Ausgabe 2-3/2024
Inhalt (14 Artikel)
Future Powertrain Topologies for Fuel Cell-based Commercial Vehicles
Christian Bessai, Gunnar Prietzsch, Hubertus Christian Ulmer, Ralf Wascheck
Reformed Methanol Fuel Cells as a Climate-neutral Drive for Commercial Vehicles
Gero Walter, Karl Huber, Grazian Eller, Mirjam Meusel
Companies + Products
Methods for the Development of Safe Lithium-ion Batteries
Julian Zoller, Hoomaan Khosravi Hafshejani, Morten Kronstedt, Mareike Schmalz
Electric Rear Axle Drive Unit for High-performance Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
Martin Maaßen, Andreas Kutschke, Thomas Heuser, Thomas Huch
Advantages of Inverter Integration for Electric Drive Systems
Naser Almohammed, Dominik Gerstgarbe, Sachin Laad
Injection, Mixing and Auto-ignition of E-fuels for Compression Ignition Engines
Lukas Strauß, Lukas Weiß, Sebastian Rieß, Michael Wensing
Internal Combustion Engines for the Fight Against Climate Warming
Christian Herbst-Dederichs