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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Open Innovation Ecosystems

verfasst von : Daniel Fasnacht

Erschienen in: Open Innovation Ecosystems

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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As you learned from open innovation, partnerships accumulate knowledge and accelerate innovation and growth. This chapter builds upon research on value constellations and their role in open innovation as an iterative model with the ability to create an ecosystem. Innovation ecosystems that are strategically linked through firms to foster idea generation, co-development, and collaboration are explored. As the first, we introduce hyperconnectivity as one fundamental principle of a business ecosystem. The world is a digital network, characterized by interdependency and integrated collaboration where everything is connected; hence, value can only be generated through mutual exchange. We broaden your understanding about how incumbents, fintechs, and non-banks link financial services to create ecosystems that provide clients with new experiences and added value. By tapping into the Silicon Valley, as the case in point of a geographically localized ecosystem, we introduce other smaller ecosystems relevant for blockchain like the Crypto Valley. The financial inclusion ecosystem of Ningbo represents how they can be used for developing rural areas and fighting poverty. In contrast, highly efficient cross-sector ecosystems that emerged in China out of the Alibaba Group became rapidly a dominant force also because they are increasingly spreading their reach into financial services. Based on our research, we discuss the success factors of an ecosystem incubator. Like economic areas and alliances, we assume global competition will be between ecosystems without borders of sectors rather than companies.

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Moore, J.F. (1996) The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems. Harper Business, New York; Iansiti, M. and Levien, R. (2004) The Keystone Advantage: What the New Dynamics of Business Ecosystems Mean for Strategy, Innovation and Sustainability, Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge.
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Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. Free Press, NY.
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European Commission (2016) Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World – a vision for Europe. European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.
Professor Noriaki Kano of Tokyo Rika University developed a method to analyse customer needs that became popular under the term Kano model. There are a number of articles on the Internet that discuss the Kano customer satisfaction model and how to do survey and analysis, e.g. “Kano’s methods for understanding customer-defined quality”, Center for Quality of Management Journal, 2(4), Special Issue, Fall 1993.
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) http://​eit.​europa.​eu/​eit-community/​eit-digital
PWC (2017) Tomorrow’s world: A revolution begins [online 1 March 2018] https://​www.​pwc.​com/​tomorrows-world
Chesbrough, H., Vanhaverbeke, W. and West, J. (2006) Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford University Press.
See articles by Quinn for the “controlled chaos” and Mintzberg for the flexible organization in Mintzberg, H., Quinn, J.B. and Goshal, S. (1995) The strategy process. Prentice-Hall, London.
Capgemini (2017) “The discipline of innovation”. Capgemini Digital Transformation Institute.
The Economic Times (2017) “Digital economy can reach $4 trillion in 4 years: Tech sector to government”, 18 June 2017.
Fasnacht, D. (1999) MBA programme, in collaboration with the Haas School of Business at the University of Berkeley. Visited startups and large firms and interviewed entrepreneurs in the Bay Area to find out what makes up the ecosystem.
Silicon Valley Leadership Group (2016) “Silicon Valley CEO Survey: Business Climate 2016” [online 10 March 2018] http://​svlg.​org/​wp-content/​uploads/​2016/​04/​2016_​CEO_​Survey_​Booklet_​Digital_​pdf
Source: Tom Lyons, Chair, Communications Working Group, Crypto Valley Association.
Source: ICO Tracker [online 20 March 2018] https://​www.​coindesk.​com/​ico-tracker/​
Zhou, J. and Xiuping, H. (2018) in collaboration with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Financial Inclusion Centre, https://​www.​nottingham.​edu.​cn/​en/​world/​world.​aspx
Ibid 23.
Source: 8–9 June 2017 Investor Day, Hangzhou, China, includes presentations and videos of the Chairman and CEO’s of the business units; company website; direct contacts to Ant Financial Services senior management.
McKinsey & Company (2017) “Competing in a world of sectors without borders”, McKinsey Quarterly, July 2017.
Open Innovation Ecosystems
verfasst von
Daniel Fasnacht

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