Fabio Massacci, Federica Paci, Katja Tuma

18 million links in commit messages: purpose, evolution, and decay

Tao Xiao, Sebastian Baltes, Hideaki Hata, Christoph Treude, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto

Come for syntax, stay for speed, understand defects: an empirical study of defects in Julia programs

Akond Rahman, Dibyendu Brinto Bose, Raunak Shakya, Rahul Pandita

Open Access

Refactoring with domain-driven design in an industrial context

Ozan Özkan, Önder Babur, Mark van den Brand

Open Access

Inferring test models from user bug reports using multi-objective search

Giovani Guizzo, Francesco Califano, Federica Sarro, Filomena Ferrucci, Mark Harman

The impact of a continuous integration service on the delivery time of merged pull requests

João Helis Bernardo, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Uirá Kulesza, Christoph Treude

Much more than a prediction: Expert-based software effort estimation as a behavioral act

Patrícia G. F. Matsubara, Igor Steinmacher, Bruno Gadelha, Tayana Conte

Open Access

Improving hardware/software interface management in systems of systems through documentation as code

Héctor Cadavid, Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Paris Avgeriou

Understanding code smells in Elixir functional language

Lucas Francisco da Matta Vegi, Marco Tulio Valente

Open Access

Program transformation landscapes for automated program modification using Gin

Justyna Petke, Brad Alexander, Earl T. Barr, Alexander E. I. Brownlee, Markus Wagner, David R. White

Open Access

Towards a taxonomy of Roxygen documentation in R packages

Melina Vidoni, Zadia Codabux

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