2014 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Microchannel Modification to Enhance the Sensitivity in Biosensors
verfasst von : M. Gomez-Aranzadi, M. Mujika, S. Arana, D. Hansford
Erschienen in: XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013
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A new method to enhance surface-sample interaction in biosensors through the integration of specific 3D microfluidic structures is reported. The method was tested in a device with a microfluidic network made from PDMS. The fabrication process included a specific double layer mold fabrication. As an intermediate step before the tests, a self assembled monolayer (SAM), that acted as a ligand for 252 nm amine-coated fluorescent polystyrene particles, was formed on top of a gold layer. The results showed that the microstructures produced an increase of coverage of the sensitive areas up to 15% which, combined with the property of the SAM of binding with different biological molecules, provide a potential method to enhance the sensitivity of a wide range of multipurpose microfluidic biosensors.