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20.10.2022 | Original Research

Knowledge mining and social dangerousness assessment in criminal justice: metaheuristic integration of machine learning and graph-based inference

verfasst von: Nicola Lettieri, Alfonso Guarino, Delfina Malandrino, Rocco Zaccagnino

Erschienen in: Artificial Intelligence and Law | Ausgabe 4/2023


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One of the main challenges for computational legal research is drawing up innovative heuristics to derive actionable knowledge from legal documents. While a large part of the research has been so far devoted to the extraction of purely legal information, less attention has been paid to seeking out in the texts the clues of more complex entities: legally relevant facts whose detection requires to link and interpret, as a unified whole, legal information and results of empirical analyses. This paper presents an ongoing research that points in this direction, trying to devise new ways to support public prosecutors in assessing the dangerousness of individuals and groups under investigation, an activity that precisely relies on the cross-sectional evaluation of legal and empirical data. A knowledge mining strategy will be outlined that lines up, into a single metaheuristic model, information extraction, network-based inference, machine learning and visual analytics. We will focus, in particular, on the integration of graph-based inference and machine learning methods used both to support classification tasks and to explore new forms of man-machine cooperation. Experiments made involving public prosecutors from the Italian Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate and using data from real investigations have not only shown the potentialities of our approach but also offered an opportunity to reflect on the role we could assign to AI when thinking about the future of legal science and practice.

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Question-answering system “searches a large text collection and finds a short phrase or sentence that precisely answers a user’s question” (Prager et al. 2000). “Information extraction is the problem of summarizing the essential details particular to a given document” (Freitag 2000). Argument mining involves “automatically identifying argumentative structures within document texts, for instance, premises and conclusion, and relationships between pairs of arguments” (Mochales and Moens 2011).
The platform is available online at: https://​bit.​ly/​3xPqZp5.
The expression refers to immediately executive measures of coercion resulting in limitations of personal freedom or the availability of goods. Taken against the suspect or the accused, such measures aim: i) to prevent inappropriate behaviours during the course of the criminal proceeding (e.g. attempts to conceal evidence or to commit other crimes); ii) to ensure the enforcement of the judgement.
A network is a graph with N nodes (or vertices) and L links (or edges) that can be weighted or unweighted, directed or not. An unweighted network is completely represented by its \(N \times N\) adjacency matrix A such that \(A_{ij} = 1\) if node i points to node j, \(A_{ij} = 0\) otherwise. Let \(G = (V, E)\) be a graph, where V is the set of its vertices such that \(|V| = N\) and E is the set of its edges such that \(|E| = L\). Edges may denote just the connection among two nodes or being labeled with a number indicating weights assigned to them. In the latter case, the graph is called weighted. As we will see in more details later on, there are many important properties through which a network can be described (Freeman 1978; Kolaczyk and Csárdi 2014), providing interesting insight of the phenomenon the network is representing.
CrimeMiner has been developed with a Java Spring backend and JavaScript libraries for visualization (e.g., D3.js). The platform handles data about social relations that are represented as a graph \(G = (V,E)\), where \(V =\) individuals included in the case files, and \(E =\) relation, such as telephone or environmental tappings. The architecture of the tool is described in detail in Appendix B. The tool is available at https://​bit.​ly/​3xPqZp5.
See, COM(2021) 206 final - Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union legislative act: “Actions by law enforcement authorities involving certain uses of AI systems are characterised by a significant degree of power imbalance and may lead to surveillance, arrest or deprivation of a natural person’s liberty, as well as other adverse impacts on fundamental rights guaranteed in the Charter”.
2012/C 326/02.
It should be emphasized that, given the experimental nature of the project, we have taken into consideration only a part of the indexes currently provided for by the Criminal Code to assess criminal dangerousness. Certain categories of offenses like, to give just an example, conspiracy provided by art. 110 of Italian Criminal Code, were not taken into consideration. Likewise, we put apart psychological indexes of social dangerousness which are also considered by Italian Criminal law (art. 203) and this for two reasons: (i) as highlighted in Sect. 2, they can only be assessed with the contribution of specific categories of domain experts like psychiatrists or psychologists; (ii) social dangerousness PPs deal with in fighting organized crime is usually unrelated to mental illnesses.
A parser developed in PERL language extracts entities (e.g., names, surnames, telephone number, charges, records) from requests for provisional orders.
Individuals are represented as nodes in a graph, and the social activities (e.g. telephone calls) are represented as edges.
The Network Analysis component applies NA metrics (Page Rank, centrality measures, community detection algorithms) to infer relevant properties of the criminal network and individuals therein.
An anonymized excerpt of the original document is available at https://​bit.​ly/​3NZBg7y.
The distinction between episodic and prolonged crimes becomes “computationally” relevant in our system only and exclusively to the extent it turns into different levels of severity of the legal sanctions provided by the Criminal Code and that, together with other variables, impacts the assessment of criminal dangerousness.
The concept of variable importance is an implicit feature selection performed by RF with a random subspace methodology, and it is assessed by the Gini impurity criterion index (Ceriani and Verme 2012). The Gini index is a measure of the prediction power of variables in regression or classification, based on the principle of impurity reduction (Strobl et al. 2007); it is non-parametric and therefore does not rely on data belonging to a particular type of distribution. For a binary split (dangerous and not dangerous), the Gini index of a node n is calculated as \(Gini(n)=1-\sum _{j=1}^2(p_j)^2\), where \(p_j\) is the relative frequency of class j in the node n. For splitting a binary node in the best way, the improvement in the Gini index should be maximized. In other words, a low Gini (i.e., a greater decrease in Gini) means that a particular predictor feature plays a greater role in partitioning the data into the two classes. Thus, the Gini index can be used to rank the importance of features for a classification problem.
Cross-validation is primarily used to estimate the skill of a machine learning model on unseen data. As clearly explained in James et al. (2013), “this approach involves randomly dividing the set of observations into k groups, or folds, of approximately equal size. The first fold is treated as a validation set, and the method is fit on the remaining k-1 folds”.
We first assess the normality distribution of data with Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) with a significance level of \(\alpha = 0.05\), obtaining p value = 0.33. We then use the t-student test (Japkowicz and Shah 2011). We assume the difference between the groups is zero with the significance level .05 and check if we can reject this hypothesis.
We remark that the implementation of the classifiers RF, J48, MLP, Logistic, and NB compared in Sect. 5.5 did not provide an update functionality, hence they were not suitable for this task. Instead, SVM has been discarded due to its lower performance in accuracy (see Table 5).
See the above-mentioned Proposal COM (2021) 206 final.
The reference is to the open letter Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial intelligence published by the Future of Life Institute. The letter is available online at: https://​futureoflife.​org/​ai-open-letter/​.
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Knowledge mining and social dangerousness assessment in criminal justice: metaheuristic integration of machine learning and graph-based inference
verfasst von
Nicola Lettieri
Alfonso Guarino
Delfina Malandrino
Rocco Zaccagnino
Springer Netherlands
Erschienen in
Artificial Intelligence and Law / Ausgabe 4/2023
Print ISSN: 0924-8463
Elektronische ISSN: 1572-8382